SPRUIL1D May 2019 – December 2024 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
The gain maps are stored MxM downsampled, and needs to be upsampled by LSC hardware before being applied to the image. It is most straightforward for LSC hardware if the gain map grid is aligned with the input image grid. In other words, first pixel corresponds to a source gain map entry, rather than being upsampled through interpolation. Figure 6-64 shows the LSC active region with respect to the gain map grid.
For an image frame size of W x H (output and input are the same size), gain map being MxN downsampled, it needs (ceil(W / M) +1) x (ceil(H / N) +1) x 4 bytes of gain map data in internal memory. (NOTE: ceil() represents the ceiling function).
The LSC module is designed to work with Bayer CFA data, having R/Gr/Gb/B color pattern. For the purpose of functional description, we assume Red is the starting color, but any other starting color or other 2x2 color pattern can be used by placing color gains in the appropriate order.
Each 2x2 set of samples is stored together in a 32-bit word in internal memory. For R/Gr/Gb/B CFA data and 8x8 downsampled gains, the following order is assumed in the gain map, using conventional (X, Y) coordinate notation (X for horizontal offset and Y for vertical offset):
Line 0: R(0,0) Gr(1,0) Gb(0,1) B(1,1) R(8,0) Gr(9,0) Gb(8,1) B(9,1)...
Line 1: R(0,8) Gr(1,8) Gb(0,9) B(1,9) R(8,8) Gr(9,8) Gb(8,9) B(9,9)...