SPRUIL1D May 2019 – December 2024 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
The DSI Return Path behaves like a slave, by collecting data from the DPHY receive interface when the DPHY is configured to accept a transmission from the peripheral. The RP receives 6 signals from the DPHY (see Table 12-1496).
The data (and trigger) reception is inactive if the DPHY PPI direction signal is at low level. When it is active, data is received using the RX ESC_CLK clock (the clock is transmitted with the data itself - see D-PHY protocol description from MIPI) and may stop if there is a pause in the data transmission but data is generated on clock falling edge. New data is available on rx_data_esc on a rising edge of the clock, if both rx_lpdt_esc and rx_valid_esc are asserted.
Signal Name | I/O | From/To | Description |
rx_lpdt_esc | I | DPHY | Escape Low Power data receive mode This active high signal is asserted to indicate that the lane module is in low-power data receive mode. While in this mode, received data bytes are driven onto the rx_data_esc output when rx_valid_esc is active. The lane module remains in this mode with rx_lpdt_esc asserted until a stop state is detected on the lane interconnect. |
rx_trigger_esc(3:0) | I | DPHY | Escape trigger received These signals indicate that an escape trigger command has been received. Only one of these signals will be asserted at any time and the signal will remain asserted until the lane module returns to stop state. |
rx_data_esc(7:0) | I | DPHY | Escape receive data For Low Power data receptions, this eight-bit value is driven by the D-PHY and is valid on rising edges of rx_clk_esc with rx_valid_esc asserted. The bit connected to rx_data_esc[0] was received first. |
rx_valid_esc | I | DPHY | Escape receive data valid This signal indicates that the lane module is driving data on rx_data_esc and expects the protocol layers to take the data at the current rising edge of rx_clk_esc. There is no "ready" signal to throttle the receive data. |
stop_state_dl1 | I | DPHY | Lane is in stop state This signal indicates that the lane module is in STOP state. Note that this signal is asynchronous to any clock in the protocol interface. |
direction | I | DPHY | Lane direction. When this signal is high, the lane module is in receive mode. When direction is low, the lane module is in transmit mode. (Mnemonic: 1 = Input, 0 = Output.) |
The received data messages are identified as one of two possible types:
Trigger messages are passed almost directly to the register (reg_req = reg_trigger = 1 and reg_rd_data<3:0> equals to trigger value during one clock cycle). However, triggers are decoded to see if they are a TE trigger or an acknowledge with no error.
Read Packet: When data is received, the system waits for the 4 bytes of the HEADER, and performs an ECC correction (if it is enabled) and then decodes the packets.
The following cases are considered when the system performs the ECC check:
The DSI is designed to support multi-peripheral integration, the virtual channel of the received packet is also stored in register using reg_vc port.
The application FW layer is responsible of all read actions, it is assumed that once a read is requested, application reads return packets before requesting other read actions. Based on this assumption, the receive FIFO implemented in the register block is cleared each time a read action is started. All data not read before the new read command are lost.
A re-initialization of the return path is also performed using register access on reg_init_rp.
All errors related to short or long received data packets should be captured in the register when the direction changes (to capture all errors at the same time and not generate several errors and possibly several interrupts on the same reverse transaction). As soon as an error is detected on a packet, the error must be recorded and maintained up to the end of the packet transfer.
The maximum packet size supported by the DSI return path is 16 bytes. If a longer packet is received, only the first 16 bytes are available (by register way) for application.