Instantiated in MAIN domain are twelve instances of Multi-channel Audio Serial Ports (MCASP). The MCASP is a general purpose audio serial port, useful for Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM) stream, Inter-IC Sound (I2S) protocols reception and transmission as well as for an inter-component Digital audio Interface Transmission (DIT). MCASP modules have the following main features:
- Connection to audio Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC), Digital-to-Analog Converters (DAC), codec, digital audio interface receiver (DIR), and Sony/Philips Digital Interface (S/PDIF) transmit physical layer components
- Support of Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) interface, Inter-IC Sound (I2S) standard, and similar bit stream formats
- Integrated Digital Audio Interface Transmitter (DIT) with enhanced channel status/user data RAM and support of S/PDIF, IEC60958-1, and AES-3 formats
- Independent serializer for each AXRx channel of each MCASP module
- A single 32-bit buffer per serializer for transmit and receive operations
- Support for two DMA requests (one per direction)
- One transmit and one receive interrupt requests common for all serializers
- Two independent clock generator modules for transmit and receive allowing the MCASP to receive and transmit at different rates
- Support of up to 16 serial data pins on MCASP0, up to 12 serial data pins on MCASP1, 8 serial data pins on MCASP10 and MCASP11, 6 serial data pins on MCASP2 and 4 serial data pins on MCASP3 through MCASP9
- MCASP10 internal connection to eDP for audio support