SPRUIL1D May 2019 – December 2024 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
A buffer underrun occurs when a serializer is instructed by the transmit state-machine to transfer data from XRBUFn buffer to XRSRn shift register, but the corresponding (MCASP_XBUFn ) register has not yet been written with new data since the last time the transfer occurred. When this occurs, the transmit state-machine sets the XUNDRN flag.
An underrun is checked only once per time slot. The MCASP_XSTAT[0] XUNDRN flag is set when an underrun condition occurs. Once set, the XUNDRN flag remains set until the host explicitly writes 1 to the XUNDRN bit to clear it (n = 0 to 15).
In DIT mode, a pair of BMC zeros is shifted out when an underrun occurs (four bit times at 128 bfs). By shifting out a pair of zeros, a clock can be recovered on the receiver. To recover, reset the MCASP and restart with the proper initialization.
In TDM mode, during an underrun case, a long stream of zeros are shifted out causing the DACs to mute. To recover, reset the MCASP and start again with the proper initialization.