SPRUIL1D May 2019 – December 2024 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
The procedure in Table 12-516 configures the transmit frame format unit of the MCASP module for TDM slots transmission.
Step | Register/Bit Field/Programming Model | Value |
Configure the desired TDM-slot size | MCASP_XFMT[7-4] XSSZ | 0x-(1) |
Set data mask out value (0x0000 0000 - 0xFFFF FFFF). | MCASP_XMASK[31-0] XMASK | 0x-(2) |
Select a padding value for masked-out bits. | MCASP_XFMT[14-13] XPAD | 0x- |
Specify position (0x0-0x1F) of the bit in corresponding register MCASP_XBUFn which value to be used as a pad value in case MCASP_XFMT[14-13] XPAD = 0x2 (n = 0 to 15). | MCASP_XFMT[12-8] XPBIT | 0x- |
Rotate data right by a multiple of 4- bit positions. | MCASP_XFMT[2-0] XROT | 0x-(3) |
transmitted stream bit order (LSB- or MSB-first). Must be set to 0x1 for an I2S stream transmission (MSB-first). | MCASP_XFMT[15] XRVRS | 0x-(3) |
Specify a delay between frame sync and first bit of data in number of bits. Must be set to 0x1 for an I2S stream transmission. | MCASP_XFMT[17-16] XDATDLY | 0x- |
Select to write data to active serializers transmit buffers using peripheral (CFG) or DATA port | MCASP_XFMT[3] XBUSEL | 0x- |