Enhanced GPIO. The other functional mode setting for PRUs EGPIOs at PRU_ICSSG top registers level are:
- ICSSG_GPCFG0_REG / ICSSG_GPCFG1_REG[14] PRU0_GPO_MODE (PRU0 or PRU1) — to select between direct or serial EGPO output mode of operation.
- ICSSG_GPCFG0_REG / ICSSG_GPCFG1_REG[25] PRU0_GPO_SH_SEL (PRU0 or PRU1) — to select between the EGPO shadow registers 0 and 1 used for output shifting. For more details, refer to the Section, Enhanced General-Purpose Module Outputs (R30).
- ICSSG_GPCFG0_REG / ICSSG_GPCFG1_REG[1-0] PRU0_GPI_MODE (PRU0 or PRU1) — selects the EGPI input mode of operation ( selects between "direct input", "parallel capture", "28-bit shift" or "MII_RT" modes).
- ICSSG_GPCFG0_REG / ICSSG_GPCFG1_REG[13] PRU0_GPI_SB (PRU0 or PRU1) — start bit event status for 28-bit EGPI input shift mode. For more details, refer to the Section, Enhanced General-Purpose Module Inputs (R31).
PRUs scratchpad (SPAD) memory priority and configuration related bits are located in the ICSSG_SPP_REG register.