SPRUIG8J January 2018 – March 2024
The compiled object files do not have initialization tables. The variables are initialized directly. The linker, when the --rom_model option is specified, creates C auto initialization table and the initialization data. The linker creates both the table and the initialization data in an output section named .cinit.
The autoinitialization table has the following format:
The linker defined symbols __TI_CINIT_Base and __TI_CINIT_Limit point to the start and end of the table, respectively. Each entry in this table corresponds to one output section that needs to be initialized. The initialization data for each output section could be encoded using different encoding.
The load address in the C auto initialization record points to initialization data with the following format:
8-bit index | Encoded data |
The first 8-bits of the initialization data is the handler index. It indexes into a handler table to get the address of a handler function that knows how to decode the following data.
The handler table is a list of 32-bit function pointers.
The encoded data that follows the 8-bit index can be in one of the following format types. For clarity the 8-bit index is also depicted for each format.