SPRUIL1D May 2019 – December 2024 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
The DAC and INDAC are used to transfer data. In order to access the volatile and non-volatile configuration registers, the legacy SPI Status register, other status/protection registers as well as to perform ERASE functions, a separate software controller is required. The software triggered instruction generator (STIG) is controlled using the OSPI_FLASH_CMD_CTRL_REG register by setting up the command to issue to the FLASH device. This is a generic controller and can be used to perform any instruction that the FLASH device supports from the extended SPI protocol. Configuring of instructions which are not compliant with the specification of the FLASH devices could cause unpredicted behavior of the controller. OSPI_FLASH_CMD_CTRL_REG[31-24] CMD_OPCODE_FLD bits should be set different than OSPI_DEV_INSTR_RD_CONFIG_REG[7-0] RD_OPCODE_NON_XIP_FLD and OSPI_DEV_INSTR_WR_CONFIG_REG[7-0] WR_OPCODE_FLD. The OSPI_FLASH_CMD_CTRL_REG[0] CMD_EXEC_FLD bit is used to trigger the command. The OSPI_FLASH_CMD_CTRL_REG[1] CMD_EXEC_STATUS_FLD bit is used by software to poll the status of the command execution. For reads, when the command has been serviced (OSPI_FLASH_CMD_CTRL_REG[1] CMD_EXEC_STATUS_FLD bit toggles from '1' to '0'), up to 8 bytes of read data will be placed in the OSPI_FLASH_RD_DATA_LOWER_REG and OSPI_FLASH_RD_DATA_UPPER_REG registers. For writes, the write data should be placed in the OSPI_FLASH_WR_DATA_LOWER_REG and OSPI_FLASH_WR_DATA_UPPER_REG registers.
The completion of the STIG request could be also checked by the corresponding interrupt. The occurrence of the interrupt indicates that the controller is ready for accepting a new STIG request. It is important to notice that completion of the STIG request is not equivalent to completion it on SPI side. For example, if STIG is configured to the command composed of data to transmit only, the data is taken from the corresponding STIG register fields and put into TX FIFO. Since all bytes to write are known, another STIG can be queued before serialization of the current one is completed.
There are some commands which require more data to read than 8 bytes (for example READ ID command). The additional STIG Memory Bank is implemented in order to accommodate these data if needed. The STIG Memory Bank (internal component of the controller) is controlled by the OSPI_FLASH_CMD_CTRL_REG[2] STIG_MEM_BANK_EN_FLD bit. If enabled, the number of bytes to read in the STIG is extended to 16 as defined in OSPI_FLASH_COMMAND_CTRL_MEM_REG[18-16] NB_OF_STIG_READ_BYTES_FLD bit field. It should be noticed that there are very few commands (excluding Read Array ones which are not intended to handle effectively in STIG Mode but in Direct/Indirect Modes) which return more than 8 bytes to the controller. If the maximum number of bytes to Read using STIG in target application is less than 16, the depth of the STIG Memory Bank can be set smaller what will result in saving noticeable part of the area.
If number of bytes to Read in the STIG as defined in OSPI_FLASH_COMMAND_CTRL_MEM_REG[18-16] NB_OF_STIG_READ_BYTES_FLD bit field exceeds the Memory Bank Depth, remaining data will overwrite the STIG Memory Bank locations starting from its first address. OSPI_FLASH_RD_DATA_LOWER_REG and OSPI_FLASH_RD_DATA_UPPER_REG keep the last 8 bytes read from the Flash Device by STIG when Memory Bank is enabled. Therefore, for example if the user wants to get just a single byte from the last eight bytes from long continuous read SPI data chain, there is no need to access the STIG Memory Bank since data can be taken from suitable Flash Command Read Data register. In order to access more data, STIG Memory Bank data request should be triggered. It is controlled by the OSPI_FLASH_COMMAND_CTRL_MEM_REG and works analogously for triggering STIG from the functional standpoint.
OSPI_FLASH_COMMAND_CTRL_MEM_REG[0] TRIGGER_MEM_BANK_REQ_FLD bit is used to trigger the command, bit OSPI_FLASH_COMMAND_CTRL_MEM_REG[1] MEM_BANK_REQ_IN_PROGRESS_FLD is used by software to poll the status of the command execution. When MEM_BANK_REQ_IN_PROGRESS_FLD bit toggles from "1" to "0", the byte of data (OSPI_FLASH_COMMAND_CTRL_MEM_REG[15-8] MEM_BANK_READ_DATA_FLD) from corresponding address (OSPI_FLASH_COMMAND_CTRL_MEM_REG[28-20] MEM_BANK_ADDR_FLD bit field) is valid. The address should be set before triggering the STIG Memory Bank access. Each consecutive STIG access overwrites the previous one so that the data in the Bank always fit into byte index fetched by the last STIG access configured to use the Memory Bank (first incoming byte equals first address of the Memory Bank, second one equals the second address and so on).