SPRUIL1D May 2019 – December 2024 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
The VP supports a look up table to perform the gamma correction on the display output. The look up table consists of 3 separate 1024x10-bit memories, which are indexed by the R/G/B component data.
When performing gamma correction, the selected encoded pixel values from the video pipeline path are sent by the overlay manager to the gamma curve table. Each R/G/B component of the encoded pixel value is used as a pointer to index 1 out of 1024x30-bit gamma curve entries in the table. Each 10-bit component is replaced with the 10-bit table value corresponding to R, G, or B component. The table is loaded by software via the DSS0_VP_GAMMA_TABLE_0 through DSS0_VP_GAMMA_TABLE_15 registers. It is possible to load only part of the table.
The sequence to load the gamma table is:
Software needs to ensure that there is no visible effect when modifying the table, since it is not under hardware control.
The usage of the gamma table is activated by setting DSS0_VP_CONFIG[2] GAMMAENABLE register bit.
Figure 12-594 describes the format of one of the gamma curve values in the memory.