The ECAP module includes the following features:
- 32-bit time base counter
- 4 × 32 bits event time-stamp capture registers
(ECAP_CAP1 through ECAP_CAP4)
- 4-stage sequencer (Mod4 counter), synchronized to external events (ECAPx pin edges)
- Independent edge polarity (rising / falling edge) selection for all 4 sequenced time-stamp capture events
- Input capture signal pre-scaling (from 1 to 16)
- One-shot compare register (2 bits) to freeze captures after 1 to 4 time-stamp events
- Continuous mode capture of time-stamps in a four-deep circular buffer
- Interrupt capabilities on any of the 4 capture events
- Absolute time-stamp capture
- Difference (Delta) mode time-stamp capture
- All above resources dedicated to a single input pin
- When not used in capture mode, the ECAP module can be configured as a single channel PWM output