SPRUIM2H May 2020 – October 2023 AM2431 , AM2432 , AM2434 , AM6411 , AM6412 , AM6421 , AM6422 , AM6441 , AM6442
Table 12-3887 lists the memory-mapped registers for the MMCSD1 Host Controller. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 12-3887 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.
UHSII is not supported. For more information, see Not Supported Features.
Instance | Base Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0000h |
Offset | Acronym | Register Name | MMCSD1_CTL_CFG Physical Address |
Host Controller Interface Register | |||
0h | MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO | 32-bit Block Count/SDMA System Address Low Register | 0FA0 0000h |
2h | MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI | 32-bit Block Count/SDMA System Address High Register | 0FA0 0002h |
4h | MMCSD1_BLOCK_SIZE | 16-bit Block Size Register | 0FA0 0004h |
6h | MMCSD1_BLOCK_COUNT | 16-bit Block Count Register | 0FA0 0006h |
8h | MMCSD1_ARGUMENT1_LO | Argument1 Low Register | 0FA0 0008h |
Ah | MMCSD1_ARGUMENT1_HI | Argument1 High Register | 0FA0 000Ah |
Ch | MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE | Transfer Mode Register | 0FA0 000Ch |
Eh | MMCSD1_COMMAND | Command Register | 0FA0 000Eh |
10h to 1Eh | MMCSD1_RESPONSE_0 to MMCSD1_RESPONSE_7 | Response Register | 0FA0 0010h to 0FA0 001Eh |
20h | MMCSD1_DATA_PORT | Buffer Data Port Register | 0FA0 0020h |
24h | MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE | Present State Register | 0FA0 0024h |
28h | MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1 | Host Control 1 Register | 0FA0 0028h |
29h | MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL | Power Control Register | 0FA0 0029h |
2Ah | MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL | Block Gap Control Register | 0FA0 002Ah |
2Bh | MMCSD1_WAKEUP_CONTROL | Wakeup Control Register | 0FA0 002Bh |
2Ch | MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL | Clock Control Register | 0FA0 002Ch |
2Eh | MMCSD1_TIMEOUT_CONTROL | Timeout Control Register | 0FA0 002Eh |
2Fh | MMCSD1_SOFTWARE_RESET | Software Reset Register | 0FA0 002Fh |
30h | MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS | Normal Interrupt Status Register | 0FA0 0030h |
32h | MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS | Error Interrupt Status Register | 0FA0 0032h |
34h | MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA | Normal Interrupt Status Enable Register | 0FA0 0034h |
36h | MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA | Error Interrupt Status Enable Register | 0FA0 0036h |
38h | MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_SIG_ENA | Normal Interrupt Signal Enable Register | 0FA0 0038h |
3Ah | MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_SIG_ENA | Error Interrupt Signal Enable Register | 0FA0 003Ah |
3Ch | MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS | Auto CMD Error Status Register | 0FA0 003Ch |
3Eh | MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2 | Host Control 2 Register | 0FA0 003Eh |
40h | MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES | Capabilities Register | 0FA0 0040h |
48h | MMCSD1_MAX_CURRENT_CAP | Maximum Current Capabilities Register | 0FA0 0048h |
50h | MMCSD1_FORCE_EVNT_ACMD_ERR_STS | Force Event Register for Auto CMD Error Status | 0FA0 0050h |
52h | MMCSD1_FORCE_EVNT_ERR_INT_STS | Force Event Register for Error Interrupt Status | 0FA0 0052h |
54h | MMCSD1_ADMA_ERR_STATUS | ADMA Error Status Register | 0FA0 0054h |
58h | MMCSD1_ADMA_SYS_ADDRESS | ADMA System Address Register | 0FA0 0058h |
60h | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 | Preset Values 0 Register | 0FA0 0060h |
62h | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE1 | Preset Values 1 Register | 0FA0 0062h |
64h | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE2 | Preset Values 2 Register | 0FA0 0064h |
66h | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE3 | Preset Values 3 Register | 0FA0 0066h |
68h | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE4 | Preset Values 4 Register | 0FA0 0068h |
6Ah | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE5 | Preset Values 5 Register | 0FA0 006Ah |
6Ch | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE6 | Preset Values 6 Register | 0FA0 006Ch |
6Eh | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE7 | Preset Values 7 Register | 0FA0 006Eh |
72h | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE8 | Preset Values 8 Register | 0FA0 0072h |
74h | MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10 | Preset Values 10 Register | 0FA0 0074h |
78h | MMCSD1_ADMA3_DESC_ADDRESS | ADMA3 Integrated Descriptor Address Register | 0FA0 0078h |
UHS-II Registers (1) | |||
80h | MMCSD1_UHS2_BLOCK_SIZE | UHS-II Block Size Register | 0FA0 0080h |
84h | MMCSD1_UHS2_BLOCK_COUNT | UHS-II Block Count Register | 0FA0 0084h |
88h to 9Bh | MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_0 to MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_19 | UHS-II Command Packet Register | 0FA0 0088h to 0FA0 009Bh |
9Ch | MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE | UHS-II Transfer Mode Register | 0FA0 009Ch |
9Eh | MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND | UHS-II Command Register | 0FA0 009Eh |
A0h to B3h | MMCSD1_UHS2_RESPONSE_0 to MMCSD1_UHS2_RESPONSE_19 | UHS-II Response Register | 0FA0 00A0h to 0FA0 00B3h |
B4h | MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE_SELECT | UHS-II Message Select Register | 0FA0 00B4h |
B8h | MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE | UHS-II Message Register | 0FA0 00B8h |
BCh | MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INTR_STATUS | UHS-II Device Interrupt Status Register | 0FA0 00BCh |
BEh | MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT | UHS-II Device Select Register | 0FA0 00BEh |
BFh | MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INT_CODE | UHS-II Device Interrupt Code Register | 0FA0 00BFh |
C0h | MMCSD1_UHS2_SOFTWARE_RESET | UHS-II Software Reset Register | 0FA0 00C0h |
C2h | MMCSD1_UHS2_TIMER_CONTROL | UHS-II Timeout Control Register | 0FA0 00C2h |
C4h | MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS | UHS-II Error Interrupt Status Register | 0FA0 00C4h |
C8h | MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS_ENA | UHS-II Error Interrupt Status Enable Register | 0FA0 00C8h |
CCh | MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_SIG_ENA | UHS-II Error Interrupt Signal Enable Register | 0FA0 00CCh |
E0h | MMCSD1_UHS2_SETTINGS_PTR | Pointer for UHS-II Settings Register | 0FA0 00E0h |
E2h | MMCSD1_UHS2_CAPABILITIES_PTR | Pointer for UHS-II Host Capabilities Register | 0FA0 00E2h |
E4h | MMCSD1_UHS2_TEST_PTR | Pointer for UHS-II Test Register | 0FA0 00E4h |
E6h | MMCSD1_SHARED_BUS_CTRL_PTR | Pointer for Embedded Control Register | 0FA0 00E6h |
E8h | MMCSD1_VENDOR_SPECFIC_PTR | Pointer for Vendor Specific Area Register | 0FA0 00E8h |
F4h | MMCSD1_BOOT_TIMEOUT_CONTROL | Boot Timeout Control Register | 0FA0 00F4h |
F8h | MMCSD1_VENDOR_REGISTER | Vendor Register | 0FA0 00F8h |
FCh | MMCSD1_SLOT_INT_STS | Slot Interrupt Status Register | 0FA0 00FCh |
FEh | MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROLLER_VER | Host Controller Version Register | 0FA0 00FEh |
100h | MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_SETTINGS | UHS-II General Settings Register | 0FA0 0100h |
104h | MMCSD1_UHS2_PHY_SETTINGS | UHS-II PHY Settings Register | 0FA0 0104h |
108h | MMCSD1_UHS2_LNK_TRN_SETTINGS | UHS-II LINK/TRAN Settings Register | 0FA0 0108h |
110h | MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_CAP | UHS-II General Capabilities Register | 0FA0 0110h |
114h | MMCSD1_UHS2_PHY_CAP | UHS-II PHY Capabilities Register | 0FA0 0114h |
118h | MMCSD1_UHS2_LNK_TRN_CAP | UHS-II LINK/TRAN Capabilities Register | 0FA0 0118h |
120h | MMCSD1_FORCE_UHSII_ERR_INT_STS | Force Event for UHS-II Error Interrupt Status Register | 0FA0 0120h |
Command Queue Registers | |||
200h | MMCSD1_CQ_VERSION | Command Queueing Version Register | 0FA0 0200h |
204h | MMCSD1_CQ_CAPABILITIES | Command Queueing Capabilities Register | 0FA0 0204h |
208h | MMCSD1_CQ_CONFIG | Command Queueing Configuration Register | 0FA0 0208h |
20Ch | MMCSD1_CQ_CONTROL | Command Queueing Control Register | 0FA0 020Ch |
210h | MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS | Command Queueing Interrupt Status Register | 0FA0 0210h |
214h | MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS_ENA | Command Queueing Interrupt Status Enabled Register | 0FA0 0214h |
218h | MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_SIG_ENA | Command Queueing Interrupt Signal Enable Register | 0FA0 0218h |
21Ch | MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_COALESCING | Interrupt Coalescing Register | 0FA0 021Ch |
220h | MMCSD1_CQ_TDL_BASE_ADDR | Command Queueing Task Descriptor List Base Address Low Register | 0FA0 0220h |
224h | MMCSD1_CQ_TDL_BASE_ADDR_UPBITS | Command Queueing Task Descriptor List Base Address High Register | 0FA0 0224h |
228h | MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_DOOR_BELL | Command Queueing Task Doorbell Register | 0FA0 0228h |
22Ch | MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_COMP_NOTIF | Command Queueing Task Doorbell Notification Register | 0FA0 022Ch |
230h | MMCSD1_CQ_DEV_QUEUE_STATUS | Command Queueing Device Queue Status Register | 0FA0 0230h |
234h | MMCSD1_CQ_DEV_PENDING_TASKS | Command Queueing Device Pending Tasks Register | 0FA0 0234h |
238h | MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_CLEAR | Command Queueing Task Clear Register | 0FA0 0238h |
240h | MMCSD1_CQ_SEND_STS_CONFIG1 | Send Status Timer Configuration 1 Register | 0FA0 0240h |
244h | MMCSD1_CQ_SEND_STS_CONFIG2 | Send Status Configuration 2 Register | 0FA0 0244h |
248h | MMCSD1_CQ_DCMD_RESPONSE | Command Response Register for Direct Command Task | 0FA0 0248h |
250h | MMCSD1_CQ_RESP_ERR_MASK | Response Mode Error Mask Register | 0FA0 0250h |
254h | MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_ERR_INFO | Task Error Information Register | 0FA0 0254h |
258h | MMCSD1_CQ_CMD_RESP_INDEX | Command Response Index Register | 0FA0 0258h |
25Ch | MMCSD1_CQ_CMD_RESP_ARG | Command Response Argument Register | 0FA0 025Ch |
260h | MMCSD1_CQ_ERROR_TASK_ID | Command Queueing Error Task ID Register | 0FA0 0260h |
MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO is shown in Figure 12-2001 and described in Table 12-3889.
Return to Summary Table.
This register contains the Lower 16-bit of physical system memory address used for DMA transfers or the second argument for the Auto CMD23 in Host version 3.0 and as 32-bit Block Count in Version 4.10.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0000h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDMA_ADDRESS | |||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | SDMA_ADDRESS | R/W | 0h |
32-bit Block Count (SDMA System Address) Low When the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 0h, DMA uses this register as system address in only 32-bit addressing mode. Auto CMD23 cannot be used with SDMA. When the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 1h, SDMA uses the MMCSD1_ADMA_SYS_ADDRESS register instead of using this register to support both 32-bit and 64-bit addressing. This register is re-assigned to 32-bit Block Count and then SDMA may use Auto CMD23. (1) SDMA System Address (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 0h) This register contains the system memory address for a SDMA transfer in 32-bit addressing mode. When the Host Controller (HC) stops a SDMA transfer, this register shall point to the system address of the next contiguous data position. It can be accessed only if no transaction is executing (after a transaction has stopped). Reading this register during SDMA transfers may return an invalid value. The Host Driver (HD) shall initialize this register before starting a SDMA transaction. After SDMA has stopped, the next system address of the next contiguous data position can be read from this register. The SDMA transfer waits at the every boundary specified by the MMCSD1_BLOCK_SIZE[14-12] SDMA_BUF_SIZE bit field. The Host Controller generates DMA Interrupt to request the Host Driver to update this register. The Host Driver sets the next system address of the next data position to this register. When the most upper byte of this register (Offset = 3h) is written, the Host Controller restarts the SDMA transfer. When restarting SDMA by setting the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[1] CONTINUE bit, the Host Controller shall start at the next contiguous address stored here in the SDMA System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI). ADMA does not use this register. (2) 32-bit Block Count (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h) Host Controller Version 4.10 re-defines this register as 32-bit Block Count . In version 4.00, this register may be used as 32-bit block count only for Auto CMD23 to set the argument of the CMD23 while executing Auto CMD23. The Host Controller would decrement the block count of this register every block transfer and data transfer stops when the count reaches zero.
FFFF FFFFh (4G - 1 Block) .... 0000 0002h (2 Blocks) 0000 0001h (1 Block) 0000 0000h (Stop Count) Note: This register should be accessed only when no transaction is executing. Reading this register during data transfers may return invalid value. |
MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI is shown in Figure 12-2002 and described in Table 12-3891.
Return to Summary Table.
This register contains the Upper 16-bit of physical system memory address used for DMA transfers or the second argument for the Auto CMD23 in Host version 3.0 and as 32-bit Block Count in Version 4.10.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0002h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDMA_ADDRESS | |||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | SDMA_ADDRESS | R/W | 0h |
32-bit Block Count (SDMA System Address) High This register contains the Upper 16-bit of physical system memory address used for DMA transfers or the second argument for the Auto CMD23 in Host version 3.0 and as 32-bit Block Count in Version 4.10. |
MMCSD1_BLOCK_SIZE is shown in Figure 12-2003 and described in Table 12-3893.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to configure the number of bytes in a data block.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0004h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
XFER_BLK_SIZE | |||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
14-12 | SDMA_BUF_SIZE | R/W | 0h |
Host SDMA Buffer Size To perform long DMA transfer, System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI) shall be updated at every system boundary during DMA transfer. These bits specify the size of contiguous buffer in the system memory. The DMA transfer shall wait at the every boundary specified by these fields and the Host Controller generates the DMA Interrupt to request the Host Driver to update the System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI). These bits shall support when the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[22] SDMA_SUPPORT bit is set to 1h and this function is active when the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[0] DMA_ENA bit is set to 1h. 0h: 4KB (Detects A11 Carry out) 1h: 8KB (Detects A12 Carry out) 2h: 16KB (Detects A13 Carry out) 3h: 32KB (Detects A14 Carry out) 4h: 64KB (Detects A15 Carry out) 5h: 128KB (Detects A16 Carry out) 6h: 256KB (Detects A17 Carry out) 7h: 512KB (Detects A18 Carry out) |
11-0 | XFER_BLK_SIZE | R/W | 0h |
Transfer Block Size This field specifies the block size for block data transfers for CMD17, CMD18, CMD24, CMD25 and CMD53. It can be accessed only if no transaction is executing (after a transaction has stopped). Read operations during transfer return an invalid value and write operations shall be ignored. 0000h: No Data Transfer 0001h: 1 Byte 0002h: 2 Bytes 0003h: 3 Bytes 0004h: 4 Bytes .... 01FFh: 511 Bytes 0200h: 512 Bytes .... 0800h: 2048 Bytes |
MMCSD1_BLOCK_COUNT is shown in Figure 12-2004 and described in Table 12-3895.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to configure the number of data blocks.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0006h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
XFER_BLK_CNT | |||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | XFER_BLK_CNT | R/W | 0h |
16-bit Block Count Host Controller Version 4.10 extends block count to 32-bit . Selection of either 16-bit Block Count register or 32-bit Block Count register is defined as follows: (1) If the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 0h or 16-bit Block Count register is set to non-zero, 16-bit Block Count register is selected. (2) If the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 1h and 16-bit Block Count register is set to zero, 32-bit Block Count register is selected. Use of 16-bit/32-bit Block Count register is enabled when the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[1] BLK_CNT_ENA bit is set to 1h and is valid only for multiple block transfers. The Host Driver shall set this register to a value between 1h and the maximum block count. The Host Controller decrements the block count after each block transfer and stops when the count reaches zero. Setting the block count to 0h results in no data blocks is transferred. This register should be accessed only when no transaction is executing (after transactions are stopped). During data transfer, read operations on this register may return an invalid value and write operations are ignored. 0000h: Stop Count 0001h: 1 Block 0002h: 2 Blocks .... FFFFh: 65535 Blocks |
MMCSD1_ARGUMENT1_LO is shown in Figure 12-2005 and described in Table 12-3897.
Return to Summary Table.
This register contains Lower bits of SD Command Argument.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0008h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CMD_ARG1 | |||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | CMD_ARG1 | R/W | 0h |
Command Argument 1 Low The SD Command Argument is specified as bit 23-8 of Command-Format. |
MMCSD1_ARGUMENT1_HI is shown in Figure 12-2006 and described in Table 12-3899.
Return to Summary Table.
This register contains higher bits of SD Command Argument.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 000Ah |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CMD_ARG1 | |||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | CMD_ARG1 | R/W | 0h |
Command Argument 1 High The SD Command Argument is specified as bit 39-24 of Command-Format. |
MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE is shown in Figure 12-2007 and described in Table 12-3901.
Return to Summary Table.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 000Ch |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | RESP_INTR_DIS | R/W | 0h |
Response Interrupt Disable Host Controller Version 4.00 supports response error check function to avoid overhead of response error check by Host Driver. Only R1 or R5 can be checked. If Host Driver checks response error, sets this bit to 0h and waits Command Complete Interrupt (MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[0] CMD_COMPLETE) and then checks the Response register (MMCSD1_RESPONSE_0 to MMCSD1_RESPONSE_7). If Host Controller checks response error, sets this bit to 1h and sets the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[7] RESP_ERR_CHK_ENA bit to 1h. Command Complete Interrupt (MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[0] CMD_COMPLETE) is disabled by this bit regardless of Command Complete Signal Enable (MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_SIG_ENA[0] CMD_COMPLETE). 0h: Response Interrupt is enabled 1h: Response Interrupt is disabled |
7 | RESP_ERR_CHK_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Response Error Check Enable Host Controller Version 4.00 supports response error check function to avoid overhead of response error check by Host Driver. Only R1 or R5 can be checked. If Host Driver checks response error, this bit is set to 0h and the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[8] RESP_INTR_DIS bit is set to 0h. If Host Controller checks response error, sets this bit to 1h and sets the Response Interrupt Disable bit to 1h (MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[8] RESP_INTR_DIS = 1h). The MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[6] RESP_TYPE bit selects either R1 or R5 response type. If an error is detected, Response Error Interrupt is generated in the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Response Error Check is disabled 1h: Response Error Check is enabled |
6 | RESP_TYPE | R/W | 0h |
Response Type R1/R5 When response error check is enabled (MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[7] RESP_ERR_CHK_ENA = 1h), this bit selects either R1 or R5 response types. Two types of response checks are supported: R1 for memory and R5 for SDIO. Error Statuses Checked in R1: Bit31 OUT_OF_RANGE Bit30 ADDRESS_ERROR Bit29 BLOCK_LEN_ERROR Bit26 WP_VIOLATION Bit25 CARD_IS_LOCKED Bit23 COM_CRC_ERROR Bit21 CARD_ECC_FAILED Bit20 CC_ERROR Bit19 ERROR Response Flags Checked in R5: Bit07 COM_CRC_ERROR Bit03 ERROR Bit01 FUNCTION_NUMBER Bit00 OUT_OF_RANGE 0h: R1 (Memory) 1h: R5 (SDIO) |
5 | MULTI_BLK_SEL | R/W | 0h |
Multi/Single Block Select This bit enables multiple block data transfers. 0h: Single Block 1h: Multiple Block |
4 | DATA_XFER_DIR | R/W | 0h |
Data Transfer Direction Select This bit defines the direction of data transfers. 0h: Write (Host to Card) 1h: Read (Card to Host) |
3-2 | AUTO_CMD_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Auto CMD Enable This field determines use of auto command functions. There are three methods to stop Multiple-block read and write operation by CMD23 or CMD12. In the other operations (for example single read/write operation), this field is set to 0h. (1) Auto CMD12 Enable: Multiple-block read and write commands for memory require CMD12 to stop the operation. When this field is set to 1h, the Host Controller issues CMD12 automatically when last block transfer is completed. Auto CMD12 error is indicated to the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register. The Host Driver shall not set this bit if the command does not require CMD12. When MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 0h, CMD12 is issued when 16-bit Block Count is expired. When MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h, CMD12 is issued when 16-bit Block Count or 32-bit Block Count is expired. (2) Auto CMD23 Enable: When this bit field is set to 2h, the Host Controller issues a CMD23 automatically before issuing a command specified in the MMCSD1_COMMAND register. The Host Controller Version 3.00 and later shall support this function. The following conditions are required to use the Auto CMD23: Auto CMD23 Supported (Host Controller Version is 3.00 or later). A memory card that supports CMD23 (SCR[33] = 1h). If DMA is used, it shall be ADMA. Only when CMD18 or CMD25 is issued. Auto CMD23 can be used with or without ADMA. By writing the MMCSD1_COMMAND register, the Host Controller issues a CMD23 first and then issues a command specified by the MMCSD1_COMMAND[13:8] CMD_INDEX bit field. If response errors of CMD23 are detected, the second command is not issued. A CMD23 error is indicated in the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register. 32-bit block count value for CMD23 is set to 32-bit Block Count (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI) register. (3) Auto CMD Auto Select (Version 4.10): As CMD23 is optional for SD memory card except UHS 104 card, if card supports CMD23, Auto CMD 23 should be used instead of Auto CMD12. Host Controller Version 4.10 defines this "Auto CMD Auto Select" mode. Selection of Auto CMD depends on setting of the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[11] CMD23_ENA bit which indicates whether card supports CMD23. If MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[11] CMD23_ENA = 1h, Auto CMD23 is used and if MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[11] CMD23_ENA = 0h, Auto CMD12 is used. In case of Version 4.10 or later, use of Auto CMD Auto Select is recommended rather than use of Auto CMD12 Enable or Auto CMD23 Enable. 0h: Auto Command Disabled 1h: Auto CMD12 Enable 2h: Auto CMD23 Enable 3h: Reserved |
1 | BLK_CNT_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Block Count Enable This bit is used to enable the MMCSD1_BLOCK_COUNT register, which is only relevant for multiple block transfers. When this bit is 0h, the MMCSD1_BLOCK_COUNT register is disabled, which is useful in executing an infinite transfer. 0h: Disable 1h: Enable |
0 | DMA_ENA | R/W | 0h |
DMA Enable DMA can be enabled only if the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[22] SDMA_SUPPORT bit is set. If this bit is set to 1h, a DMA operation shall begin when the HD writes to the upper byte of the MMCSD1_COMMAND register. 0h: Disable 1h: Enable |
This register is used to control the operations of data transfers.
This register is used to control the operation of data transfers. The Host Driver shall set this register before issuing a command which transfers data (Refer to MMCSD1_COMMAND[5] DATA_PRESENT bit), or before issuing a Resume command. The Host Driver shall save the value of this register when the data transfer is suspended (as a result of a Suspend command) and restore it before issuing a Resume command. To prevent data loss, the Host Controller shall implement write protection for this register during data transactions. Writes to this register shall be ignored when the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[1] INHIBIT_DAT bit is 1h.
Table 12-3902 shows the determination of transfer type.
Multi/Single Block Select | Block Count Enable | Block Count | Function |
0 | Don't Care | Don't Care | Single Transfer |
1 | 0 | Don't Care | Infinite Transfer |
1 | 1 | Not Zero | Multiple Transfer |
1 | 1 | Zero | Stop Multiple Transfer |
MMCSD1_COMMAND is shown in Figure 12-2008 and described in Table 12-3904.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program the Command for host controller.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 000Eh |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
13-8 | CMD_INDEX | R/W | 0h |
Command Index This bit shall be set to the command number (CMD0-63, ACMD0-63). |
7-6 | CMD_TYPE | R/W | 0h |
Command Type There are three types of special commands. Suspend, Resume and Abort. These bits shall be set to 0h for all other commands. Suspend Command: If the Suspend command succeeds, the HC shall assume the SD Bus has been released and that it is possible to issue the next command which uses the DAT line. The HC shall de-assert Read Wait for read transactions and stop checking busy for write transactions. The Interrupt cycle shall start, in 4-bit mode. If the Suspend command fails, the HC shall maintain its current state. and the HD shall restart the transfer by setting the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[1] CONTINUE bit. Resume Command: The HD re-starts the data transfer by restoring the registers in the range of 04FB 0000h - 04FB 000Dh (04F9 8000h - 04F9 800Dh). The HC shall check for busy before starting write transfers. Abort Command: If this command is set when executing a read transfer, the HC shall stop reads to the buffer. If this command is set when executing a write transfer, the HC shall stop driving the DAT line. After issuing the Abort command, the HD should issue a software reset. 0h: Normal 1h: Suspend 2h: Resume 3h: Abort |
5 | DATA_PRESENT | R/W | 0h |
Data Present Select This bit is set to 1h to indicate that data is present and shall be transferred using the DAT line. If is set to 0h for the following: 1. Commands using only CMD line (for example CMD52). 2. Commands with no data transferbut using busy signal on DAT[0]line (R1b or R5b for example CMD38). 3. Resume Command. 0h: No Data Present 1h: Data Present |
4 | CMD_INDEX_CHK_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Command Index Check Enable If this bit is set to 1h, the HC shall check the index field in the response to see if it has the same value as the command index. If it is not, it is reported as a Command Index Error. If this bit is set to 0h, the Index field is not checked. 0h: Disable 1h: Enable |
3 | CMD_CRC_CHK_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Command CRC Check Enable If this bit is set to 1h, the HC shall check the CRC field in the response. If an error is detected, it is reported as a Command CRC Error. If this bit is set to 0h, the CRC field is not checked. 0h: Disable 1h: Enable |
2 | SUB_CMD | R/W | 0h |
Sub Command Flag This bit is added from Version 4.10 to distinguish a main command or sub command. When issuing a main command, this bit is set to 0h and when issuing a sub command, this bit is set to 1h. Setting of this bit is checked by the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[28] SUB_COMMAND_STS bit. Host Driver manages whether main or sub command. Host Controller does not refer to this bit to issue a command. 0h: Sub Command 1h: Main Command |
1-0 | RESP_TYPE_SEL | R/W | 0h |
Response Type Select 0h: No Response 1h: Response length 136 2h: Response length 48 3h: Response length 48 check Busy after response |
MMCSD1_RESPONSE_0 to MMCSD1_RESPONSE_7 is shown in Figure 12-2009 and described in Table 12-3906.
Return to Summary Table.
This registers is used to store responses from SD Cards.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0010h to 0FA0 001Eh |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CMD_RESP | |||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | CMD_RESP | R | 0h |
Command Response R[] refers to a bit range within the response data as transmitted on the SD Bus, REP[] refers to a bit range within the Response register. |
Table 12-3907 defines the relation between the parameter and name of response type.
Response Type | Index Check Enable | CRC Check Enable | Name of Response Type |
00 | 0 | 0 | No Response |
01 | 0 | 1 | R2 |
10 | 0 | 0 | R3, R4 |
10 | 1 | 1 | R1, R6, R5, R7 |
11 | 1 | 1 | R1b, R5b |
The following table describes the mapping of command responses from the SD Bus to this register for each response type. In the table, R[] refers to a bit range within the response data as transmitted on the SD Bus, REP[] refers to a bit range within the Response register.
Table 12-3908 shows response bit definition for each response type.
Kind of Response | Meaning of Response | Response Field | Response Register |
R1, R1b (normal response) | Card Status | R[39:8] | REP[31:0] |
R1b (Auto CMD12 response) | Card Status for Auto CMD12 | R[39:8] | REP[127:96] |
R1 (Auto CMD23 response) | Card Status for Auto CMD23 | R[39:8] | REP [127:96] |
R2 (CID, CSD Register) | CID or CSD register include | R[127:8] | REP[119:0] |
R3 (OCR Register) | OCR Register for memory | R[39:8] | REP[31:0] |
R4 (OCR Register) | OCR Register for I/O etc. | R[39:8] | REP[31:0] |
R5, R5b | SDIO Response | R[39:8] | REP[31:0] |
R6 (Published RCA response) | New published RCA[31:16] etc. | R[39:8] | REP[31:0] |
The Response Field indicates bit positions of "Responses" defined in the Physical Layer Specification. The table shows most responses with a length of 48 (R[47:0]) have 32 bits of the response data (R[39:8]) stored in the Response register at REP[31:0]. Responses of type R1b (Auto CMD12 responses) and R1 (Auto CMD23 response) have response data bits R[39:8] stored in the Response register at REP[127:96]. Responses with length 136 (R[135:0]) have 120 bits of the response data (R[127:8]) stored in the Response register at REP[119:0].
To read the response status efficiently, the Host Controller only stores part of the response data in the Response register. This enables the Host Driver to read 32 bits of response data efficiently in one read cycle on a 32-bit bus system. Parts of the response, the Index field and the CRC, are checked by the Host Controller (as specified by the MMCSD1_COMMAND[4] CMD_INDEX_CHK_ENA and MMCSD1_COMMAND[3] CMD_CRC_CHK_ENA bits) and generate an error interrupt if an error is detected. The bit range for the CRC check depends on the response length. If the response length is 48, the Host Controller shall check R[47:1], and if the response length is 136 the Host Controller shall check R[119:1].
Since the Host Controller may have a multiple block data DAT line transfer executing concurrently with a CMD_wo_DAT command, the Host Controller stores the Auto CMD12 response in the upper bits (REP[127:96]) of the Response register. The CMD_wo_DAT response is stored in REP[31:0]. This allows the Host Controller to avoid overwriting the Auto CMD12 response with the CMD_wo_DAT and vice versa.
While executing Auto CMD23, the response of CMD23 is saved to REP [127:96] and the response of multiple-block read and write command is save to REP [31:0]. The response error of CMD23 is indicated in the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register. When the Host Controller modifies part of the Response register, as shown in the table, it shall preserve the unmodified bits.
MMCSD1_DATA_PORT is shown in Figure 12-2010 and described in Table 12-3910.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to access internal buffer.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0020h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
BUF_RD_DATA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | BUF_RD_DATA | R/W | 0h |
Buffer Data The Host Controller Buffer can be accessed through this 32-bit Data Port Register. |
MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE is shown in Figure 12-2011 and described in Table 12-3912.
Return to Summary Table.
The Host Driver can get status of the Host Controller from this 32-bit read-only register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0024h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-1h | |
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-1h | R-1h | R-1h | R-1h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | |||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31 | UHS2_IF_DETECTION | R | 0h |
UHS-II IF Detection (UHS-II Only) This status indicates whether a card supports UHS-II IF. This status is enabled by setting UHS-II Interface Enable to 1h in the Host Control 2 register (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[8] UHS2_INTF_ENABLE = 1h). UHS-II interface initialization is activated by setting the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit. Host Controller drives STB.L on D0 lane from EIDL state and waits for receiving STB.L on D1 lane. This bit is set to 1h if STB.L is detected on D1 lane. Host Controller shall compensate latency from setting SD Clock Enable to output STB.L on D0 lane when reading this status. This bit may be read any time after setting SD Clock Enable for faster UHS-II IF detection but Host Driver shall check this status at least 200µs period from setting SD Clock Enable (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA) until detecting UHS-II IF. After UHS-II IF is detected, this bit is cleared by when EIDL is detected on D0 lane, UHS-II Interface Enable is set to 0h (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[8] UHS2_INTF_ENABLE = 0h) or Host full reset is executed. 1h: UHS-II IF is detected 0h: UHS-II IF is not detected |
30 | UHS2_IF_LANE_SYNC | R | 0h |
Lane Synchronization (UHS-II Only) This status indicates whether lane is synchronized in UHS-II mode. This status is enabled by setting UHS-II Interface Enable to 1h in the Host Control 2 register (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[8] UHS2_INTF_ENABLE = 1h). On detecting UHS-II Interface (D31 = 1h), Host Controller provides SYN LSS on D0 lane and waits for receiving SYN LSS on D1 lane. If SYN LSS is detected on D1 lane, Host Controller provides LIDL LSS on D0 lane and waits for receiving LIDL LSS on D1 lane. In case of Version 4.00, this bit indicates completion of Device PHY Initialization by detecting LIDL LSS on D1 lane. From Version 4.10, Host Controller may implement a specific PHY verification method and PHY Initialization Failure can be indicated by keeping this bit to 0h even LIDL LSS is detected on D1 lane. Host Driver detects PHY Initialization Failure by timeout. This bit is cleared by when D0 lane is set to EIDL, UHS-II Interface Enable is set to 0h (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[8] UHS2_INTF_ENABLE = 0h) or executes Host full reset. 1h: UHS-II PHY is initialized 0h: UHS-II PHY is not initialized |
29 | UHS2_DORMANT | R | 0h |
In Dormant State (UHS-II Only) This status indicates whether UHS-II lanes enter Dormant state. This function is enabled by setting UHS-II Interface Enable to 1h in the Host Control 2 register (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[8] UHS2_INTF_ENABLE = 1h). On issuing GO_DORMAT_STATE command, "Go Dormant Command (7h)" is set to Command type in the UHS-II Command register (MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND[7:6] CMD_TYPE). This command type acts as a trigger to enter lanes into dormant state. Host Controller provides STB.H and EIDL on D0 lane and waits for receiving STB.H and EIDL on D1 lane. This bit is set to 1h after the time of T_DMT_ENTRY (750 RCLK cycle) or more from detecting EIDL on D1 lane. RCLK may be stopped in dormant state, by setting SD Clock Enable to 0h in the Clock Control register (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA = 0h) while In Dormant State bit is set to 1h. On writing Clock Control register with setting SD Clock Enable to 1h (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA = 1h), Host Controller wakes lanes to exit Dormant State and In Dormant State is set to 0h. In case of the card enters Hibernate Mode (RCLK is stopped), Host Driver may turn off VDD1 by clearing SD Bus Power for VDD1 bit in the MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL register. Host Controller shall turn off VDD1 after stopping RCLK. This bit is cleared by when Host Controller drives STB.L on D0 lane, UHS-II Interface Enable is set to 0h (MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[8] UHS2_INTF_ENABLE = 0h) or executes Host full reset. 1h: In DORMANT state 0h: Not in DORMANT state |
28 | SUB_COMMAND_STS | R | 0h |
Sub Command Status The MMCSD1_COMMAND register and Response register (MMCSD1_RESPONSE_0 to MMCSD1_RESPONSE_7) are commonly used for main command and sub command. This status is used to distinguish which response error statuses, main command or sub command, indicated in the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register or in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. Just before reading of this register, the MMCSD1_COMMAND[2] SUB_CMD bit or the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND register is copied to this status. This status is effective not only when Response Error interrupt is generated but also when data error interrupt is generated with Command Not Issued by Error (D27 of this register) or Auto CMD Error interrupt is generated with Command Not Issued by Error by Auto CMD12 in the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register. 1h: Sub Command Status 0h: Main Command Status |
27 | CMD_NOT_ISS_BY_ERR | R | 0h |
Command Not Issued by Error Setting of this status indicates that a command cannot be issued due to an error except Auto CMD12 error (equivalent error status by Auto CMD12 error is defined as Command Not Issued By Auto CMD12 Error in the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register). This status is set to 1h when Host Controller cannot issue a command after setting MMCSD1_COMMAND register or MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND register. Sub Command Status (D28) indicates which command is not issued (main or sub). 1h: Command cannot be issued 0h: No error for issuing a command |
26-25 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
24 | SDIF_CMDIN | R | 1h |
CMD Line Signal Level (SD Mode Only) This status is used to check CMD line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. |
23 | SDIF_DAT3IN | R | 1h |
DAT[3] Line Signal Level (SD Mode Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. This is especially useful in detecting the busy signal level from DAT[3]. D23 - DAT[3] |
22 | SDIF_DAT2IN | R | 1h |
DAT[2] Line Signal Level (SD Mode Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. This is especially useful in detecting the busy signal level from DAT[2]. D22 - DAT[2] |
21 | SDIF_DAT1IN | R | 1h |
DAT[1] Line Signal Level (SD Mode Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. This is especially useful in detecting the busy signal level from DAT[1]. D21 - DAT[1] |
20 | SDIF_DAT0IN | R | 1h |
DAT[0] Line Signal Level (SD Mode Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. This is especially useful in detecting the busy signal level from DAT[0]. D20 - DAT[0] |
19 | WRITE_PROTECT | R | 0h |
Write Protect Switch Pin Level The Write Protect Switch is supported for memory and combo cards.This bit reflects the SDWP# pin. 0h: Write protected (SDWP# = 1) 1h: Write enabled (SDWP# = 0) |
18 | CARD_DETECT | R | 0h |
Card Detect Pin Level This bit reflects the inverse value of the SDCD# pin. 0h: No Card present (SDCD# = 1) 1h: Card present (SDCD# = 0) |
17 | CARD_STATE_STABLE | R | 0h |
Card State Stable This bit is used for testing. If it is 0h, the Card Detect Pin Level is not stable. If this bit is set to 1h, it means the Card Detect Pin Level is stable. The MMCSD1_SOFTWARE_RESET[0] SWRST_FOR_ALL bit shall not affect this bit. 0h: Reset of Debouncing 1h: No Card or Inserted |
16 | CARD_INSERTED | R | 0h |
Card Inserted This bit indicates whether a card has been inserted. Changing from 0h to 1h generates a Card Insertion interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register and changing from 1h to 0h generates a Card Removal Interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. The MMCSD1_SOFTWARE_RESET[0] SWRST_FOR_ALL bit shall not affect this bit. If a Card is removed while its power is on and its clock is oscillating, the HC shall clear the MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL[0] SD_BUS_POWER bit and the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit. In addition the HD should clear the HC by the MMCSD1_SOFTWARE_RESET[0] SWRST_FOR_ALL bit. The card detect is active regardless of the SD Bus Power. 0h: Reset or Debouncing or No Card 1h: Card Inserted |
15-12 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
11 | BUF_RD_ENA | R | 0h |
Buffer Read Enable This status is used for non-DMA read transfers. This read only flag indicates that valid data exists in the host side buffer status. If this bit is 1h, readable data exists in the buffer. A change of this bit from 1h to 0h occurs when all the block data is read from the buffer. A change of this bit from 0h to 1h occurs when all the block data is ready in the buffer and generates the Buffer Read Ready Interrupt. 0h: Read Disable 1h: Read Enable |
10 | BUF_WR_ENA | R | 0h |
Buffer Write Enable This status is used for non-DMA write transfers. This read only flag indicates if space is available for write data. If this bit is 1h, data can be written to the buffer. A change of this bit from 1h to 0h occurs when all the block data is written to the buffer. A change of this bit from 0h to 1h occurs when top of block data can be written to the buffer and generates the Buffer Write Ready Interrupt. 0h: Write Disable 1h: Write Enable |
9 | RD_XFER_ACTIVE | R | 0h |
Read Transfer Active (SD Mode Only) This status is used for detecting completion of a read transfer. This bit is set to 1h for either of the following conditions: After the end bit of the read command. When writing a 1h to continue Request in the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL register to restart a read transfer. This bit is cleared to 0h for either of the following conditions: When the last data block as specified by block length is transferred to the system. When all valid data blocks have been transferred to the system and no current block transfers are being sent as a result of the Stop At Block Gap Request set to 1h (MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP = 1h). A transfer complete interrupt is generated when this bit changes to 0h. 1h: Transferring data 0h: No valid data |
8 | WR_XFER_ACTIVE | R | 0h |
Write Transfer Active (SD Mode Only) This status indicates a write transfer is active. If this bit is 0h, it means no valid write data exists in the HC. This bit is set in either of the following cases: After the end bit of the write command. When writing a 1h to the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[1] CONTINUE bit to restart a write transfer. This bit is cleared in either of the following cases: After getting the CRC status of the last data block as specified by the transfer count (Single or Multiple). After getting a CRC status of any block where data transmission is about to be stopped by a Stop At Block Gap Request. During a write transaction, a Block Gap Event interrupt is generated when this bit is changed to 0h, as a result of the Stop At Block Gap Request being set. This status is useful for the HD in determining when to issue commands during write busy. 1h: Transferring data 0h: No valid data |
7 | SDIF_DAT7IN | R | 0h |
DAT[7] Line Signal Level (Embedded Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. D07 - DAT[7] |
6 | SDIF_DAT6IN | R | 0h |
DAT[6] Line Signal Level (Embedded Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. D06 - DAT[6] |
5 | SDIF_DAT5IN | R | 0h |
DAT[5] Line Signal Level (Embedded Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. D05 - DAT[5] |
4 | SDIF_DAT4IN | R | 0h |
DAT[4] Line Signal Level (Embedded Only) This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. D04 - DAT[4] |
3 | RETUNING_REQ | R | 0h |
Re-Tuning Request (UHS-I Only) Host Controller may request Host Driver to execute re-tuning sequence by setting this bit when the data window is shifted by temperature drift and a tuned sampling point does not have a good margin to receive correct data. This bit is cleared when a command is issued with setting the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[6] EXECUTE_TUNING bit. Changing of this bit from 0h to 1h generates Re-Tuning Event. This bit isn't set to 1h if the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[7] SAMPLING_CLK_SELECT bit is set to 0h (using fixed sampling clock). 1h: Sampling clock needs re-tuning 0h: Fixed or well tuned sampling clock |
2 | DATA_LINE_ACTIVE | R | 0h |
DAT Line Active (SD Mode Only) This bit indicates whether one of the DAT line on SD bus is in use. 1h: DAT line active 0h: DAT line inactive |
1 | INHIBIT_DAT | R | 0h |
Command Inhibit (DAT) (SD Mode Only) This status bit is generated if either the DAT Line Active or the Read transfer Active is set to 1h. If this bit is 0h, it indicates the HC can issue the next SD command. Commands with busy signal belong to Command Inhibit (DAT) (for example R1b, R5b type). Changing from 1h to 0h generates a Transfer Complete interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. Note: The SD Host Driver can save registers in the range of 04FB 0000h - 04FB 000Dh (04F9 8000h - 04F9 800Dh) for a suspend transaction after this bit has changed from 1h to 0h. 1h: Cannot issue command which uses the DAT line 0h: Can issue command which uses the DAT line |
0 | INHIBIT_CMD | R | 0h |
Command Inhibit (CMD) SD Mode: If this bit is 0h, it indicates the CMD line is not in use and the HC can issue a SD command using the CMD line. This bit is set immediately after the MMCSD1_COMMAND register is written. This bit is cleared when the command response is received. Even if the Command Inhibit (DAT) is set to 1h. Commands using only the CMD line can be issued if this bit is 0h. Changing from 1h to 0h generates a Command complete interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. If the HC cannot issuethe command because of a command conflict error or because of Command Not Issued By Auto CMD12 Error, this bit shall remain 1h and the Command Complete is not set. Status issuing Auto CMD12 is not read from this bit. Auto CMD12 and Auto CMD23 consist of two responses. In this case, this bit is not cleared by the response of CMD12 or CMD23 but cleared by the response of a read/write command. Status issuing Auto CMD12 is not read from this bit. So if a command is issued during Auto CMD12 operation, Host Controller shall manage to issue two commands: CMD12 and a command set by the MMCSD1_COMMAND register. UHS-II Mode: This bit is 0h means that a command packet can be issued by the Host Controller. While this bit is set to 1h, which means the Host Controller is not ready to issue a next command, Host Driver shall not write the registers from the MMCSD1_UHS2_BLOCK_SIZE to the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND. Changing from 1h to 0h generates a Command Complete Interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. 1h: Host Controller is not ready to issue a command 0h: Host Controller is ready to issue a command Version 4.10 adds a new control to prevent error statuses from overwriting by receipt of a next command. This status keeps indicating 1h while any of response error statuses is set to 1h, Command Not Issued by Error in this register is set to 1h or the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS[7] CMD_NOT_ISSUED bit is set to 1h. Software Reset For CMD Lineis used to clear the error statuses above and this status (MMCSD1_SOFTWARE_RESET[1] SWRST_FOR_CMD). |
Note: DAT line active indicates whether one of the DAT line is on SD bus is in use.
(a) In the case of read transactions
This status indicates whether a read transfer is executing on the SD Bus. Changing this value from 1h to 0h generates a Block Gap Event interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register, as the result of the Stop At Block Gap Request being set.
This bit shall be set in either of the following cases:
(1) After the end bit of the read command.
(2) When writing a 1h to the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[1] CONTINUE bit to restart a read transfer.
This bit shall be cleared in either of the following cases:
(1) When the end bit of the last data block is sent from the SD Bus to the Host Controller. In case of ADMA2, the last block is designated by the last transfer of Descriptor Table.
(2) When a read transfer is stopped at the block gap initiated by a Stop At Block Gap Request (MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP).
The Host Controller shall stop read operation at the start of the interrupt cycle of the next block gap by driving Read Wait or stopping SD clock. If the Read Wait signal is already driven (due to data buffer cannot receive data), the Host Controller can continue to stop read operation by driving the Read Wait signal. It is necessary to support Read Wait in order to use suspend/resume function.
(b) In the case of write transactions
This status indicates that a write transfer is executing on the SD Bus. Changing this value from 1h to 0h generate a Transfer Complete interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register.
This bit shall be set in either of the following cases:
(1) After the end bit of the write command.
(2) When writing to 1h to the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[1] CONTINUE bit to continue a write transfer.
This bit shall be cleared in either of the following cases:
(1) When the SD card releases write busy of the last data block. If SD card does not drive busy signal for 8 SD Clocks, the Host Controller shall consider the card drive "Not Busy". In case of ADMA2, the last block is designated by the last transfer of Descriptor Table.
(2) When the SD card releases write busy prior to waiting for write transfer as a result of a Stop At Block Gap Request (MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP).
(c) Command with busy
This status indicates whether a command indicates busy (for example erase command for memory) is executing on the SD Bus. This bit is set after the end bit of the command with busy and cleared when busy is de-asserted. Changing this bit from 1h to 0h generate a Transfer Complete interrupt in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register.
The HD can issue cmd0, cmd12, cmd13 (for memory) and cmd52 (for SDIO) when the DAT lines are busy during data transfer. These commands can be issued when Command Inhibit (CMD) is set to zero (MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[0] INHIBIT_CMD = 0h). Other commands shall be issued when Command Inhibit (DAT) is set to zero (MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[1] INHIBIT_DAT = 0h).
MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1 is shown in Figure 12-2012 and described in Table 12-3914.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program DMA modes, LED control, data transfer width, High Speed enable, card detect test level and signal selection.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0028h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | CD_SIG_SEL | R/W | 0h |
Card Detect Signal Detection This bit selects source for card detection. 1h: The card detect test level is selected 0h: SDCD# is selected (for normal use) |
6 | CD_TEST_LEVEL | R/W | 0h |
Card Detect Test Level This bit is enabled while the Card Detect Signal Selection is set to 1h and it indicates card inserted or not. Generates (card ins or card removal) interrupt when the normal interrupt status enable bit is set. 1h: Card Inserted 0h: No Card |
5 | EXT_DATA_WIDTH | R/W | 0h |
Extended Data Transfer Width (Embedded and SD Mode Only) This bit controls 8-bit bus width mode for embedded device. Support of this function is indicated in 8-bit Support for Embedded Device in the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register. If a device supports 8-bit bus mode, this bit may be set to 1h. If this bit is 0h, bus width is controlled by the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1[1] DATA_WIDTH bit. This bit is not effective when multiple devices are installed on a bus slot (Slot Type is set to 2h in the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register). In this case, each device bus width is controlled by Bus Width Preset field in the Shared Bus register (MMCSD1_SHARED_BUS_CTRL_PTR). 1h: 8-bit Bus Width 0h: Bus Width is Selected by Data Transfer Width |
4-3 | DMA_SELECT | R/W | 0h |
DMA Select This field is used to select DMA type. The Host Driver shall check support of DMA modes by referring the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register. Selected DMA is enabled by the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[0] DMA_ENA bit in SD mode and the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[0] DMA_ENA bit in UHS-II mode. (1) Up to Version 3.00: When MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 0h, setting of this field is compatible to Host Controller Version 3.00. SDMA is initiated by writing to the MMCSD1_COMMAND register when this field is set to 0h and the SDMA System Address register (32-bit) is used (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI). SDMA does not support 64-bit addressing. ADMA2 is initiated by writing to the MMCSD1_COMMAND register when this field is set to 2h or 3h. Lower 32-bit of the ADMA System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI) is used when this field is set to 2h and 64-bit of the ADMA System Address register is used when this field is set to 3h. Support of 64-bit System Addressing is indicated by the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[28] ADDR_64BIT_SUPPORT_V3 bit. 64-bit AMDA2 uses 96-bit Descriptor. 0h: SDMA is selected 1h: 32-bit Address ADMA1 is selected 2h: 32-bit Address ADMA2 is selected 3h: 64-bit Address ADMA2 is selected (Optional) (2) Version 4.00 or later: When the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 1h, setting of this field is changed as follows. SDMA is initiated by Host Driver writes to the MMCSD1_COMMAND register when this field is set to 0h. ADMA2 is initiated by Host Driver writes to the MMCSD1_COMMAND register when this field is set to 2h or 3h and by ADMA3 sets to the ADMA System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI) when this field is set to 3h. ADMA3 is initiated by Host Driver writes to the MMCSD1_ADMA3_DESC_ADDRESS register when this field is set to 3h. 0h: SDMA is selected 1h: Not Used (New assignment is not allowed) 2h: ADMA2 is selected (AMDA3 is not supported or disabled) 3h: ADMA2 or ADMA3 is selected Support of 64-bit DMA and 128-bit Descriptor is indicated by the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[27] ADDR_64BIT_SUPPORT_V4 bit. If the support bit is set to 1h, all supported DMAs (depends on Support, ADMA2 Support and ADMA3 Support) shall support 64-bit addressing. The MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[13] BIT64_ADDRESSING bit selects either 32-bit or 64-bit system addressing of DMAs. |
2 | HIGH_SPEED_ENA | R/W | 0h |
High Speed Enable (SD Mode Only) This bit is optional. Before setting this bit, the HD shall check the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[21] HIGH_SPEED_SUPPORT bit. If this bit is set to 0h (default), the HC outputs CMD line and DAT lines at the falling edge of the SD clock (up to 25 MHz/20 MHz for MMC). If this bit is set to 1h, the HC outputs CMD line and DAT lines at the rising edge of the SD clock (up to 50 MHz for SD/52 MHz for MMC)/208 MHz (for SD3.0). If the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA bit is set to 1h, Host Driver needs to reset SD Clock Enable (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA) before changing this field to avoid generating clock glitches. After setting this field, the Host Driver sets SD Clock Enable again. This bit is not effective in UHS-II mode. 1h: High Speed Mode 0h: Normal Speed Mode |
1 | DATA_WIDTH | R/W | 0h |
Data Transfer Width (SD Mode Only) This bit selects the data width of the HC. The HD shall select it to match the data width of the SD card. This bit is not effective in UHS-II mode. 1h: 4 bit mode 0h: 1 bit mode |
0 | LED_CONTROL | R/W | 0h |
LED Control This bit is used to caution the user not to remove the card while the SD card is being accessed. If the software is going to issue multiple SD commands, this bit can be set during all transactions. It is not necessary to change for each transaction. 1h: LED on 0h: LED off |
MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2013 and described in Table 12-3916.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program the SD Bus power and voltage level.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0029h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | UHS2_VOLTAGE | R/W | 0h |
SD Bus Voltage Select for VDD2 (UHS-II Only) This field determines supply voltage range to VDD2. This field can be set to 5h if the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[60] VDD2_1P8_SUPPORT bit is set to 1h. 111b: Not used 110b: Not used 101b: 1.8 V 100b: Reserved for 1.2 V 011b – 001b: Reserved 000b: VDD2 Not Supported |
4 | UHS2_POWER | R/W | 0h |
SD Bus Power for VDD2 (UHS-II Only) Setting this bit enables providing VDD2. 1h: Power on 0h: Power off |
3-1 | SD_BUS_VOLTAGE | R/W | 0h |
SD Bus Voltage Select for VDD1 By setting these bits, the HD selects the voltage level for the SD card. Before setting this register, the HD shall check the voltage support bits in the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register. If an unsupported voltage is selected, the Host System shall not supply SD bus voltage. 111b: 3.3 V (Flattop.) 110b: 3.0 V (Typ.) 101b: 1.8 V (Typ.) for Embedded 100b – 000b: Reserved |
0 | SD_BUS_POWER | R/W | 0h |
SD Bus Power for VDD1 Before setting this bit, the SD host driver shall set SD Bus Voltage Select (MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL[3-1] SD_BUS_VOLTAGE). If the HC detects the No Card State, this bit shall be cleared. If this bit is cleared, the Host Controller should immediately stop driving CMD and DAT[3:0] (tri-state), and drive SDCLK to low level. If card is connected to Host Controller, Host Controller shall set these lines to low before stopping to supply VDD1. In UHS-II mode, before clearing this bit, Host Driver shall clear the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit and before stopping to supply VDD1, Host Controller shall set DAT[2] to low if DAT[2] is used as out-of band interrupt. 1h: Power on 0h: Power off |
MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2014 and described in Table 12-3918.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program the block gap request, read wait control and interrupt at block gap.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 002Ah |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-1h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | BOOT_ACK_ENA | R/W | 1h |
Boot Acknowledge Check To check for the boot acknowledge in boot operation. 1h: Wait for boot ack from eMMC card 0h: Will not wait for boot ack from eMMC card |
6 | ALT_BOOT_MODE | R/W | 0h |
Alternative Boot Mode To start boot code access in alternative mode. 1h: To start alternate boot mode access 0h: To stop alternate boot mode access |
5 | BOOT_ENABLE | R/W | 0h |
Boot Enable To start boot code access. 1h: To start boot code access 0h: To stop boot code access |
4 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
3 | INTRPT_AT_BLK_GAP | R/W | 0h |
Interrupt At Block Gap (SD Mode Only) This bit is valid only in 4-bit mode of the SDIO card and selects a sample point in the interrupt cycle. Setting to 1h enables interrupt detection at the block gap for a multiple block transfer. If the SD card cannot signal an interrupt during a multiple block transfer, this bit should be set to 0h. When the HD detects an SD card insertion, it shall set this bit according to the CCCR of the SDIO card. |
2 | RDWAIT_CTRL | R/W | 0h |
Read Wait Control (SD Mode Only) The read wait function is optional for SDIO cards. If the card supports read wait, set this bit to enable use of the read wait protocol to stop read data using DAT[2] line. Otherwise the HC has to stop the SD clock to hold read data, which restricts commands generation. When the HD detects an SD card insertion, it shall set this bit according to the CCCR of the SDIO card. If the card does not support read wait, this bit shall never be set to 1h otherwise DAT line conflict may occur. If this bit is set to 0h, Suspend/Resume cannot be supported. In UHS-II mode, Read Wait is disabled and DAT[2] line is used for Interrupt Signal from UHS-II Card. 1h: Enable Read Wait Control 0h: Disable Read Wait Control |
1 | CONTINUE | R/W | 0h |
Continue Request This bit is used to restart a transaction which was stopped using the Stop At Block Gap Request. To cancel stop at the block gap, set Stop At block Gap Request to 0h (MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP = 0h) and set this bit to restart the transfer. The Host Controller automatically clears this bit when the transaction re-starts. If MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP = 1h, any write to this bit is ignored. In SD mode, this bit is cleared in either of the following cases: 1) In the case of a read transaction, the DAT Line Active changes from 0h to 1h as a read transaction restarts. 2) In the case of a write transaction, the Write transfer active changes from 0h to 1h as the write transaction restarts. Therefore it is not necessary for Host driver to set this bit to 0h. If MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP = 1h, any write to this bit is ignored. 1h: Restart 0h: Ignored |
0 | STOP_AT_BLK_GAP | R/W | 0h |
Stop At Block Gap Request This bit is used to stop executing a transaction at the next block gap for non-DMA, SDMA and ADMA transfers. Until the transfer complete is set to 1h, indicating a transfer completion the HD shall leave this bit set to 1h. Clearing both the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP and MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[1] CONTINUE bits shall not cause the transaction to restart. The MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[2] RDWAIT_CTRL bit is used to stop the read transaction at the block gap. The HC shall honour Stop At Block Gap Request for write transfers, but for read transfers it requires that the SD card support Read Wait. Therefore the HD shall not set this bit during read transfers unless the SD card supports Read Wait and has set Read Wait Control to 1h (MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[2] RDWAIT_CTRL) = 1h). In case of write transfers in which the HD writes data to the MMCSD1_DATA_PORT register, the HD shall set this bit after all block data is written. If this bit is set to 1h, the HD shall not write data to the MMCSD1_DATA_PORT register. This bit affects Read Transfer Active, Write Transfer Active, DAT line active and Command Inhibit (DAT) in the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE register. In case of UHS-II, a transaction can be stopped at the boundary of DATA Burst (Flow Control basis). Host Controller waits for sending Flow Control MSG until the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[1] CONTINUE bit is set to 1h. 1h: Stop 0h: Transfer |
There are three cases to restart the transfer after stop at the block gap. Which case is appropriate depends on whether the HC issues a Suspend command or the SD card accepts the Suspend command.
1. If the HD does not issue Suspend command, the Continue Request shall be used to restart the transfer.
2. If the HD issues a Suspend command and the SD card accepts it, a Resume Command shall be used to restart the transfer.
3. If the HD issues a Suspend command and the SD card does not accept it, the Continue Request shall be used to restart the transfer.
Any time Stop At Block Gap Request stops the data transfer, the HD shall wait for Transfer Complete (in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register) before attempting to restart the transfer. When restarting the data transfer by Continue Request, the HD shall clear Stop At Block Gap Request before or simultaneously.
Host Controller should not generate timeout interrupts while Stop At Block Gap is set. Host Driver should ignore timeout interrupts while Stop At Block Gap is set.
MMCSD1_WAKEUP_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2015 and described in Table 12-3920.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program the wakeup functionality.
The MMCSD1_WAKEUP_CONTROL register is mandatory for the HC, but wakeup functionality depends on the HC system hardware and software. The HD shall maintain voltage on the SD Bus, by setting the MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL[0] SD_BUS_POWER bit to 1h, when wakeup event via card interrupt is desired.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 002Bh |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-3 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
2 | CARD_REMOVAL | R/W | 0h |
Wakeup Event Enable On SD Card Removal This bit enables wakeup event via Card removal assertion in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. FN_WUS (Wake up Support) in CIS does not affect this bit. 1h: Enable 0h: Disable |
1 | CARD_INSERTION | R/W | 0h |
Wakeup Event Enable On SD Card Insertion This bit enables wakeup event via Card Insertion assertion in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. FN_WUS (Wake up Support) in CIS does not affect this bit. 1h: Enable 0h: Disable |
0 | CARD_INTERRUPT | R/W | 0h |
Wakeup Event Enable On Card Interrupt This bit enables wakeup event via Card Interrupt assertion in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. This bit can be set to 1h if FN_WUS (Wake Up Support) in CIS is set to 1h. 1h: Enable 0h: Disable |
MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2016 and described in Table 12-3922.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program the Clock frequency select, Clock generator select, Clock enable, Internal clock state fields.
At the initialization of the HC, the HD shall set the SDCLK Frequency Select (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL) according to the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register. This register controls SDCLK in SD Mode and RCLK in UHS-II mode.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 002Ch |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-8 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R/W | 0h |
SDCLK/RCLK Frequency Select This register is used to select the frequency of the SDCLK pin. The frequency is not programmed directly; rather this register holds the divisor of the Base Clock Frequency For SD clock in the Capabilities register (MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[15-8] BASE_CLK_FREQ). Only the following settings are allowed. (1) 8-bit Divided Clock Mode: 80h: base clock divided by 256 40h: base clock divided by 128 20h: base clock divided by 64 10h: base clock divided by 32 08h: base clock divided by 16 04h: base clock divided by 8 02h: base clock divided by 4 01h: base clock divided by 2 00h: base clock (10 MHz - 63 MHz) Setting 00h specifies the highest frequency of the SD Clock. When setting multiple bits, the most significant bit is used as the divisor. But multiple bits should not be set. The three default divider values can be calculated by the frequency that is defined by the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[15-8] BASE_CLK_FREQ bit field. 400 KHz divider value 25 MHz divider value 50 MHz divider value According to the Physical Layer Specification, the maximum SD Clock frequency is 25 MHz in normal speed mode and 50 MHz in high speed mode, and shall never exceed this limit. The frequency of SDCLK is set by the following formula: Clock Frequency = (Base Clock) / divisor Thus, choose the smallest possible divisor which results in a clock frequency that is less than or equal to the target frequency. For example, if the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[15-8] BASE_CLK_FREQ bit field has the value 33 MHz, and the target frequency is 25 MHz, then choosing the divisor value of 1h will yield 16.5 MHz, which is the nearest frequency less than or equal to the target. Similarly, to approach a clock value of 400 KHz, the divisor value of 40h yields the optimal clock value of 258 KHz. (2) 10-bit Divided Clock Mode: Host Controller Version 3.00 or later supports this mandatory mode instead of the 8-bit Divided Clock Mode. The length of divider is extended to 10 bits and all divider values shall be supported. 3FFh: 1/2046 Divided Clock N: 1/2N Divided Clock (Duty 50%) 002h: 1/4 Divided Clock 001h: 1/2 Divided Clock 000h: Base Clock (10 MHz - 254 MHz) (3) Programmable Clock Mode: Host Controller Version 3.00 or later supports this mode as optional. A non-zero value set to the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[55-48] CLOCK_MULTIPLIER bit field indicates support of this clock mode. The multiplier enables the Host System to select a finer grain SD clock frequency. It is not necessary to support all frequency generation specified by this field because programmable clock generator is vendor specific and dependent on the implementation. Therefore, this mode is used with Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). The Host Controller vendor provides possible settings and the Host System vendor sets appropriate values to the Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). 3FFh - Base Clock × M / 1024 ........... ....................... N-1 - Base Clock × M / N ........... ....................... 002h - Base Clock × M / 3 001h - Base Clock × M / 2 000h - Base Clock × M This field depends on setting of the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA bit. If MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA = 0h, this field is set by Host Driver. If MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA = 1h, this field is automatically set to a value specified in one of Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). |
7-6 | SDCLK_FRQSEL_UPBITS | R/W | 0h |
Upper Bits of SDCLK/RCLK Frequency Select This bit field is assigned to the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[9-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field of clock divider in SDCLK/RCLK Frequency Select. |
5 | CLKGEN_SEL | R/W | 0h |
Clock Generator Select This bit is used to select the clock generator mode in SDCLK/RCLK Frequency Select (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL). If the Programmable Clock Mode is supported (non-zero value is set to the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[55-48] CLOCK_MULTIPLIER bit field), this bit attribute is R/W, and if not supported, this bit attribute is RO and zero is read. This bit depends on the setting of the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA bit. If MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA = 0h, this bit is set by Host Driver. If MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA = 1h, this bit is automatically set to a value specified in one of Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). 1h: Programmable Clock Mode 0h: Divided Clock Mode |
4 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
3 | PLL_ENA | R/W | 0h |
PLL Enable This bit is added from Version 4.10 for Host Controller using PLL. This feature allows Host Controller to initialize clock generator in two steps: by Internal Clock Enable (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[0] INT_CLK_ENA) and PLL Enable and to minimize output latency (for example SDCLK/RCLK, D0 lane) from SD Clock Enable (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA). There are two modes to keep Host Drivers compatibility. In both modes, PLL Locked timing is indicated by Internal Clock Stable (MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[1] INT_CLK_STABLE). (1) When MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 0h (Host Driver Version 3, which does not support this bit) or this bit is not implemented, the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[0] INT_CLK_ENA bit (or the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit) may activate PLL (exit low power mode and start locking clock). (2) When MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h (Host Driver Version 4), the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[0] INT_CLK_ENA bit is set before setting this bit and then setting this bit may activate PLL (exit low power mode and start locking clock). 1h: PLL is enabled 0h: PLL is in low power mode |
2 | SD_CLK_ENA | R/W | 0h |
SD Clock Enable The HC shall stop SDCLK when writing this bit to 0h. The MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field can be changed when this bit is 0h. Then, the HC shall maintain the same clock frequency until SDCLK is stopped (Stop at SDCLK = 0). If the HC detects the No Card state, this bit shall be cleared. 1h: Enable providing SDCLK or RCLK 0h: Disable providing SDCLK or RCLK |
1 | INT_CLK_STABLE | R | 0h |
Internal Clock Stable This bit is set to 1h when SD clock is stable after writing 1h to MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[0] INT_CLK_ENA bit. The SD Host Driver shall wait to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit until this bit is set to 1h. Note: This is useful when using PLL for a clock oscillator that requires setup time. (1) Internal Clock Stable (when MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[3] PLL_ENA = 0h or not supported) This bit is set to 1h when internal clock is stable after writing 1h to MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[0] INT_CLK_ENA bit. (2) PLL Clock Stable (when MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[3] PLL_ENA = 1h) Host Controller which supports PLL Enable sets this status to 0h once when PLL Enable is changed 0h to 1h and then this status is set to 1h when PLL is locked (PLL uses an internal clock in stable as a reference clock which is enabled by the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[0] INT_CLK_ENA bit). After this bit is set to 1h, Host Driver may set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit. 1h: Ready 0h: Not Ready |
0 | INT_CLK_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Internal Clock Enable This bit is set to 0h when the HD is not using the HC or the HC awaits a wakeup event. The HC should stop its internal clock to go very low power state. Still, registers shall be able to be read and written. Clock starts to oscillate when this bit is set to 1h. When clock oscillation is stable, the HC shall set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[1] INT_CLK_STABLE bit to 1h. This bit shall not affect card detection. 1h: Oscillate 0h: Stop |
MMCSD1_TIMEOUT_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2017 and described in Table 12-3924.
Return to Summary Table.
The register sets the data timeout counter value.
At the initialization of the HC, the HD shall set the Data Timeout Counter Value according to the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 002Eh |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
3-0 | COUNTER_VALUE | R/W | 0h |
Data Timeout Counter Value This value determines the interval by which DAT line time-outs are detected. Refer to the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[4] DATA_TIMEOUT bit for information on factors that dictate time-out generation. Time-out clock frequency will be generated by dividing the SD clock TMCLK by this value. When setting this register, prevent inadvertent time-out events by clearing the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[4] DATA_TIMEOUT bit. 1111: Reserved 1110: TMCLK × 227 -------------------- -------------------- 0001: TMCLK × 214 0000: TMCLK × 213 |
MMCSD1_SOFTWARE_RESET is shown in Figure 12-2018 and described in Table 12-3926.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program the software reset for data, command and for all.
A reset pulse is generated when writing 1h to each bit of this register. After completing the reset, the HC shall clear each bit. Because it takes some time to complete software reset, the SD Host Driver shall confirm that these bits are 0h.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 002Fh |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-3 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
2 | SWRST_FOR_DAT | R/W | 0h |
Software Reset for DAT Line (SD Mode Only) Only part of data circuit is reset. The following registers and bits are cleared by this bit: MMCSD1_DATA_PORT Buffer is cleared and Initialized. MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE Buffer read Enable Buffer write Enable Read Transfer Active Write Transfer Active DAT Line Active Command Inhibit (DAT) MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL Continue Request Stop At Block Gap Request MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_ST Buffer Read Ready Buffer Write Ready Block Gap Event Transfer Complete 1h: Reset 0h: Work |
1 | SWRST_FOR_CMD | R/W | 0h |
Software Reset for CMD Line (SD Mode Only) Only part of command circuit is reset to be able to issue a command. From Version 4.10, this bit is also used to initialize UHS-II command circuit. This reset is effective only command issuing circuit (including response error statuses related to Command Inhibit (CMD) control - MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[0] INHIBIT_CMD bit) and does not affect data transfer circuit. Host Controller can continue data transfer even this reset is executed during handling of sub command response errors. The following registers and bits are cleared by this bit: MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE register: Command Inhibit (CMD) MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register: Command Complete MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register (Error Interrupt Status from Version 4.10) Response error statuses related to Command Inhibit (CMD) - MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[0] INHIBIT_CMD bit 1h: Reset 0h: Work |
0 | SWRST_FOR_ALL | R/W | 0h |
Software Reset for All This reset affects the entire HC except for the card detection circuit. Register bits of type ROC, RW, RW1C, RWAC are cleared to 0h. During its initialization, the HD shall set this bit to 1h to reset the HC. The HC shall reset this bit to 0h when Capabilities registers are valid and the HD can read them. Additional use of 'Software Reset For All' may not affect the value of the Capabilities registers. If this bit is set to 1h, the SD card shall reset itself and must be re-initialized by the HD. 1h: Reset 0h: Work |
MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS is shown in Figure 12-2019 and described in Table 12-3928.
Return to Summary Table.
This register gives the status of all the interrupts.
The Normal Interrupt Signal Enable (see MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_SIG_ENA register) affects read of this register, but Normal Interrupt Signal does not affect these reads. An Interrupt is generated when the Normal Interrupt Signal Enable is enabled and at least one of the status bits is set to 1h. For all bits except Card Interrupt (MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[8] CARD_INTR) and Error Interrupt (MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[15] ERROR_INTR), writing 1h to a bit clears it. The MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[8] CARD_INTR bit is cleared when the card stops asserting the interrupt: that is when the Card Driver services the Interrupt condition.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0030h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear Bit; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | ERROR_INTR | R | 0h |
Error Interrupt If any of the bits in the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register are set, then this bit is set. Therefore the HD can test for an error by checking this bit first. In UHS-II mode is enabled, if any of the bits in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register are set, this bit is also set. 0h: No Error 1h: Error |
14 | BOOT_COMPLETE | R/W1C | 0h |
Boot Terminate Interrupt This status is set if the boot operation gets terminated. 0h: Boot operation is not terminated 1h: Boot operation is terminated |
13 | RCV_BOOT_ACK | R/W1C | 0h |
Boot Acknowledge Receive This status is set if the boot acknowledge is received from device. 0h: Boot acknowledge is not received 1h: Boot acknowledge is received |
12 | RETUNING_EVENT | R | 0h |
Re-Tuning Event (UHS-I Only) This status is set if the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[3] RETUNING_REQ bit changes from 0h to 1h. Host Controller requests Host Driver to perform re-tuning for next data transfer. Current data transfer (not large block count) can be completed without re-tuning. In UHS-II mode, this bit is not effective. 1h: Re-Tuning should be performed 0h: Re-Tuning is not required |
11 | INTC | R | 0h |
int_c (Embedded) This status is set if INT_C is enabled and INT_C# pin is in low level. Writing this bit to 1h does not clear this bit. It is cleared by resetting the INT_C interrupt factor. |
10 | INTB | R | 0h |
int_b (Embedded) This status is set if INT_B is enabled and INT_B# pin is in low level. Writing this bit to 1h does not clear this bit. It is cleared by resetting the INT_B interrupt factor. |
9 | INTA | R | 0h |
int_a (Embedded) This status is set if INT_A is enabled and INT_A# pin is in low level. Writing this bit to 1h does not clear this bit. It is cleared by resetting the INT_A interrupt factor. |
8 | CARD_INTR | R | 0h |
Card Interrupt When this status has been set and the Host Driver needs to start this interrupt service, the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA[8] CARD_INTERRUPT bit may be set to 0h in order to clear the card interrupt status latched in the Host Controller and to stop driving the interrupt signal to the Host System. After completion of the card interrupt service (it should reset interrupt factors in the SD card and the interrupt signal may not be asserted), set the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA[8] CARD_INTERRUPT bit to 1h and start sampling the interrupt signal again. Writing this bit to 1h does not clear this bit. It is cleared by resetting the SD card interrupt factor. (1) DAT[1] Interrupt Input in SD Mode In 1-bit mode, the Host Controller shall detect the Card Interrupt without SD Clock to support wakeup. In 4-bit mode, the card interrupt signal is sampled during the interrupt cycle, so there are some sample delays between the interrupt signal from the SD card and the interrupt to the Host System. Interrupt detected by DAT[1] is supported when there is a card per slot. In case of UHS-I mode, switching time of Interrupt Period is relaxed for 2 clock cycles. Then Host Controller needs to delay start of interrupt sampling at least 2 clocks and should sample interrupt while Interrupt Period is stable. (2) DAT[2] Interrupt Input in UHS-II Mode When the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[16] CARD_INSERTED and MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL[0] SD_BUS_POWER bits are set to 1h, Host Controller configures DAT[2] as Interrupt Input and enables pull-up of DAT[2]. DAT[2] interrupt is asynchronous to RCLK, low level sensitive and 3.3 V signal level. DAT[2] interrupt is masked by setting the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA[8] CARD_INTERRUPT bit to 0h. When either the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[16] CARD_INSERTED bit or the MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL[0] SD_BUS_POWER bit is set to 0h, Host Controller sets DAT[2] to low. Only point to point connection is allowed between Host and Card. (3) INT MSG in UHS-II Mode INT MSG is enabled by setting the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT[7] INT_MSG_ENA bit. DAT[2] and INT MSG interrupt sources are ORed and indicated to Card Interrupt. If any bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INTR_STATUS register is set to 1h, INT MSG interrupt is generated. INT MSG interrupt is cleared by writing a correspondent bit to 1h in the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INTR_STATUS register. Masking DAT[2] interrupt also disables INT MSG interupt due to the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA[8] CARD_INTERRUPT bit is set to 0h. SDIO Version 4.00 does not support INT MSG. 1h: Generate Card Interrupt 0h: No Card Interrupt |
7 | CARD_REM | R/W1C | 0h |
Card Removal This status is set if the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[16] CARD_INSERTED bit changes from 1h to 0h. When the HD writes this bit to 1h to clear this status the status of the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[16] CARD_INSERTED bit should be confirmed. Because the card detect may possibly be changed when the HD clear this bit an Interrupt event may not be generated. 0h: Card State Stable or Debouncing 1h: Card Removed |
6 | CARD_INS | R/W1C | 0h |
Card Insertion This status is set if the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[16] CARD_INSERTED bit changes from 0h to 1h. When the HD writes this bit to 1h to clear this status the status of the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[16] CARD_INSERTED bit should be confirmed. Because the card detect may possibly be changed when the HD clear this bit an Interrupt event may not be generated. 0h: Card State Stable or Debouncing 1h: Card Inserted |
5 | BUF_RD_READY | R/W1C | 0h |
Buffer Read Ready This status is set if the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[11] BUF_RD_ENA bit changes from 0h to 1h. The MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[11] BUF_RD_ENA bit is set to 1h for every CMD19 execution in tuning procedure. In UHS-II mode, this bit is set at FC (Flow Control) unit basis. 0h: Not Ready to read Buffer 1h: Ready to read Buffer |
4 | BUF_WR_READY | R/W1C | 0h |
Buffer Write Ready This status is set if the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[10] BUF_WR_ENA bit changes from 0h to 1h. In UHS-II mode, this bit is set at FC (Flow Control) unit basis. 0h: Not Ready to Write Buffer 1h: Ready to Write Buffer |
3 | DMA_INTERRUPT | R/W1C | 0h |
DMA Interrupt This status is set if the HC detects the Host DMA Buffer Boundary in the MMCSD1_BLOCK_SIZE regiser. 0h: No DMA Interrupt 1h: DMA Interrupt is Generated |
2 | BLK_GAP_EVENT | R/W1C | 0h |
Block Gap Event If the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP bit is set, this bit is set. Read Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of the DAT Line Active Status (see MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[2] DATA_LINE_ACTIVE bit). When the transaction is stopped at SD Bus timing. The Read Wait must be supported in order to use this function. Write Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of Write Transfer Active Status (see MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[8] WR_XFER_ACTIVE bit). After getting CRC status at SD Bus timing. In UHS-II mode, this bit is set at FC (Flow Control) unit basis. 0h: No Block Gap Event 1h: Transaction stopped at Block Gap |
1 | XFER_COMPLETE | R/W1C | 0h |
Transfer Complete This bit is set when a read/write transaction is completed. SD Mode Read Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of Read Transfer Active Status (MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[9] RD_XFER_ACTIVE). There are two cases in which the Interrupt is generated. The first is when a data transfer is completed as specified by data length (after the last data has been read to the Host System). The second is when data has stopped at the block gap and completed the data transfer by setting the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP bit (after valid data has been read to the Host System). Write Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of the DAT Line Active Status (see MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[2] DATA_LINE_ACTIVE bit). There are two cases in which the Interrupt is generated. The first is when the last data is written to the card as specified by data length and Busy signal is released. The second is when data transfers are stopped at the block gap by setting the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP bit and data transfers completed (after valid data is written to the SD card and the busy signal is released). Note: MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[1] XFER_COMPLETE bit has higher priority than the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[4] DATA_TIMEOUT bit. If both bits are set to 1h, the data transfer can be considered complete. Note: While performing tuning procedure (the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[6] EXECUTE_TUNING bit is set to 1h), the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[1] XFER_COMPLETE bit is not set to 1h. Command with Busy: This bit is set when busy is de-asserted. Refer to DAT Line Active and Command Inhibit (DAT) in the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE register. UHS-I mode While performing tuning procedure (the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[6] EXECUTE_TUNING bit is set to 1h), the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[1] XFER_COMPLETE bit is not set to 1h. 0h: No Data Transfer Complete 1h: Data Transfer Complete UHS-II Mode This interrupt is generated in following two cases: (a) EBSY Completion (for EBSY supported commands) When the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[14] EBSY_WAIT bit is set to 1h, this bit is set when EBSY packet has been received, and all valid data have been sent to system memory in case of read operation. (b) Stop and Continue during DCMD Data Transfer When the MMCSD1_BLOCK_GAP_CONTROL[0] STOP_AT_BLK_GAP bit is set to 1h and data transfer is stopped at the Flow Control. Following is for both SD mode and UHS-II mode. The table below shows that the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[1] XFER_COMPLETE bit has higher priority than the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[4] DATA_TIMEOUT bit. If both bits are set to 1h, execution of a command can be considered to be completed. 1h: Command execution is completed 0h: Not complete |
0 | CMD_COMPLETE | R/W1C | 0h |
Command Complete SD Mode This bit is set when we get the end bit of the command response (Except Auto CMD12 and Auto CMD23). Note: The MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[0] CMD_TIMEOUT bit has higher priority than the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[0] CMD_COMPLETE bit. If both are set to 1h, it can be considered that the response was not received correctly. Version 4.00 defines response check function for R1 and R5. If the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[8] RESP_INTR_DIS bit is set to 1h, generation of this interrupt is prohibited regardless of the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_SIG_ENA[0] CMD_COMPLETE bit. UHS-II Mode If the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[8] RESP_INTR_DIS bit is set to 0h, this interrupt is generated when response packet is received. If the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[8] RESP_INTR_DIS bit is set to 1h, generation of this interrupt is prohibited regardless of the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_SIG_ENA[0] CMD_COMPLETE bit. 0h: No Command Complete 1h: Command Complete |
Table 12-3929 shows the relation between transfer complete and data timeout error.
Transfer Complete | Data Timeout Error | Meaning of the Status |
0 | 0 | Interrupted by Another Factor |
0 | 1 | Timeout occur during transfer |
1 | Don't Care | Data Transfer Complete |
Table 12-3930 shows the relation between command complete and command timeout error.
Command Complete | Command Timeout Error | Meaning of the Status |
0 | 0 | Interrupted by Another Factor |
Don't Care | 1 | Response not received within 64 SDCLK cycles |
1 | 0 | Response Received |
MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS is shown in Figure 12-2020 and described in Table 12-3932.
Return to Summary Table.
This register gives the status of the error interrupts.
Status defined in this register can be enabled by the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA register, but not by the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_SIG_ENA register. The Interrupt is generated when the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_SIG_ENA register is enabled and at least one of the statuses is set to 1h. Writing to 1h clears the bit and writing to 0h keeps the bit unchanged. More than one status can be cleared at the one register write.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0032h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | ||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear Bit; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-13 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
12 | HOST | R/W1C | 0h |
Target Response Error Occurs when detecting ERROR in m_hresp (DMA transaction) 0h: No error 1h: Error |
11 | RESP | R/W1C | 0h |
Response Error (SD Mode Only) Host Controller Version 4.00 supports response error check function to avoid overhead of response error check by Host Driver during DMA execution. If the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[7] RESP_ERR_CHK_ENA bit is set to 1h, Host Controller Checks R1 or R5 response. If an error is detected in a response, this bit is set to 1h. 0h: No error 1h: Error |
10 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
9 | ADMA | R/W1C | 0h |
ADMA Error This bit is set when the Host Controller detects errors during ADMA based data transfer. The state of the ADMA at an error occurrence is saved in the MMCSD1_ADMA_ERR_STATUS register. 0h: No error 1h: Error |
8 | AUTO_CMD | R/W1C | 0h |
Auto CMD Error (SD Mode Only) Auto CMD12 and Auto CMD23 use this error status. This bit is set when detecting that any of the bits D00 to D05 in the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register has changed from 0h to 1h. D07 is effective in case of Auto CMD12. The MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register is valid while this bit is set to 1h and may be cleared with clearing of this bit (another implementation is also allowed). 0h: No error 1h: Error |
7 | CURR_LIMIT | R/W1C | 0h |
Current Limit Error By setting the MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL[0] SD_BUS_POWER bit, the HC is requested to supply power for the SD Bus. If the HC supports the Current Limit Function, it can be protected from an Illegal card by stopping power supply to the card in which case this bit indicates a failure status. Reading 1h means the HC is not supplying power to SD card due to some failure. Reading 0 means that the HC is supplying power and no error has occurred. This bit shall always set to be 0, if the HC does not support this function. 0h: No error 1h: Power Fail |
6 | DATA_ENDBIT | R/W1C | 0h |
Data End Bit Error (SD Mode Only) Occurs when detecting 0 at the end bit position of read data which uses the DAT line or the end bit position of the CRC status. 0h: No error 1h: Error |
5 | DATA_CRC | R/W1C | 0h |
Data CRC Error (SD Mode Only) Occurs when detecting CRC error when transferring read data which uses the DAT line or when detecting the Write CRC Status having a value of other than 2h. 0h: No error 1h: Error |
4 | DATA_TIMEOUT | R/W1C | 0h |
Data Timeout Error (SD Mode Only) Occurs when detecting one of following timeout conditions: 1. Busy Timeout for R1b, R5b type 2. Busy Timeout after Write CRC status 3. Write CRC status Timeout 4. Read Data Timeout 0h: No error 1h: Timeout |
3 | CMD_INDEX | R/W1C | 0h |
Command Index Error (SD Mode Only) Occurs if a Command Index error occurs in the Command Response (MMCSD1_RESPONSE_0 to MMCSD1_RESPONSE_7). 0h: No error 1h: Error |
2 | CMD_ENDBIT | R/W1C | 0h |
Command End Bit Error (SD Mode Only) Occurs when detecting that the end bit of a command response is 0h. 0h: No error 1h: End Bit Error Generated |
1 | CMD_CRC | R/W1C | 0h |
Command CRC Error (SD Mode Only) Command CRC Error is generated in two cases. 1. If a response is returned and the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[0] CMD_TIMEOUT bit is set to 0h, this bit is set to 1h when detecting a CRT error in the command response. 2. The HC detects a CMD line conflict by monitoring the CMD line when a command is issued. If the HC drives the CMD line to 1 level, but detects 0 level on the CMD line at the next SDCLK edge, then the HC shall abort the command (Stop driving CMD line) and set this bit to 1h. The MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[0] CMD_TIMEOUT bit shall also be set to 1h to distinguish CMD line conflict. 0h: No error 1h: CRC Error Generated |
0 | CMD_TIMEOUT | R/W1C | 0h |
Command Timeout Error (SD Mode Only) Occurs only if the no response is returned within 64 SDCLK cycles from the end bit of the command. If the HC detects a CMD line conflict, in which case the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[1] CMD_CRC bit shall also be set. This bit shall be set without waiting for 64 SDCLK cycles because the command will be aborted by the HC. 0h: No error 1h: Timeout |
Table 12-3933 shows the relation between command CRC error and command time-out error.
Command CRC Error | Command Time-out Error | Kinds of Error |
0 | 0 | No Error |
0 | 1 | Response Timeout Error |
1 | 0 | Response CRC Error |
1 | 1 | CMD Line Conflict |
MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2021 and described in Table 12-3935.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to enable the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register fields.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0034h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | BIT15_FIXED0 | R | 0h |
Fixed to 0 The HC shall control error Interrupts using the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA register. |
14 | BOOT_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Boot Terminate Interrupt Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
13 | RCV_BOOT_ACK | R/W | 0h |
Boot Acknowledge Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
12 | RETUNING_EVENT | R/W | 0h |
Re-Tuning Event Status Enable (UHS-I Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
11 | INTC | R/W | 0h |
INT_C Status Enable (Embedded) If this bit is set to 0h, the Host Controller shall clear the interrupt request to the System. The Host Driver may clear this bit before servicing the INT_C and may set this bit again after all interrupt requests to INT_C pin are cleared to prevent inadvertent interrupts. |
10 | INTB | R/W | 0h |
INT_B Status Enable (Embedded) If this bit is set to 0h, the Host Controller shall clear the interrupt request to the System. The Host Driver may clear this bit before servicing the INT_B and may set this bit again after all interrupt requests to INT_B pin are cleared to prevent inadvertent interrupts. |
9 | INTA | R/W | 0h |
INT_A Status Enable (Embedded) If this bit is set to 0h, the Host Controller shall clear the interrupt request to the System. The Host Driver may clear this bit before servicing the INT_A and may set this bit again after all interrupt requests to INT_A pin are cleared to prevent inadvertent interrupts. |
8 | CARD_INTERRUPT | R/W | 0h |
Card Interrupt Status Enable If this bit is set to 0h, the HC shall clear Interrupt request to the System. The Card Interrupt detection is stopped when this bit is cleared and restarted when this bit is set to 1h. The HD may clear the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA[8] CARD_INTERRUPT bit before servicing the Card Interrupt and may set this bit again after all Interrupt requests from the card are cleared to prevent inadvertent Interrupts. By setting this bit to 0h, interrupt input should be masked by implementation so that the interrupt Input is not affected by external signal in any state (for example: floating). 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
7 | CARD_REMOVAL | R/W | 0h |
Card Removal Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
6 | CARD_INSERTION | R/W | 0h |
Card Insertion Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
5 | BUF_RD_READY | R/W | 0h |
Buffer Read Ready Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
4 | BUF_WR_READY | R/W | 0h |
Buffer Write Ready Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
3 | DMA_INTERRUPT | R/W | 0h |
DMA Interrupt Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
2 | BLK_GAP_EVENT | R/W | 0h |
Block Gap Event Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
1 | XFER_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Transfer Complete Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
0 | CMD_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Command Complete Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
Note: The HC may sample the card Interrupt signal during interrupt period and may hold its value in the flip-flop. If the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS_ENA[8] CARD_INTERRUPT bit is set to 0h, the HC shall clear all internal signals regarding Card Interrupt (MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[8] CARD_INTR).
MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2022 and described in Table 12-3937.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to enable the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register fields.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0036h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-12 | VENDOR_SPECIFIC | R/W | 0h |
Vendor Specific Error Status Enable N/A |
11 | RESP | R/W | 0h |
Response Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
10 | TUNING | R/W | 0h |
Tuning Error Status Enable (UHS-I Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
9 | ADMA | R/W | 0h |
ADMA Error Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
8 | AUTO_CMD | R/W | 0h |
Auto CMD Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
7 | CURR_LIMIT | R/W | 0h |
Current Limit Error Status Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
6 | DATA_ENDBIT | R/W | 0h |
Data End Bit Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
5 | DATA_CRC | R/W | 0h |
Data CRC Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
4 | DATA_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Data Timeout Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
3 | CMD_INDEX | R/W | 0h |
Command Index Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
2 | CMD_ENDBIT | R/W | 0h |
Command End Bit Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
1 | CMD_CRC | R/W | 0h |
Command CRC Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
0 | CMD_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Command Timeout Error Status Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
Note: To Detect CMD Line conflict, the HD must set both MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA[0] CMD_TIMEOUT and MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA[1] CMD_CRC bits to 1h.
MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_SIG_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2023 and described in Table 12-3939.
Return to Summary Table.
Normal Interrupt Signal Enable Register
This register is used to select which interrupt status is indicated to the Host System as the Interrupt. These status bits all share the sample 1 bit interrupt line. Setting any of these bits to 1h enables Interrupt generation.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0038h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | BIT15_FIXED0 | R | 0h |
Fixed to 0 The HD shall control error Interrupts using the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_SIG_ENA register. |
14 | BOOT_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Boot Terminate Interrupt Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
13 | RCV_BOOT_ACK | R/W | 0h |
Boot Acknowledge Receive Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
12 | RETUNING_EVENT | R/W | 0h |
Re-Tuning Event Signal Enable (UHS-I Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
11 | INTC | R/W | 0h |
INT_C Signal Enable (Embedded) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
10 | INTB | R/W | 0h |
INT_B Signal Enable (Embedded) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
9 | INTA | R/W | 0h |
INT_A Signal Enable (Embedded) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
8 | CARD_INTERRUPT | R/W | 0h |
Card Interrupt Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
7 | CARD_REMOVAL | R/W | 0h |
Card Removal Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
6 | CARD_INSERTION | R/W | 0h |
Card Insertion Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
5 | BUF_RD_READY | R/W | 0h |
Buffer Read Ready Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
4 | BUF_WR_READY | R/W | 0h |
Buffer Write Ready Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
3 | DMA_INTERRUPT | R/W | 0h |
DMA Interrupt Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
2 | BLK_GAP_EVENT | R/W | 0h |
Block Gap Event Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
1 | XFER_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Transfer Complete Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
0 | CMD_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Command Complete Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_SIG_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2024 and described in Table 12-3941.
Return to Summary Table.
Error Interrupt Signal Enable Register
This register is used to select which interrupt status is notified to the Host System as the Interrupt. These status bits all share the same 1 bit interrupt line. Setting any of these bits to 1h enables Interrupt generation.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 003Ah |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-12 | VENDOR_SPECIFIC | R/W | 0h |
Vendor Specific Error Signal Enable N/A |
11 | RESP | R/W | 0h |
Response Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
10 | TUNING | R/W | 0h |
Tuning Error Signal Enable (UHS-I Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
9 | ADMA | R/W | 0h |
ADMA Error Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
8 | AUTO_CMD | R/W | 0h |
Auto CMD Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
7 | CURR_LIMIT | R/W | 0h |
Current Limit Error Signal Enable 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
6 | DATA_ENDBIT | R/W | 0h |
Data End Bit Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
5 | DATA_CRC | R/W | 0h |
Data CRC Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
4 | DATA_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Data Timeout Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
3 | CMD_INDEX | R/W | 0h |
Command Index Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
2 | CMD_ENDBIT | R/W | 0h |
Command End Bit Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
1 | CMD_CRC | R/W | 0h |
Command CRC Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
0 | CMD_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Command Timeout Error Signal Enable (SD Mode Only) 0h: Masked 1h: Enabled |
MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS is shown in Figure 12-2025 and described in Table 12-3943.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to indicate CMD12 response error of Auto CMD12 and CMD23 response error of Auto CMD23.
The Host driver can determine what kind of Auto CMD12/CMD23 errors occur by this register. Auto CMD23 errors are indicated in bit 04-01. This register is valid only when the Auto CMD Error is set.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 003Ch |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-8 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
7 | CMD_NOT_ISSUED | R | 0h |
Command Not Issued By Auto CMD12 Error Setting this bit to 1h means CMD_wo_DAT is not executed due to an Auto CMD12 error (D04- D01) in this register. This bit is set to 0h when Auto CMD Error is generated by Auto CMD23. 0h: No Error 1h: Not Issued |
6-5 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
4 | INDEX | R | 0h |
Auto CMD Index Error Occurs if the Command Index error occurs in response to a command. 0h: No Error 1h: Error |
3 | ENDBIT | R | 0h |
Auto CMD End Bit Error Occurs when detecting that the end bit of command response is 0h. 0h: No Error 1h: End Bit Error Generated |
2 | CRC | R | 0h |
Auto CMD CRC Error Occurs when detecting a CRC error in the command response. 0h: No Error 1h: CRC Error Generated |
1 | TIMEOUT | R | 0h |
Auto CMD Timeout Error Occurs if the no response is returned within 64 SDCLK cycles from the end bit of the command. If this bit is set to 1h, the other error status bits (D04 - D02) are meaningless. 0h: No Error 1h: Timeout |
0 | ACMD12_NOT_EXEC | R | 0h |
Auto CMD12 not Executed If memory multiple block data transfer is not started due to command error, this bit is not set because it is not necessary to issue Auto CMD12. Setting this bit to 1h means the HC cannot issue Auto CMD12 to stop memory multiple block transfer due to some error. If this bit is set to 1h, other error status bits (D04 - D01) are meaningless. This bit is set to 0h when Auto CMD Error is generated by Auto CMD23. 0h: Executed 1h: Not Executed |
Table 12-3944 shows the relation between Auto CMD12 CRC error and Auto CMD12 timeout error.
Auto Cmd12 CRC Error | Auto CMD12 Timeout Error | Kinds of Error |
0 | 0 | No Error |
0 | 1 | Response Timeout Error |
1 | 0 | Response CRC Error |
1 | 1 | CMD Line Conflict |
The timing of changing Auto CMD12 Error Status can be classified in three scenarios:
1. When the HC is going to issue Auto CMD12:
Set D00 to 1h if Auto CMD12 cannot be issued due to an error in the previous command.
Set D00 to 0h if Auto CMD12 is issued.
2. At the end bit of Auto CMD12 response:
Check received responses by checking the error bits D01, D02, D03, D04.
set to 1h if Error is Detected.
set to 0h if Error is Not Detected.
3. Before reading the Auto CMD12 Error Status bit D07:
Set D07 to 1h if there is a command cannot be issued.
Set D07 to 0h if there is no command to issue.
Timing of generating the Auto CMD12 Error and writing to the MMCSD1_COMMAND register are Asynchronous. Then D07 shall be sampled when driver never writing to the MMCSD1_COMMAND register. So just before reading the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register is good timing to set the D07 status bit.
MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2 is shown in Figure 12-2026 and described in Table 12-3946.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program UHS Mode Select, Driver Strength Select, Execute Tuning, Sampling Clock Select, Asynchronous Interrupt Enable and Preset Value Enable.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 003Eh |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | PRESET_VALUE_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Preset Value Enable Host Controller Version 3.00 supports this bit. As the operating SDCLK frequency and I/O driver strength depend on the Host System implementation, it is difficult to determine these parameters in the Standard Host Driver. When the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA bit is set to automatic. This bit enables the functions defined in the Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). If this bit is set to 0h, SDCLK Frequency Select, Clock Generator Select in the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL register and Driver Strength Select in the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2 register are set by Host Driver. If this bit is set to 1h, SDCLK Frequency Select, Clock Generator Select in the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL register and Driver Strength Select in the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2 register are set by Host Controller as specified in the Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). 0h: SDCLK and Driver Strength are controlled by Host Driver 1h: Automatic Selection by Preset Value are Enabled |
14 | ASYNCH_INTR_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Asynchronous Interrupt Enable This bit can be set to 1h if a card support asynchronous interrupt and the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[29] ASYNCH_INTR_SUPPORT bit is set to 1h. Asynchronous interrupt is effective when DAT[1] interrupt is used in 4-bit SD mode . If this bit is set to 1h, the Host Driver can stop the SDCLK during asynchronous interrupt period to save power. During this period, the Host Controller continues to deliver Card Interrupt to the host when it is asserted by the Card. 0h: Disabled 1h: Enabled |
13 | BIT64_ADDRESSING | R/W | 0h |
64-bit Addressing This field is effective when the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 1h. Host Controller selects either of 32-bit or 64-bit addressing modes to access system memory. Whether 32-bit or 64-bit is determined by OS installed in a host system. Host Driver sets this bit depends on addressing mode of installed OS. Refer to 64-bit System Address Support in the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register. 0h: 32-bits Addressing 1h: 64-bits Addressing |
12 | HOST_VER40_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Host Version 4 Enable This bit selects either Version 3.00 compatible mode or Version 4.00 mode. In Version 4.00, support of 64-bit System Addressing is modified. All DMAs support 64-bit System Addressing. UHS-II supported Host Driver shall enable this bit. In Version 4.10, supported 32-bit Block Count for all operations. Functions of following fields are modified. SDMA Address SDMA uses the MMCSD1_ADMA_SYS_ADDRESS register instead of SDMA System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI) ADMA2/ADMA3 Selection ADMA3 is selected by MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1[4-3] DMA_SELECT bit. 64-bit ADMA Descriptor Size 128-bit descriptor is used instead of 96-bit descriptor when 64-bit Addressing is set to 1h. Selection of 32-bit/64-bit System Addressing Either 32-bit or 64-bit system addressing is selected by 64-bit Addressing bit in this register instead of MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1[4-3] DMA_SELECT bit. 32-bit Block Count SDMA System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI) is modified to 32-bit Block Count register. 0h: Version 3.00 Compatible Mode 1h: Version 4.Mode |
11 | CMD23_ENA | R/W | 0h |
CMD23 Enable In memory card initialization, Host Driver Version 4.10 checks whether card supports CMD23 by checking a bit SCR[33]. If the card supports CMD23 (SCR[33] = 1h), this bit is set to 1h. This bit is used to select Auto CMD23 or Auto CMD12 for ADMA3 datatransfer. Refer to MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[3-2] AUTO_CMD_ENA bit. |
10 | ADMA2_LEN_MODE | R/W | 0h |
ADMA2 Length Mode This bit selects one of ADMA2 Length Modes either 16-bit or 26-bit. 0h: 16-bit Data Length Mode 1h: 26-bit Data Length Mode |
9 | DRIVER_STRENGTH2 | R/W | 0h |
Driver Strength Select This is the programmed Drive Strength output and Bit[2] of the sdhccore_drivestrength value. |
8 | UHS2_INTF_ENABLE | R/W | 0h |
UHS-II Interface Enable This bit is used to enable UHS-II Interface. Before trying to start UHS-II initialization, this bit shall be set to 1h. Before trying to start SD mode initialization, this bit shall be set to 0h. This bit is used to enable UHS-II IF Detection, Lane Synchronization and In Dormant State in the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE register, and to select clock source of either SD mode or UHS-II mode. Host Controller shall not leave unused SD 4-bit Interface lines (CLK, CMD and DAT[3:2]) floating in UHS-II mode by using pull-up or driving to low. When DAT[2] is used as interrupt input in UHS-II mode, DAT[2] of Host Controller is set to input and then DAT[2] of SDIO card is set to output to avoid conflict. 0h: 4-bit SD Interface Enabled 1h: UHS-II Interface Enabled |
Sampling Clock Select (UHS-I Only) This bit is set by tuning procedure when the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[6] EXECUTE_TUNING bit is cleared. Writing 1h to this bit is meaningless and ignored. Setting 1h means that tuning is completed successfully and setting 0 means that tuning is failed. Host Controller uses this bit to select sampling clock to receive CMD and DAT. This bit is cleared by writing 0h. Change of this bit is not allowed while the Host Controller is receiving response or a read data block. 0h: Fixed clock is used to sample data 1h: Tuned clock is used to sample data |
6 | EXECUTE_TUNING | R/W | 0h |
Execute Tuning (UHS-I Only) This bit is set to 1h to start tuning procedure and automatically cleared when tuning procedure is completed. The result of tuning is indicated to the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[7] SAMPLING_CLK_SELECT bit. Tuning procedure is aborted by writing 0h for more detail about tuning procedure. 0h: Not Tuned or Tuning Completed 1h: Execute Tuning |
5-4 | DRIVER_STRENGTH1 | R/W | 0h |
Driver Strength Select (UHS-I Only) Host Controller output driver in 1.8 V signaling is selected by this bit. In 3.3 V signaling, this field is not effective. This field can be set depends on Driver Type A, C and D support bits in the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register. This bit depends on setting of the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA bit. If MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA = 0h, this field is set by Host Driver. If MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA = 1h, this field is automatically set by a value specified in the one of Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). 0h: Driver Type B is Selected (Default) 1h: Driver Type A is Selected 2h: Driver Type C is Selected 3h: Driver Type D is Selected |
3 | V1P8_SIGNAL_ENA | R/W | 0h |
1.8 V Signaling Enable (UHS-I Only) This bit controls voltage regulator for I/O cell. 3.3 V is supplied to the card regardless of signaling voltage. Setting this bit from 0h to 1h starts changing signal voltage from 3.3 V to 1.8 V. 1.8 V regulator output shall be stable within 5 ms. Host Controller clears this bit if switching to 1.8 V signaling fails. Clearing this bit from 1h to 0h starts changing signal voltage from 1.8 V to 3.3 V. 3.3 V regulator output shall be stable within 5 ms. Host Driver can set this bit to 1h when Host Controller supports 1.8 V signaling (one of support bits is set to 1h: SDR50, SDR104 or DDR50 in the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register) and the card or device supports UHS-I. 0h: 3.3 V Signaling 1h: 1.8 V Signaling |
2-0 | UHS_MODE_SELECT | R/W | 0h |
UHS Mode Select (UHS-I Only) This field is used to select one of UHS-I modes or UHS-II mode. In case of UHS-I mode, this field is effective when the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[3] V1P8_SIGNAL_ENA bit is set to 1h. In case of UHS-II mode, the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[3] V1P8_SIGNAL_ENA bit shall be set to 0h. Setting of this field is used to select one of preset values in UHS-I or UHS-II mode. If the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA is set to 1h,Host Controller sets SDCLK/RCLK Frequency Select, Clock Generator Select in the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL register and Driver Strength Select according to Preset Value registers (MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 - MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10). In this case, one of preset value registers is selected by this field. Host Driver needs to reset the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit before changing this field to avoid generating clock glitch. After setting this field, Host Driver sets the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[2] SD_CLK_ENA bit again. 0h: SDR12 1h: SDR25 2h: SDR50 3h: SDR104 4h: DDR50 5h: HS400 6h: Reserved 7h: UHS-II When SDR50, SDR104 or DDR50 is selected for SDIO card, interrupt detection at the block gap shall not be used. Read Wait timing is changed for these modes. Refer to the SDIO Specification Version 3.00 for more details. |
MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES is shown in Figure 12-2027 and described in Table 12-3948.
Return to Summary Table.
This register provides the HD with information specific to the HC implementation. The HC may implement these values as fixed or loaded from flash memory during power on initialization.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0040h |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-1h | R-1h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | |
55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 |
R-0h | |||||||
47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-4h | ||||
39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-1h | R-1h | R-1h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
R-0h | R-1h | R-1h | R-1h | R-1h | R-1h | R-1h | |
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-1h | R-1h | R-1h | R-0h | R-1h | R-0h | R-0h | |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
BASE_CLK_FREQ | |||||||
R-C8h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-1h | |||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63 | HS400_SUPPORT | R | 0h |
HS400 Support 0h: HS400 is Not Supported 1h: HS400 is Supported |
62-61 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
60 | VDD2_1P8_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
1.8 V VDD2 Support This bit indicates that support of VDD2 on Host system. 0h: 1.8 V VDD2 is not supported 1h: 1.8 V VDD2 is supported |
59 | ADMA3_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
ADMA3 Support This bit indicates that support of ADMA3 on Host Controller. 0h: ADMA3 is not supported 1h: ADMA3 is supported |
58 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
57 | SPI_BLK_MODE | R | 0h |
SPI Block Mode This bit indicates whether SPI Block Mode is supported or not. 0h: Not Supported 1h: Supported |
56 | SPI_SUPPORT | R | 0h |
SPI Mode This bit indicates whether SPI Mode is supported or not. 0h: Not Supported 1h: Supported |
55-48 | CLOCK_MULTIPLIER | R | 0h |
Clock Multiplier This field indicates clock multiplier value of programmable clock generator. Refer to the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL register. Setting 00h means that Host Controller does not support programmable clock generator. FFh: Clock Multiplier M = 256 ---- 02h: Clock Multiplier M = 3 01h: Clock Multiplier M = 2 00h: Clock Multiplier is Not Supported |
47-46 | RETUNING_MODES | R | 0h |
Re-tuning Modes (UHS-I Only) This field defines the re-tuning capability of a Host Controller and how to manage the data transfer length and a Re-Tuning Timer by the Host Driver. 0h: Mode 1 1h: Mode 2 2h: Mode 3 3h: Reserved There are two re-tuning timings: Re-Tuning Request and expiration of a Re-Tuning Timer. By receiving either timing, the Host Driver executes the re-tuning procedure just before a next command issue. |
45 | TUNING_FOR_SDR50 | R | 0h |
Use Tuning for SDR50 (UHS-I Only) If this bit is set to 1h, this Host Controller requires tuning to operate SDR50 (tuning is always required to operate SDR104). 0h: SDR50 does not require tuning 1h: SDR50 requires tuning Note: Tuning is required for SDR50 to compensate temperature variation. |
44 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
43-40 | RETUNING_TIMER_CNT | R | 4h |
Timer Count for Re-Tuning (UHS-I Only) This field indicates an initial value of the Re-Tuning Timer for Re-Tuning Mode 1 to 3. 0h - Get information via other source 1h = 1 seconds 2h = 2 seconds 3h = 4 seconds 4h = 8 seconds ---- n = 2(n-1) seconds ---- Bh = 1024 seconds Fh - Ch = Reserved |
39 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
38 | DRIVERD_SUPPORT | R | 0h |
Driver Type D Support (UHS-I Only) This bit indicates support of Driver Type D for 1.8 Signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Not Supported 1h: Driver Type D is Supported |
37 | DRIVERC_SUPPORT | R | 0h |
Driver Type C Support (UHS-I Only) This bit indicates support of Driver Type C for 1.8 Signaling. 0h: Driver Type C is Not Supported 1h: Driver Type C is Supported |
36 | DRIVERA_SUPPORT | R | 0h |
Driver Type A Support (UHS-I Only) This bit indicates support of Driver Type A for 1.8 Signaling. 0h: Driver Type A is Not Supported 1h: Driver Type A is Supported |
35 | UHS2_SUPPORT | R | 0h |
UHS-II Support (UHS-II Only) This bit indicates whether Host Controller supports UHS-II. If this bit is set to 1h, the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[60] VDD2_1P8_SUPPORT bit shall be set to 1h (Host System shall support VDD2 power supply). 0h: UHS-II is Not Supported 1h: UHS-II is Supported |
34 | DDR50_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
DDR50 Support (UHS-I Only) This bit indicates whether DDR50 is supported or not. 0h: DDR50 is Not Supported 1h: DDR50 is Supported |
33 | SDR104_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
SDR104 Support (UHS-I Only) This bit indicates whether SDR104 is supported or not. SDR104 requires tuning. 0h: SDR104 is Not Supported 1h: SDR104 is Supported |
32 | SDR50_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
SDR50 Support (UHS-I Only) If SDR104 is supported, this bit shall be set to 1h. Bit 40 indicates whether SDR50 requires tuning or not. 0h: SDR50 is Not Supported 1h: SDR50 is Supported |
31-30 | SLOT_TYPE | R | 0h |
Slot Type This field indicates usage of a slot by a specific Host System (a host controller register set is defined per slot). Embedded slot for one device (1h) means that only one non-removable device is connected to a SD bus slot. Shared Bus Slot (2h) can be set if Host Controller supports Shared Bus Control register. The Standard Host Driver controls only a removable card or one embedded device is connected to a SD bus slot. If a slot is configured for shared bus (2h), the Standard Host Driver does not control embedded devices connected to a shared bus. Shared bus slot is controlled by a specific host driver developed by a Host System. 0h: Removable Card Slot 1h: Embedded Slot for One Device 2h: Shared Bus Slot (SD Mode) 3h: UHS-II Multiple Embedded Devices |
Asynchronous Interrupt Support (SD Mode Only) Refer to SDIO Specification Version 3.00 about asynchronous interrupt. 0h: Asynchronous Interrupt Not Supported 1h: Asynchronous Interrupt Supported |
28 | ADDR_64BIT_SUPPORT_V3 | R | 1h |
64-bit System Address Support for V3 Meaning of this bit is different depends on Versions. Host Controller Version 3.00 and Version 4.10 use this bit as 64-bit System Address support for V3 mode. Host Controller Version 4.00 uses this bit as 64-bit System Address support for both V3 and V4 modes. SDMA cannot be used in 64-bit Addressing in Version 3 mode. If this bit is set to 1h, 64-bit ADMA2 with using 96-bit Descriptor may be enabled as follows: In case of Host Controller Version 3, 64-bit ADMA2 is enabled by MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1[4-3] DMA_SELECT = 3h. In case of Host Controller Version 4, 64-bit ADMA2 for Version 3 is enabled by setting MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 0h and MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1[4-3] DMA_SELECT = 3h. 0h: 64-bit System Address for V3 is not Supported 1h: 64-bit System Address for V3 is Supported |
27 | ADDR_64BIT_SUPPORT_V4 | R | 1h |
64-bit System Address Support for V4 This bit is added from Version 4.10. Setting 1h to this bit indicates that the Host Controller supports 64-bit System Addressing of Version 4 mode . When this bit is set to 1h, full or a part of 64-bit address should be used to decode Host Controller Registers so that Host Controller Registers can be placed above system memory area. 64-bit address decode of Host Controller Registers is effective regardless of setting to the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[13] BIT64_ADDRESSING bit. If this bit is set to 1h, 64-bit DMA Addressing for Version 4 is enabled by setting MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h, MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[13] BIT64_ADDRESSING = 1h. SDMA can be used and ADMA2 uses 128-bit Descriptor. 0h: 64-bit System Address for V4 is not Supported 1h: 64-bit System Address for V4 is Supported |
26 | VOLT_1P8_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
Voltage Support 1.8 V This bit indicates whether the HC supports 1.8 V. 0h: 1.8 V Not Supported 1h: 1.8 V Supported |
25 | VOLT_3P0_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
Voltage Support 3.0 V This bit indicates whether the HC supports 3.0 V. 0h: 3.0 V Not Supported 1h: 3.0 V Supported |
24 | VOLT_3P3_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
Voltage Support 3.3 V This bit indicates whether the HC supports 3.3 V. 0h: 3.3 V Not Supported 1h: 3.3 V Supported |
23 | SUSP_RES_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
Suspend/Resume Support This bit indicates whether the HC supports Suspend/Resume functionality. If this bit is 0h, the Suspend and Resume mechanism are not supported and the HD shall not issue either Suspend/Resume commands. 0h: Not Supported 1h: Supported |
22 | SDMA_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
SDMA Support This bit indicates whether the HC is capable of using DMA to transfer data between system memory and the HC directly. Version 4.10 Host Controller shall support SDMA if ADMA2 is supported. 0h: SDMA Not Supported 1h: SDMA Supported |
21 | HIGH_SPEED_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
High Speed Support This bit indicates whether the HC and the Host System support High Speed mode and they can supply SD Clock frequency from 25 MHz to 50 MHz (for SD)/20 MHz to 52 MHz (for MMC). 0h: High Speed Not Supported 1h: High Speed Supported |
20 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
19 | ADMA2_SUPPORT | R | 1h |
ADMA2 Support 0h: ADMA2 Not support 1h: ADMA2 support |
18 | BUS_8BIT_SUPPORT | R | 0h |
8-bit Support for Embedded Device (Embedded) This bit indicates whether the Host Controller is capable of using 8-bit bus width mode. This bit is not effective when the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[31-30] SLOT_TYPE bit field is set to 2h. 0h: 8-bit Bus Width Not Supported 1h: 8-bit Bus Width Supported |
17-16 | MAX_BLK_LENGTH | R | 0h |
Max Block Length This value indicates the maximum block size that the HD can read and write to the buffer in the HC. The buffer shall transfer this block size without wait cycles. Three sizes can be defined as indicated below. 0h: 512 byte 1h: 1024 byte 2h: 2048 byte 3h: 4096 byte |
15-8 | BASE_CLK_FREQ | R | C8h |
Base Clock Frequency for SD Clock (1) 6-bit Base Clock Frequency: This mode is supported by the Host Controller Version 1.00 and 2.00. Upper 2-bit is not effective and always 0. Unit values are 1 MHz. The supported clock range is 10 MHz to 63 MHz. 11xx xxxxb: Not Supported 0011 1111b: 63 MHz 0000 0010b: 2 MHz 0000 0001b: 1 MHz 0000 0000b: Get Information via another method (2) 8-bit Base Clock Frequency: This mode is supported by the Host Controller Version 3.00. Unit values are 1 MHz. The supported clock range is 10 MHz to 255 MHz. FFh: 255 MHz 02h: 2 MHz 01h: 1 MHz 00h: Get Information via another method If the real frequency is 16.5 MHz, the lager value shall be set 0001 0001b (17 MHz) because the Host Driver use this value to calculate the clock divider value (refer to the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field) and it shall not exceed upper limit of the SD Clock frequency. If these bits are all 0, the Host System has to get information via another method. |
7 | TIMEOUT_CLK_UNIT | R | 0h |
Timeout Clock Unit This bit shows the unit of base clock frequency used to detect Data Timeout Error (MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[4] DATA_TIMEOUT). 0h: KHz 1h: MHz |
6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5-0 | TIMEOUT_CLK_FREQ | R | 1h |
Timeout Clock Frequency This bit shows the base clock frequency used to detect Data Timeout Error (MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS[4] DATA_TIMEOUT). 0h: Get Information via another method Not 0h: 1 KHz to 63 KHz/1 MHz to 63 MHz |
Table 12-3949 shows the 64-bit System Address Support depends on Versions.
Host Controller | Version 3.00 | Version 4.00 | Version 4.10 |
D28 (from Version 2.00) | for V3 | for V3 and V4 | for V3 |
D27 (from Version 4.10) | D27 (from Version 4.10) | Not Defined | for V4 |
Register Decode | 32-bit or 64-bit (up to implementation) | 32-bit or 64-bit (up to implementation) | If D27 = 1h, 64-bit |
SDMA | Not supported | Supported when MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h | Supported when MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h |
ADMA2 (96-bit Descriptor) | DMA Select = 3h | Selected by MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 0h | Selected by MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 0h |
ADMA2 (128-bit Descriptor) | Not Defined | Selected by MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h | Selected by MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA = 1h |
As the specification of 64-bit System Address Support has been changed, capabilities of 64-bit functions are different depends on versions.
Definition of D28 is different depends on Versions. 96-bit Descriptor was defined by Version 2 but notation V3 is used including V2. Version 4.10 divides 64-bit System Address Support into V3 mode (D28) and V4 mode (D27) so that V3 mode can be optional. Migrate to V4 is recommended. From Host Controller Version 4.00, either V3 mode or V4 mode is selected by Host Version 4 Enable in the Host Control 2 register. V3 mode can be used if 64-bit System Address Support for V3 is set to 1h. V4 mode can be used if 64-bit System Address Support for V4 is set to 1h.
Prior to Version 4.10, address length of Host Controller registers decoding is not defined and whether 32-bit or 64-bit address is used to decode Host Controller registers is up to implementation. If Host Controller decodes 32-bit system address in default, the Host Controller Registers shall be placed in 32-bit addressing space.
When D27 = 1h, Host Controller Version 4.10 or later should use full or a part of 64-bit address to decode Host Controller Registers so that Host Controller Registers can be placed above system memory area. 64-bit address decode of Host Controller Registers is effective regardless of setting to the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[13] BIT64_ADDRESSING bit. How to decode register also should follow a system bus specification or a mother board specification.
From Version 4.00, 64-bit System Addressing of DMA is enabled by setting to the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[13] BIT64_ADDRESSING bit. 64-bit SDMA is not supported in V3 mode and is supported in V4 mode. There are two Descriptor types for ADMA2 96-bit (V3) or 128-bit (V4). Support of 96-bit Descriptor is optional for Host Controller Version 4.10. If D28 = 0h, 96-bit Descriptor is not supported.
Note: The Host System shall support at least one of these voltages above. The HD sets the MMCSD1_POWER_CONTROL[3:1] SD_BUS_VOLTAGE bit field according to these support bits. If multiple voltages are supported, select the usable lower voltage by comparing the OCR value from the card.
These registers indicate maximum current capability for each voltage. The value is meaningful if Voltage Support is set in the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES register.
Table 12-3950 describes the re-tuning modes.
Bit47-46 | Re-Tuning Mode | Data length | Timer Modes |
0h | Mode1 | 4 MB (Max.) | Always enabled |
1h | Mode2 | 4 MB (Max.) | Stop during data transfer |
2h | Reserved | Reserved | Reserved |
3h | Reserved | Reserved | Reserved |
There are two re-tuning timings: Re-Tuning Request and expiration of a Re-Tuning Timer. By receiving either timing, the Host Driver executes the re-tuning procedure just before a next command issue.
Data length per a read/write command is restricted by whether Host Controller generates Re-Tuning Request during data transfer so that re-tuning procedures can be inserted during data transfers.
MMCSD1_MAX_CURRENT_CAP is shown in Figure 12-2028 and described in Table 12-3952.
Return to Summary Table.
This register indicates maximum current capability for each voltage.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0048h |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 |
RESERVED | |||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||
47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
RESERVED | VDD2_1P8V | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | VDD1_1P8V | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
VDD1_3P0V | VDD1_3P3V | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-40 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
39-32 | VDD2_1P8V | R | 0h |
Maximum Current for 1.8 V VDD2 |
31-24 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
23-16 | VDD1_1P8V | R | 0h |
Maximum Current for 1.8 V VDD1 |
15-8 | VDD1_3P0V | R | 0h |
Maximum Current for 3.0 V VDD1 |
7-0 | VDD1_3P3V | R | 0h |
Maximum Current for 3.3 V VDD1 |
Table 12-3953 describes the maximum current value.
Register Value | Current Value |
0 | Get Information via another method |
1 | 4 mA |
2 | 8 mA |
3 | 12 mA |
------------------- | ------------------- |
255 | 1020 mA |
MMCSD1_FORCE_EVNT_ACMD_ERR_STS is shown in Figure 12-2029 and described in Table 12-3955.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is not physically implemented, rather it is an address where the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register can be written.
Writing 1h: set each bit of the MMCSD1_AUTOCMD_ERR_STS register
Writing 0h: no effect
By setting a bit in this register, the correspondent bit is set in the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register. In order to generate interrupt signal, the correspondent bit shall be set in the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA register and MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_SIG_ENA register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0050h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
W-0h | R-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; W = Write Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-8 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
7 | CMD_NOT_ISS | W | 0h |
Force Event for Command Not Issued by AUTO CMD12 Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Command Not Issued By Auto CMD12 Error Status is set |
6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5 | RESP | W | 0h |
Force Event for AUTO CMD Response Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Auto CMD Response Error Status is set |
4 | INDEX | W | 0h |
Force Event for AUTO CMD Index Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Auto CMD Index Error Status is set |
3 | ENDBIT | W | 0h |
Force Event for AUTO CMD End Bit Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Auto CMD End bit Error Status is set |
2 | CRC | W | 0h |
Force Event for AUTO CMD Timeout Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Auto CMD CRC Error Status is set |
1 | TIMEOUT | W | 0h |
Force Event for AUTO CMD Timeout Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Auto CMD Timeout Error Status is set |
0 | ACMD_NOT_EXEC | W | 0h |
Force Event for AUTO CMD12 Not Executed 0h: Not Affected 1h: Auto CMD12 Not Executed Status is set |
MMCSD1_FORCE_EVNT_ERR_INT_STS is shown in Figure 12-2030 and described in Table 12-3957.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is not physically implemented, rather it is an address where the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register can be written.
The MMCSD1_FORCE_EVNT_ERR_INT_STS register is not a physically implemented register. Rather, it is an address at which the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register can be written. The effect of a write to this address will be reflected in the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register if the corresponding bit of the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS_ENA register is set.
Writing 1h: set each bit of the MMCSD1_ERROR_INTR_STS register
Writing 0h: no effect
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0052h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | |||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h |
LEGEND: W = Write Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-12 | VEND_SPEC | W | 0h |
N/A |
11 | RESP | W | 0h |
Force Event for Response Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Response Error Status is set |
10 | TUNING | W | 0h |
Force Event for Tuning Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Tuning Error Status is set |
9 | ADMA | W | 0h |
Force Event for ADMA Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: ADMA Error Status is set |
8 | AUTO_CMD | W | 0h |
Force Event for Auto CMD Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Auto CMD Error Status is set |
7 | CURR_LIM | W | 0h |
Force Event for Current Limit Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Current Limit Error Status is set |
6 | DAT_ENDBIT | W | 0h |
Force Event for Data End Bit Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Data End Bit Error Status is set |
5 | DAT_CRC | W | 0h |
Force Event for Data CRC Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: CRC Error Status is set |
4 | DAT_TIMEOUT | W | 0h |
Force Event for Data Timeout Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Timeout Error Status is set |
3 | CMD_INDEX | W | 0h |
Force Event for Command Index Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Command Index Error Status is set |
2 | CMD_ENDBIT | W | 0h |
Force Event for Command End Bit Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Command End Bit Error Status is set |
1 | CMD_CRC | W | 0h |
Force Event for Command CRC Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Command CRC Error Status is set |
0 | CMD_TIMEOUT | W | 0h |
Force Event for CMD Timeout Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Command Timeout Error Status is set |
MMCSD1_ADMA_ERR_STATUS is shown in Figure 12-2031 and described in Table 12-3959.
Return to Summary Table.
When the ADMA Error interrupt occur, this register holds the ADMA State (MMCSD1_ADMA_ERR_STATUS[1-0] ADMA_ERR_STATE) and the MMCSD1_ADMA_SYS_ADDRESS register holds address around the error descriptor.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0054h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | |||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-3 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
2 | ADMA_LENGTH_ERR | R | 0h |
ADMA Length Mismatch Error This error occurs in the following 2 cases. While the MMCSD1_TRANSFER_MODE[1] BLK_CNT_ENA bit being set, the total data length specified by the Descriptor table is different from that specified by the Block Count and Block Length. Total data length can not be divided by the block length. 0h: No Error 1h: Error |
1-0 | ADMA_ERR_STATE | R | 0h |
ADMA Error State This field indicates the state of ADMA when error is occurred during ADMA data transfer. This field never indicates "2h" because ADMA never stops in this state. D01 - D00: ADMA Error State when error occurred Contents of SYS_SDR register 0h: ST_STOP (Stop DMA) Points to next of the error descriptor 1h: ST_FDS (Fetch Descriptor) Points to the error descriptor 2h: Never set this state (Not used) 3h: ST_TFR (Transfer Data) Points to the next of the error descriptor |
MMCSD1_ADMA_SYS_ADDRESS is shown in Figure 12-2032 and described in Table 12-3961.
Return to Summary Table.
This register contains the physical address used for ADMA data transfer.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0058h |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
ADMA_ADDR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-Xh | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
ADMA_ADDR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-Xh | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | ADMA_ADDR | R/W | Xh |
ADMA System Address The 32-bit addressing Host Driver uses lower 32-bit of this register (upper 32-bit should be set to 0h) and shall program Descriptor Table on 32-bit boundary and set 32-bit boundary address to this register. DMA2/3 ignores lower 2-bit of this register and assumes it to be 0h. DMA in 64-bit addressing. The 64-bit addressing Host Driver uses all bits of this register and shall program Descriptor Table on 64-bit boundary and set 64-bit boundary address to this register. DMA2/3 ignores lower 3-bit of this register andassumes it to be 0h. SDMA If the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[12] HOST_VER40_ENA bit is set to 1h, SDMA use this register to indicate System Address of data location instead of using SDMA System Address register (MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_LO/MMCSD1_SDMA_SYS_ADDR_HI). SDMA can be used in 32-bit and 64-bit addressing in Version 4.00. ADMA2 This register holds byte address of executing command of the Descriptor table. At the start of ADMA2, the Host Driver shall set start address of the Descriptor table. The ADMA increments this register address, which points to next line, when every fetching a Descriptor line. When the ADMA Error Interrupt is generated, this register shall hold the Descriptor address depending on the ADMA state. ADMA3 This register is set by ADMA3. Host Driver is not necessary to set this register. The ADMA3 increments address of this register, which points to next line, when every time fetching a Descriptor line. When Error Interrupt is generated, this register shall hold the Descriptor address depending on the ADMA state. Register Value - 00000000_xxxxxxxxh Addressing Mode - 32-bit System Address Register Value - xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxh Addressing Mode - 64-bit System Address |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE0 is shown in Figure 12-2033 and described in Table 12-3964.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
When the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA bit is set to 1h, SDCLK/RCLK Frequency Select and Clock Generator Select in the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL register, and Driver Strength Select in the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2 register are automatically set based on the Selected Bus Speed Mode (see Table 12-3962). This means the Host Driver needs not set these fields when preset is enabled.
Before starting the initialization sequence, the Host Driver needs to set a clock preset value to SDCLK/RCLK Frequency Select in the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL register. The MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL2[15] PRESET_VALUE_ENA bit can be set after initialization completed.
Table 12-3962 shows the conditions to select one of preset value registers.
Selected Bus Speed Mode | 1.8 V Signaling Enable (Host Control 2) | High Speed Enable (Host Control 1) | UHS-1 Mode Selection (Host Control 2) |
Default Speed | 0 | 0 | don't care |
High Speed | 0 | 1 | don't care |
SDR12 | 1 | don't care | 0h |
SDR25 | 1 | don't care | 1h |
SDR50 | 1 | don't care | 2h |
SDR104 | 1 | don't care | 3h |
DDR50 | 1 | don't care | 4h |
HS400 | 1 | don't care | 5h |
Reserved | Not determined | don't care | 6h |
UHS-II | 0 | don't care | 7h |
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0060h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-100h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-100h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 100h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE1 is shown in Figure 12-2034 and described in Table 12-3966.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0062h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-4h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-4h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 4h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE2 is shown in Figure 12-2035 and described in Table 12-3968.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0064h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-2h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-2h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 2h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE3 is shown in Figure 12-2036 and described in Table 12-3970.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0066h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-4h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-4h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 4h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE4 is shown in Figure 12-2037 and described in Table 12-3972.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0068h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-2h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-2h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 2h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE5 is shown in Figure 12-2038 and described in Table 12-3974.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 006Ah |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-1h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-1h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 1h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE6 is shown in Figure 12-2039 and described in Table 12-3976.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 006Ch |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 0h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE7 is shown in Figure 12-2040 and described in Table 12-3978.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 006Eh |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-2h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-2h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 2h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE8 is shown in Figure 12-2041 and described in Table 12-3980.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0072h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 0h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_PRESET_VALUE10 is shown in Figure 12-2042 and described in Table 12-3982.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the SDCLK Frequency Select Value, Clock Generator Select Value, Driver Strength Select Value.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0074h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SDCLK_FRQSEL | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | DRIVER_STRENGTH_SEL | R | 0h |
Driver Strength Select Value (UHS-I Only) Driver Strength is supported by 1.8 V signaling bus speed modes. This field is meaningless for 3.3 V signaling. 0h: Driver Type D is Selected 1h: Driver Type C is Selected 2h: Driver Type A is Selected 3h: Driver Type B is Selected |
13-11 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
10 | CLOCK_GENSEL | R | 0h |
Clock Generator Select Value This bit is effective when Host Controller supports programmable clock generator. 0h: Host Controller Version 2.00 Compatible Clock Generator 1h: Programmable Clock Generator |
9-0 | SDCLK_FRQSEL | R | 0h |
SDCLK Frequency Select Value 10-bit preset value to set the MMCSD1_CLOCK_CONTROL[15-8] SDCLK_FRQSEL bit field is described by a host system. |
MMCSD1_ADMA3_DESC_ADDRESS is shown in Figure 12-2043 and described in Table 12-3984.
Return to Summary Table.
The start address of Integrated DMA Descriptor is set to this register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0078h |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
INTG_DESC_ADDR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-Xh | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
INTG_DESC_ADDR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-Xh | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-0 | INTG_DESC_ADDR | R/W | Xh |
ADMA3 Integrated Descriptor Address The start address of Integrated DMA Descriptor is set to this register. Writing to a specific address starts ADMA3 depends on 32-bit/64-bit address-ing. The ADMA3 fetches one Descriptor Address and increments this field to indicate the next Descriptor address. The 32-bit addressing Host Driver uses lower 32-bit of this register and shall program Descriptor Table on 32-bit boundary. ADMA3 ignores lower 2-bit of this register and assumes it to be 0h. Writing to 07Bh starts ADMA3 data transfer. The 64-bit addressing Host Driver uses all 64-bit of this register and shall program Descriptor Table on 64-bit boundary. ADMA3 ignores lower 3-bit of this register and assumes it to be 0h. Writing to 07Fh starts ADMA3 data transfer. Register Value - 00000000_xxxxxxxxh Addressing Mode - 32-bit System Address Register Value - xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxh Addressing Mode - 64-bit System Address |
MMCSD1_UHS2_BLOCK_SIZE is shown in Figure 12-2044 and described in Table 12-3986.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to configure the number of bytes in a data block.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0080h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
XFER_BLK_SIZE | |||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
14-12 | SDMA_BUF_BOUNDARY | R/W | 0h |
UHS-II SDMA Buffer Boundary (SDMA only) When system memory is managed by paging, SDMA data transfer is performed in unit of paging. A page size of system memory management is set to this field. Host Controller generates the DMA Interrupt at the page boundary and requests the Host Driver to update the MMCSD1_ADMA_SYS_ADDRESS register. SDMA waits until the MMCSD1_ADMA_SYS_ADDRESS register is written. At the end of transfer, the Host Controller may issue or may not issue DMA Interrupt. In particular, DMA Interrupt shall not be issued after Transfer Complete Interrupt is issued (see MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[1] XFER_COMPLETE). These bits shall be supported when the MMCSD1_CAPABILITIES[22] SDMA_SUPPORT bit is set to 1h and this function is active when the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[0] DMA_ENA bit register is set to 1h. ADMA does not use this field. 0h: 4K bytes (Detects A11 carry out) 1h: 8K bytes (Detects A12 carry out) 2h: 16K Bytes (Detects A13 carry out) 3h: 32K Bytes (Detects A14 carry out) 4h: 64K bytes (Detects A15 carry out) 5h: 128K Bytes (Detects A16 carry out) 6h: 256K Bytes (Detects A17 carry out) 7h: 512K Bytes (Detects A18 carry out) |
11-0 | XFER_BLK_SIZE | R/W | 0h |
UHS-II Block Size This bit field specifies the block size of data packet. SD Memory Card uses a fixed block size of 512 bytes. Variable block size may be used for SDIO. The maximum value is 2048 Bytes because CRC16 covers up to 2048 bytes. This bit field is effective when the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND[5] DATA_PRESENT bit is set to 1h. 0000h - No data transfer 0001h - 1 Byte 0002h - 2 Bytes 0003h - 3 Bytes ... ... 01FFh - 511 Bytes 0200h - 512 Bytes ... ... 0800h - 2048 Bytes |
MMCSD1_UHS2_BLOCK_COUNT is shown in Figure 12-2045 and described in Table 12-3988.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to configure the number of data blocks.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0084h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
XFER_BLK_COUNT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | XFER_BLK_COUNT | R/W | 0h |
UHS-II Block Count This register is effective when the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND[5] DATA_PRESENT bit is set to 1h and is enabled when the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[1] BLK_CNT_ENA bit is set to 1h and the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[5] BYTE_MODE bit is set to 0h. Data transfer stops when the count reaches zero. Setting the block count to 0h results in no data blocks is transferred. This register should be accessed only when no transaction is executing (after transactions are stopped). During data transfer, read operations on this register may return an invalid value and write operations are ignored. 00000000h: Stop Count 00000001h: 1 block 00000002h: 2 blocks ... ... FFFFFFFFh: 4G blocks - 1 |
MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_0 to MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_19 is shown in Figure 12-2046 and described in Table 12-3991.
Return to Summary Table.
UHS-II Command Packet image is set to this register. The maximum length is 20 bytes (see Table 12-3989). The command length varies depends on a Command Packet type. The length is specified by the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND register.
Offset | Preset Value Registers |
088h | Command Packet Byte 0 |
089h | Command Packet Byte 1 |
08Ah | Command Packet Byte 2 |
.... | .... |
09Bh | Command Packet Byte 19 |
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0088h to 0FA0 009Bh |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CMD_PKT_BYTE | |||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | CMD_PKT_BYTE | R/W | 0h |
Command Packet Byte UHS-II Command Packet image is set to this register. The command length varies depends on a Command Packet type. |
MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE is shown in Figure 12-2047 and described in Table 12-3993.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to control the operations of data transfers.
On issuing a Command Packet, a Command Packet image is set to UHS-II Command Packet register (see MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_0 - MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_19) but Host Controller does not analyze the setting of UHS-II Command Packet register. Instead, Host Controller refers setting of this register to issue a Command Packet to make the control easy. Setting of these registers shall be correspondent.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 009Ch |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | DUPLEX_SELECT | R/W | 0h |
Half/Full Select Use of 2 lane half duplex mode is determined by Host Driver. 0h: Full Duplex Mode 1h: 2 Lane Half Duplex Mode |
14 | EBSY_WAIT | R/W | 0h |
EBSY Wait This bit is set when issuing a command which is accompanied by EBSY packet to indicate end of command execution. Busy is expected for CCMD with R1b/R5b type and DCMD with data transfer. If this bit is set to 1h, Host Controller waits receiving of EBSY packet and on receiving EBSY packet, the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[1] XFER_COMPLETE bit is set to 1h to indicate end of busy. If an error is indicated in EBSY packet (for example: Memory Error), the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS[8] EBSY bit is set to 1h. Setting of the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS[8] EBSY bit also sets the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[15] ERROR_INTR bit to 1h. The MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[15] ERROR_INTR and MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[1] XFER_COMPLETE bits shall be set together. 0h: Issue a command without busy 1h: Wait EBSY |
13-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | RESP_INTR_DIS | R/W | 0h |
Response Interrupt Disable Host Controller Version 4.00 supports response error check function to avoid overhead of response error check by Host Driver. Only R1 or R5 can be checked. If Host Driver checks response error, sets this bit to 0h and waits the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[0] CMD_COMPLETE bit and then check the response register (MMCSD1_RESPONSE_0 - MMCSD1_RESPONSE_7). If Host Controller checks response error, sets this bit to 1h and sets the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[7] RESP_ERR_CHK_ENA bit to 1h. The MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[0] CMD_COMPLETE bit is disabled by this bit regardless of MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_SIG_ENA[0] CMD_COMPLETE bit. 0h: Response Interrupt is enabled 1h: Response Interrupt is disabled |
7 | RESP_ERR_CHK_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Response Error Check Enable Host Controller Version 4.00 supports response error check function to avoid overhead of response error check by Host Driver. Only R1 or R5 can be checked. If Host Driver checks response error, this bit is set to 0h and the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[8] RESP_INTR_DIS bit is set to 0h. If Host Controller checks response error, sets this bit to 1h and sets the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[8] RESP_INTR_DIS bit to 1h. Response Type R1/R5 selects either R1 or R5 response type. If an error is detected, RES Packet Error Interrupt is generated in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Response Error Check is disabled 1h: Response Error Check is enabled |
6 | RESP_TYPE | R/W | 0h |
Response Type R1/R5 When response error check is enabled, this bit selects either R1 or R5 response types. Two types of response checks are supported: R1 for memory and R5 for SDIO. Error Statuses Checked in R1: Bit31 OUT_OF_RANGE Bit30 ADDRESS_ERROR Bit29 BLOCK_LEN_ERROR Bit26 WP_VIOLATION Bit25 CARD_IS_LOCKED Bit23 COM_CRC_ERROR Bit21 CARD_ECC_FAILED Bit20 CC_ERROR Bit19 ERROR Response Flags Checked in R5: Bit07 COM_CRC_ERROR Bit03 ERROR Bit01 FUNCTION_NUMBER Bit00 OUT_OF_RANGE 0h: R1 (Memory) 1h: R5 (SDIO) |
5 | BYTE_MODE | R/W | 0h |
Block/Byte Mode This bit specifies whether data transfer is in byte mode or block mode when the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND[5] DATA_PRESENT bit is set to 1h. This bit is effective to a command with data transfer. 0h: Block Mode 1h: Byte Mode |
4 | DATA_XFER_DIR | R/W | 0h |
Data Transfer Direction This bit specifies direction of data transfer when the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND[5] DATA_PRESENT bit is set to 1h. This bit is effective to a command with data transfer. 0h: Read (Card to Host) 1h: Write (Host to Card) |
3-2 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
1 | BLK_CNT_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Block Count Enable This bit specifies whether data transfer uses the MMCSD1_UHS2_BLOCK_COUNT register. If this bit is set to 1h, data transfer is terminated by Block Count. Setting to the MMCSD1_UHS2_BLOCK_COUNT register shall be equivalent to TLEN in UHS-II Command Packet register (MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_0 - MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_19). 0h: Block Count Disabled 1h: Block Count Enabled |
0 | DMA_ENA | R/W | 0h |
DMA Enable This bit selects whether DMA is used or not and is effective to a command with data transfer. One of DMA types is selected by the MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROL1[4-3] DMA_SELECT bit field. 0h: DMA is disabled 1h: DMA is enabled |
MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND is shown in Figure 12-2048 and described in Table 12-3995.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to program the Command for host controller.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 009Eh |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | |||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-13 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
12-8 | PKT_LENGTH | R/W | 0h |
UHS-II Command Packet Length A command packet length, which is set in the UHS-II Command Packet register (MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_0 - MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND_PKT_19), is set to this bit field. 00011b – 00000b: 3-0 Bytes (Not used) 00100b: 4 Bytes .... .... 10100b: 20 Bytes 11111b – 10101b |
7-6 | CMD_TYPE | R/W | 0h |
Command Type This field is used to distinguish a specific command like abort command. If this field is set to 0h, the UHS-II RES Packet is stored in UHS-II Response register (MMCSD1_UHS2_RESPONSE_0 - MMCSD1_UHS2_RESPONSE_19). To avoid overwriting the UHS-II Response register, when this field is set to 1h, the RES Packet (4 bytes length) of TRANS_ABORT CCMD is stored in the Response register (04FB 0010h - 04FB 0013h (04F9 8010h - 04F9 8013h)) and when this field is set to 2h, the RES Packet (8 bytes length) of memory or SDIO abort command (CMD12 or SDIO Abort command) is stored in the Response register (04FB 0018h - 04FB 001Fh (04F9 8018h - 04F9 801Fh)). When this field is set to 3h, Host Controller controls lane to go into dormant state. 0h: Normal Command 1h: TRANS_ABORT CCMD 2h: CMD12 or SDIO Abort command 3h: Go Dormant Command |
5 | DATA_PRESENT | R/W | 0h |
Data Present This bit specifies whether the command is accompanied by data packet. 0h: No Data Present 1h: Data Present |
4-3 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
2 | SUB_COMMAND | R/W | 0h |
Sub Command Flag This bit is added from Version 4.10 to distinguish a main command or sub command. When issuing a main command, this bit is set to 0h and when issuing a sub command, this bit is set to 1h. Setting of this bit is checked by the MMCSD1_PRESENTSTATE[28] SUB_COMMAND_STS bit. 0h: Sub Command 1h: Main Command |
1-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
MMCSD1_UHS2_RESPONSE_0 to MMCSD1_UHS2_RESPONSE_19 is shown in Figure 12-2049 and described in Table 12-3997.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to store received UHS-II RES Packet image.
Host Controller saves received UHS-II RES Packet image to this register except the response of an abort command, which is specified by setting 1h or 2h to the MMCSD1_UHS2_COMMAND[7-6] CMD_TYPE bit field. The maximum response length is 20 bytes.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00A0h to 0FA0 00B3h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESP_PKT_BYTE | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | RESP_PKT_BYTE | R | 0h |
Response Packet Byte Host Controller saves received UHS-II RES Packet image to this register except the response of an abort command. |
Table 12-3998 shows UHS-II Response Register offsets.
Offset | Preset Value Registers |
0FA0 0A0h / 04F9 8A0h | Response Packet Byte 0 |
0FA0 0A1h / 04F9 8A1h | Response Packet Byte 1 |
0FA0 0A2h / 04F9 8A2h | Response Packet Byte 2 |
.... .... | .... .... |
0FA0 0B3h / 04F9 8B3h | Response Packet Byte 19 |
MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE_SELECT is shown in Figure 12-2050 and described in Table 12-4000.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to access internal buffer.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00B4h |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-2 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
1-0 | MSG_SEL | R/W | 0h |
UHS-II MSG Select Host Controller holds 4 MSG packets in FIFO buffer. One of 4 MSGs can be read from the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE register (04FB 00BBh - 04FB 00B8h (04F9 80BBh - 04F9 80B8h) by setting this register (assumed for debug usage). 0h: The latest MSG 1h: One MSG before 2h: Two MSGs before 3h: Three MSGs before |
MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE is shown in Figure 12-2051 and described in Table 12-4002.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to access internal buffer.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00B8h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
MSG_BYTE3 | MSG_BYTE2 | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
MSG_BYTE1 | MSG_BYTE0 | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-24 | MSG_BYTE3 | R | 0h |
UHS II MSG Host Controller holds 4 MSG packets in FIFO buffer. One of 4 MSGs (length is 4 bytes) can be read from this register by setting the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE_SELECT register. Usually 2 duplicate MSG packets are sent from/to UHS-II card. One of these 2 MSG packets which Host Controller recognizes as valid one is stored in the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE Register. |
23-16 | MSG_BYTE2 | R | 0h |
UHS II MSG Host Controller holds 4 MSG packets in FIFO buffer. One of 4 MSGs (length is 4 bytes) can be read from this register by setting the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE_SELECT register. Usually 2 duplicate MSG packets are sent from/to UHS-II card. One of these 2 MSG packets which Host Controller recognizes as valid one is stored in the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE Register. |
15-8 | MSG_BYTE1 | R | 0h |
UHS II MSG Host Controller holds 4 MSG packets in FIFO buffer. One of 4 MSGs (length is 4 bytes) can be read from this register by setting the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE_SELECT register. Usually 2 duplicate MSG packets are sent from/to UHS-II card. One of these 2 MSG packets which Host Controller recognizes as valid one is stored in the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE Register. |
7-0 | MSG_BYTE0 | R | 0h |
UHS II MSG Host Controller holds 4 MSG packets in FIFO buffer. One of 4 MSGs (length is 4 bytes) can be read from this register by setting the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE_SELECT register. Usually 2 duplicate MSG packets are sent from/to UHS-II card. One of these 2 MSG packets which Host Controller recognizes as valid one is stored in the MMCSD1_UHS2_MESSAGE Register. |
MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INTR_STATUS is shown in Figure 12-2052 and described in Table 12-4004.
Return to Summary Table.
This register shows receipt of INT MSG from which device.
Instance | Physical Address |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
DEV_INT_STS | |||||||||||||||
R/W1C-0h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear Bit; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | DEV_INT_STS | R/W1C | 0h |
UHS-II Device Interrupt Status This register shows receipt of INT MSG from which device and is effective when the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT[7] INT_MSG_ENA bit is set to 1h. On receiving INT MSG from a device, Host Controller saves the INT MSG to MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INT_CODE register. A bit of this register, which is correspondent to Device ID, is set to 1h and generate Card Interrupt in Normal Interrupt Status register (see MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[8] CARD_INTR). Writing a bit to 1h clears the status bit (interrupt is treated) and writing a bit to 0h keeps the status value (interrupt is untreated). If the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT[7] INT_MSG_ENA bit is set to 0h, this register is cleared to 0h and Host Controller ignores receipt of INT MSG. Effective bit range of this register is determined by the MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_CAP[21-18] CORECFG_UHS2_MAX_DEVICES bit field. If N devices are supported, bits 1 to N are effective. Then Device ID is supposed to be assigned from 1 sequentially at the UHS-II Initialization. A bit of unsupported Device ID in this register shall be indicated to 0h. D00 - Not used (Reserved) D01 - Setting 1h means INT MSG is received from Device ID 1 D02 - Setting 1h means INT MSG is received from Device ID 2 .... ..... D15 - Setting 1h means INT MSG is received from Device ID 15 |
MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT is shown in Figure 12-2053 and described in Table 12-4006.
Return to Summary Table.
UHS-II Device Select Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | INT_MSG_ENA | R/W | 0h |
INT MSG Enable (Optional) This bit enables receipt of INT MSG. If this bit is set to 1h, receipt of INT MSG is informed by the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS[8] CARD_INTR bit. If this bit is set to 0h, Host Controller ignores receipt of INT MSG and may not set the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INT_CODE register. Support of INT MSG Interrupt is optional. If trying to set this bit to 1h but still this bit is read 0, INT MSG Interrupt is not supported by the Host Controller. In this case, the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INTR_STATUS register always shall be read 0 and the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INT_CODE register may not be implemented. 0h: Disabled 1h: Enabled |
6-4 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
3-0 | DEV_SEL | R/W | 0h |
UHS-II Device Select Host Controller holds an INT MSG packet per device. One of INT MSGs (up to 15) can be selected by this field and read from the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INT_CODE. This field is effective when the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT[7] INT_MSG_ENA bit is set to 1h. The number of devices implemented in the Host Controller is indicated by the MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_CAP[21-18] CORECFG_UHS2_MAX_DEVICES bit field. 0h: Unselected (Default) 1h: INT MSG of Device ID 1 is selected 2h: INT MSG of Device ID 2 is selected ..... ..... Fh: INT MSG of Device ID 15 is selected |
MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_INT_CODE is shown in Figure 12-2054 and described in Table 12-4008.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is effective when the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT[7] INT_MSG_ENA bit is set to 1h.
Instance | Physical Address |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
DEV_INTR | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | DEV_INTR | R | 0h |
UHS II Device Interrupt This register is effective when the MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT[7] INT_MSG_ENA bit is set to 1h. Host Controller holds an INT MSG packet per device. One of INT MSGs (Code length is 1 byte) up to 15 can be read from this register by selecting UHS-II Device Select (MMCSD1_UHS2_DEVICE_SELECT[3-0] DEV_SEL). The number of the registers to hold INT MSGs is determined by the MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_CAP[21-18] CORECFG_UHS2_MAX_DEVICES bit field. Device ID is supposed to be assigned from 1 sequentially at the UHS-II Initialization. |
MMCSD1_UHS2_SOFTWARE_RESET is shown in Figure 12-2055 and described in Table 12-4010.
Return to Summary Table.
UHS-II Software Reset Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00C0h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-2 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
1 | HOST_SDTRAN_RESET | R/W | 0h |
Host SD-TRAN Reset Host Driver set this bit to 1h to reset SD-TRAN layer when CMD0 is issued to Device or data transfer error occurs. This bit is cleared automatically at completion of SD-TRAN reset. If CMD0 is issued, SD-TRAN Initialization sequence from CMD8 is required to use UHS-II mode. Assuming that bus power is maintained and CM-TRAN Initialization is not required. Host Controller requires to do followings: (1) SD Clock Enable is maintained (continue to provide RCLK). (2) All setting register is maintained. (3) Internal sequencers are reset to just after power on be able to issue a command. (4) All Interrupt Status, Status Enable and Signal Enable are cleared. (5) Data transfer is terminated and data in buffer is discarded. 0h: Not Affected 1h: Reset SD-TRAN |
0 | HOST_FULL_RESET | R/W | 0h |
Host Full Reset On issuing FULL_RESET CCMD, Host Driver set this bit to 1h to reset Host Controller. This bit is cleared automatically at completion of Host Controller reset. Initialization sequence from PHY Initialization is required to use UHS-II mode. Assuming that bus power is maintained. Host Controller requires to do followings: (1) SD Clock Enable is cleared (internal Clock is still synchronized). (2) All setting register is cleared. (3) Internal sequencers are reset to just after power on. (4) All Interrupt Status, Status Enable and Signal Enable are cleared. 0h: Not Affected 1h: Reset Host Controller |
MMCSD1_UHS2_TIMER_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2056 and described in Table 12-4012.
Return to Summary Table.
UHS-II Timeout Control Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00C2h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-8 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
Timeout Counter Value for Deadlock This value determines the deadlock period while host expecting to receive a packet (1 second). Timeout clock frequency will be generated by dividing the base clock TMCLK value by this value. When setting this register, prevent inadvertent timeout events by clearing the Timeout for Deadlock (in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS_ENA register). Fh: Reserved Eh: TMCLK x 227 .... .... 1h: TMCLK x 214 0h: TMCLK x 213 |
3-0 | CMDRESP_TIMEOUT_CTR | R/W | 0h |
Timeout Counter Value for CMD_RES This value determines the interval between command packet and response packet (5 ms). Timeout clock frequency will be generated by dividing the base clock TMCLK value by this value. When setting this register, prevent inadvertent timeout events by clearing the Timeout for CMD_RES (in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS_ENA register). Fh: Reserved Eh: TMCLK x 227 .... .... 1h: TMCLK x 214 0h: TMCLK x 213 |
MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS is shown in Figure 12-2057 and described in Table 12-4014.
Return to Summary Table.
This register gives the status of all UHS-II interrupts.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00C4h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
R/W1C-0h | R-0h | ||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | |||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W1C-0h | R-0h | R/W1C-0h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W1C-0h | R-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear Bit; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-27 | VENDOR_SPECFIC_ERR | R/W1C | 0h |
Vendor Specific Error Vendor may use this field for vendor specific error status. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: Vendor Specific Error |
26-18 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
17 | DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT | R/W1C | 0h |
Timeout for Deadlock Setting of this bit means that deadlock timeout occurs. Host expects to receive a packet but not received in a specified timeout (1 second). Timeout value is determined by the setting of the MMCSD1_UHS2_TIMER_CONTROL[7-4] DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT_CTR bit field. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: Deadlock Error |
16 | CMD_RESP_TIMEOUT | R/W1C | 0h |
Timeout for CMD_RES Setting of this bit means that RES Packet timeout occurs. Host expects to receive RES packet but not received in a specified timeout (5 ms). Timeout value is determined by the setting of the MMCSD1_UHS2_TIMER_CONTROL[3-0] CMDRESP_TIMEOUT_CTR bit field. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: RES Packet Timeout Error |
15 | ADMA2_ADMA3 | R/W1C | 0h |
ADMA2/3 Error Setting of this bit means that ADMA2/3 Error occurs in UHS-II mode. ADMA2/3 Error Status is indicated to the MMCSD1_ADMA_ERR_STATUS register, which is defined in the Host spec 3.00. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: ADMA2/3 Error |
14-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | EBSY | R/W1C | 0h |
EBSY Error On receiving EBSY packet, if the packet indicates an error, this bit is set to 1h. Setting of this bit also sets Error Interrupt and Transfer Completer together in the MMCSD1_NORMAL_INTR_STS register. This error check is effective for a command with setting the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[14] EBSY_WAIT bit. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: EBSY Error (Backend Error) |
7 | UNRECOVERABLE | R/W1C | 0h |
Unrecoverable Error Setting of this bit means that Unrecoverable Error is set in a packet from a device. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: Device Unrecoverable Error |
6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5 | TID | R/W1C | 0h |
TID Error Setting of this bit means that TID Error occurs. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: TID Error |
4 | FRAMING | R/W1C | 0h |
Framing Error Setting of this bit means that Framing Error occurs during a packet receiving. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: Framing Error |
3 | CRC | R/W1C | 0h |
CRC Error Setting of this bit means that CRC Error occurs during a packet receiving. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: CRC Error |
2 | RETRY_EXPIRED | R/W1C | 0h |
Retry Expired Setting of this bit means that Retry Counter Expired Error occurs during data transfer. If this bit is set, either Framing Error or CRC Error in this register shall be set. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: Retry Expired Error |
1 | RESP_PKT | R/W1C | 0h |
RES Packet Error Host Controller Version 4.00 supports response error check function to avoid overhead of response error check by Host Driver during DMA execution. If the MMCSD1_UHS2_XFER_MODE[7] RESP_ERR_CHK_ENA bit is set to 1h, Host Controller Checks R1 or R5 response. If an error is detected in a response, this bit is set to 1h. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: RES Packet Error |
0 | HEADER | R/W1C | 0h |
Header Error Setting of this bit means that Header Error occurs in a received packet. 0h: Interrupt is not generated 1h: Header Error |
MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2058 and described in Table 12-4016.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to enable the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register fields.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00C8h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | ||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-27 | VENDOR_SPECFIC | R/W | 0h |
Vendor Specific Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of Vendor Specific Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
26-18 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
17 | DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Timeout for Deadlock Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of Timeout for Dead lock bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
16 | CMD_RESP_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Timeout for CMD_RES Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of Timeout for CMD_RES bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
15 | ADMA2_ADMA3 | R/W | 0h |
ADMA2/3 Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of ADMA2/3 Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
14-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | EBSY | R/W | 0h |
EBSY Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of EBSY Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
7 | UNRECOVERABLE | R/W | 0h |
Unrecoverable Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of Unrecoverable Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5 | TID | R/W | 0h |
TID Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of TID Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
4 | FRAMING | R/W | 0h |
Framing Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of Framing Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
3 | CRC | R/W | 0h |
CRC Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of CRC Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
2 | RETRY_EXPIRED | R/W | 0h |
Retry Expired Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of Retry Expired bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
1 | RESP_PKT | R/W | 0h |
RES Packet Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of RES Packet Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
0 | HEADER | R/W | 0h |
Header Error Setting this bit to 1h enables setting of Header Error bit in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Status is Disabled 1h: Status is Enabled |
MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_SIG_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2059 and described in Table 12-4018.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to generate UHS-II Interrupt signals.
Instance | Physical Address |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | ||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-27 | VENDOR_SPECFIC | R/W | 0h |
Vendor Specific Error Setting of a bit to 1h in this field enables generating interrupt signal when correspondent bit of Vendor Specific Error is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
26-18 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
17 | DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Timeout for Deadlock Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when Timeout for Dead lock bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
16 | CMD_RESP_TIMEOUT | R/W | 0h |
Timeout for CMD_RES Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when Timeout for CMD_RES bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
15 | ADMA2_ADMA3 | R/W | 0h |
ADMA2/3 Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when ADMA2/3 Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
14-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | EBSY | R/W | 0h |
EBSY Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when EBSY Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
7 | UNRECOVERABLE | R/W | 0h |
Unrecoverable Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when Unrecoverable Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5 | TID | R/W | 0h |
TID Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when TID Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
4 | FRAMING | R/W | 0h |
Framing Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when Framing Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
3 | CRC | R/W | 0h |
CRC Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when CRC Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
Retry Expired Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when Retry Expired bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
1 | RESP_PKT | R/W | 0h |
RES Packet Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when RES Packet Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
0 | HEADER | R/W | 0h |
Header Error Setting this bit to 1h enables generating interrupt signal when Header Error bit is set in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Interrupt Signal is Disabled 1h: Interrupt Signal is Enabled |
MMCSD1_UHS2_SETTINGS_PTR is shown in Figure 12-2060 and described in Table 12-4020.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is pointer for UHS-II settings.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00E0h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
UHS2_SETTINGS_PTR | |||||||||||||||
R-100h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | UHS2_SETTINGS_PTR | R | 100h |
Pointer for UHS-II Settings Register |
MMCSD1_UHS2_CAPABILITIES_PTR is shown in Figure 12-2061 and described in Table 12-4022.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is pointer for UHS-II Capabilities Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00E2h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
UHS2_CAPABILITIES_PTR | |||||||||||||||
R-110h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | UHS2_CAPABILITIES_PTR | R | 110h |
Pointer for UHS-II Capabilities Register |
MMCSD1_UHS2_TEST_PTR is shown in Figure 12-2062 and described in Table 12-4024.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is pointer for UHS-II Test Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00E4h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
UHS2_TEST_PTR | |||||||||||||||
R-120h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | UHS2_TEST_PTR | R | 120h |
Pointer for UHS-II Test Register |
MMCSD1_SHARED_BUS_CTRL_PTR is shown in Figure 12-2063 and described in Table 12-4026.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is pointer for UHS-II Shared Bus Control Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00E6h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SHARED_BUS_CTRL_PTR | |||||||||||||||
R-130h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | SHARED_BUS_CTRL_PTR | R | 130h |
Pointer for Shared Bus Control Register |
MMCSD1_VENDOR_SPECFIC_PTR is shown in Figure 12-2064 and described in Table 12-4028.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is pointer for UHS-II Vendor Specific Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00E8h |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
VENDOR_SPECFIC_PTR | |||||||||||||||
R-140h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | VENDOR_SPECFIC_PTR | R | 140h |
Pointer for Vendor Specific Area |
MMCSD1_BOOT_TIMEOUT_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2065 and described in Table 12-4030.
Return to Summary Table.
This is used to program the boot timeout value counter.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 00F4h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
DATA_TIMEOUT_CNT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | DATA_TIMEOUT_CNT | R/W | 0h |
Boot Data Timeout Counter Value This value determines the interval by which DAT line timeouts are detected during boot operation for eMMC4.4 card. The value is in number of SD clock. |
MMCSD1_VENDOR_REGISTER is shown in Figure 12-2066 and described in Table 12-4032.
Return to Summary Table.
Vendor register added for Auto Gate SD CLK, CMD11 Power Down Timer, Enhanced Strobe and eMMC Hardware Reset.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 04FB 00F8h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
CMD11_PD_TIMER | |||||||
R/W-1388h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-1388h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | |||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-17 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
16 | AUTOGATE_SDCLK | R/W | 0h |
Auto Gate SD CLK If this bit is set, SD CLK will be gated automatically when there is no transfer. This is applicable only for Embedded Device. 0h: Disable 1h: Enable |
15-2 | CMD11_PD_TIMER | R/W | 1388h |
CMD11 Power Down Timer Value |
1 | EMMC_HW_RESET | R/W | 0h |
eMMC Hardware Reset Hardware reset signal is generared for eMMC card when this bit is set. 0h: De-sassert hardware reset pin 1h: Drives the hardware reset pin as ZERO (Active LOW to eMMC card) |
0 | ENHANCED_STROBE | R/W | 0h |
Enhanced Strobe This bit enables the enhanced strobe logic of the Host Controller. |
MMCSD1_SLOT_INT_STS is shown in Figure 12-2067 and described in Table 12-4034.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the interrupt signal for each slot.
Instance | Physical Address |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
INTR_SIG | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-8 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
7-0 | INTR_SIG | R | 0h |
Interrupt Signal for Slot#0 These status bits indicate the logical OR of Interrupt signal and Wakeup signal for each slot. |
MMCSD1_HOST_CONTROLLER_VER is shown in Figure 12-2068 and described in Table 12-4036.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used to read the vendor version number and specification version number.
Instance | Physical Address |
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
VEN_VER_NUM | |||||||
R-10h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SPEC_VER_NUM | |||||||
R-4h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-8 | VEN_VER_NUM | R | 10h |
Vendor Version Number The Vendor Version Number is set to 10h (1.0) |
7-0 | SPEC_VER_NUM | R | 4h |
Specification Version Number This status indicates the Host Controller Specification Version. The upper and lower 4-bits indicate the version. 0h: SD Host Controller Specification Version 1.00 1h: SD Host Controller Specification Version 2.00 Including the feature of the ADMA and Test Register 2h: SD Host Controller Specification Version 3.00 3h: SD Host Controller Specification Version 4.00 4h: SD Host Controller Specification Version 4.10 Others: Reserved |
MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_SETTINGS is shown in Figure 12-2069 and described in Table 12-4038.
Return to Summary Table.
Start Address of General settings is pointed by the MMCSD1_UHS2_SETTINGS_PTR Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0100h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-14 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
13-8 | NUMLANES | R/W | 0h |
Number of Lanes and Functionalities The lane configuration of a Host System is set to this field depends on the capability among Host Controller and connected devices. 2 Lanes FD mode is mandatory and the others modes are optional. 0h: 2 Lanes FD or 2L-HD 1h: Not Used 2h: 3 Lanes 2D1U-FD (Embedded) 3h: 3 Lanes 1D2U-FD (Embedded) 4h: 4 Lanes 2D2U-FD (Embedded) Others: Reserved |
7-1 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
0 | POWER_MODE | R/W | 0h |
Power Mode This field determines either Fast mode or Low Power mode. Host and all devices connected to the host shall be set to the same mode. 0h: Fast Mode 1h: Low Power Mode |
MMCSD1_UHS2_PHY_SETTINGS is shown in Figure 12-2070 and described in Table 12-4040.
Return to Summary Table.
Start Address of PHY settings is pointed by the MMCSD1_UHS2_SETTINGS_PTR Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0104h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
N_LSS_DIR | N_LSS_SYN | ||||||
R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-24 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
23-20 | N_LSS_DIR | R/W | 0h |
Host N_LSS_DIR The largest value of N_LSS_DIR capabilities among the Host Controller and Connected Devices is set to this field. 0h: 8 x 16 LSS 1h: 8 x 1 LSS 2h: 8 x 2 LSS 3h: 8 x 3 LSS .... .... Fh: 8 x 15 LSS |
19-16 | N_LSS_SYN | R/W | 0h |
Host N_LSS_SYN The largest value of N_LSS_SYN capabilities among the Host Controller and Connected Devices is set to this field. 0h: 4 x 16 LSS 1h: 4 x 1 LSS 2h: 4 x 2 LSS 3h - 4 x 3 LSS .... .... Fh: 4 x 15 LSS |
15 | HIBERNATE_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Hibernate Enable After checking card capability of Hibernate mode, if all devices support Hibernate mode, this bit may be set. This bit determines whether Host remains in Dormant state or goes to Hibernate state. In Hibernate mode, VDD1 Power may be off. 0h: Hibernate Disabled 1h: Hibernate Enabled |
14-8 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
7-6 | SPEED_RANGE | R/W | 0h |
Speed Range PLL multiplier is selected by this field. Change of PLL Multiplier is not effective immediately and is applied from exiting Dormant State. 0h: Range A (Defalt) 1h: Range B 2h: Reserved 3h: Reserved |
5-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
MMCSD1_UHS2_LNK_TRN_SETTINGS is shown in Figure 12-2071 and described in Table 12-4042.
Return to Summary Table.
Start Address of LINK/TRAN settings is pointed by the MMCSD1_UHS2_SETTINGS_PTR Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0108h |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
N_DATA_GAP | |||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
HOST_NFCU | |||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-40 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
39-32 | N_DATA_GAP | R/W | 0h |
Host N_DATA_GAP The largest value of N_DATA_GAP capabilities among the Host Controller and Connected Devices is set to this field. 00h: No Gap 01h: 1 LSS 02h: 2 LSS 03h: 3 LSS .... .... FFh: 255 LSS |
31-18 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
17-16 | RETRY_COUNT | R/W | 0h |
Retry Count Data Burst retry count is set to this field. 00h: Retry Disabled 01h: 1 time 02h: 2 times 03h: 3 times |
15-8 | HOST_NFCU | R/W | 0h |
Host N_FCU Host Driver sets the number of blocks in Data Burst (Flow Control) to this field. The value shall be smaller than or equal to N_FCU capabilities among the Host Controller and connected card and devices. Setting 1 to 4 blocks is recommended considering buffer size. 00h: 256 Blocks 01h: 1 Block 02h: 2 Blocks 03h: 3 Blocks .... .... FFh: 255 Blocks |
7-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_CAP is shown in Figure 12-2072 and described in Table 12-4044.
Return to Summary Table.
Start Address of General Capabilities is pointed by the MMCSD1_UHS2_GEN_CAP Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0110h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R-1h | R-0h | |||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-1h | R-Fh | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
GAP | DAP | ||||||
R-1h | R-1h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-24 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
23-22 | CORECFG_UHS2_BUS_TOPLOGY | R | 0h |
Bus Topology This field indicates one of bus topologies configured by a Host system. 0h: P2P Connection 1h: Ring Connection 2h: HUB Connection 3h: HUB is Connected in Ring |
21-18 | CORECFG_UHS2_MAX_DEVICES | R | 1h |
Number of Devices Supported This field indicates the maximum number of devices supported by the Host Controller. 0h: Not used 1h: 1 Devices 2h: 2 Devices .... .... Fh: 15 Devices |
17-16 | DEVICE_TYPE | R | 0h |
Removable/Embedded This field indicates device type configured by a Host system. 0h: Removable Card (P2P) 1h: Embedded Devices 2h: Embedded Devices + Removable Card 3h: Reserved |
15 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
14 | CFG_64BIT_ADDRESSING | R | 1h |
64-bit Addressing This field indicates support of 64-bit addressing by the Host Controller. 0h: 32-bit Addressing is supported 1h: 32-bit and 64-bit Addressing is supported |
13-8 | NUM_LANES | R | Fh |
Number of Lanes and Functionalities This field indicates support of lanes by the Host Controller. 0 mean not supported and 1 means supported. D08: 2L-HD D09: 2D1U-FD D10: 1D2U-FD D11: 2D2U-FD D12: Reserved D13: Reserved |
7-4 | GAP | R | 1h |
GAP (Group Allocation Power) This field indicates the maximum capability of host power supply for a group configured by a Host system. This field is used to set the argument of DEVICE_INIT CCM. 0h: Not used 1h: 360 mW 2h: 720 mW .... .... Fh: 360 x 15 mW |
3-0 | DAP | R | 1h |
DAP (Device Allocation Power) This field indicates the maximum capability of host power supply for a device configured by a Host system. This field is used to set the argument of DEVICE_INIT CCMD. 0h: 360 mW (Default) 1h: 360 mW 2h: 720 mW .... .... Fh: 360 x 15 mW |
MMCSD1_UHS2_PHY_CAP is shown in Figure 12-2073 and described in Table 12-4046.
Return to Summary Table.
Start Address of PHY Capabilities is pointed by the MMCSD1_UHS2_CAPABILITIES_PTR Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0114h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
N_LSS_DIR | N_LSS_SYN | ||||||
R-1h | R-1h | ||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-24 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
23-20 | N_LSS_DIR | R | 1h |
Host N_LSS_DIR This field indicates the minimum N_LSS_DIR required by the Host Controller. 0h: 4 x 16 LSS 1h: 4 x 1 LSS 2h: 4 x 2 LSS 3h: 4 x 3 LSS .... .... Fh: 4 x 15 LSS |
19-16 | N_LSS_SYN | R | 1h |
Host N_LSS_SYN This field indicates the minimum N_LSS_SYN required by the Host Controller. 0h: 4 x 16 LSS 1h: 4 x 1 LSS 2h: 4 x 2 LSS 3h: 4 x 3 LSS .... .... Fh: 4 x 15 LSS |
15-8 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
7-6 | SPEED_RANGE | R | 0h |
Speed Range This field indicates supported Speed Range by the Host Controller. 0h: Range A (Default) 1h: Range A and Range B 2h: Reserved 3h: Reserved |
5-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
MMCSD1_UHS2_LNK_TRN_CAP is shown in Figure 12-2074 and described in Table 12-4048.
Return to Summary Table.
Start Address of LINK/TRAN settings is pointed by the MMCSD1_UHS2_CAPABILITIES_PTR Register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0118h |
63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 |
RESERVED | |||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||
47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 |
RESERVED | N_DATA_GAP | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-81h | ||||||||||||||
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
MAX_BLK_LENGTH | RESERVED | ||||||||||||||
R-200h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
N_FCU | RESERVED | ||||||||||||||
R-1h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
63-40 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
39-32 | N_DATA_GAP | R | 81h |
Host N_DATA_GAP This field indicates the minimum number of data gap (DIDL) supported by the Host Controller. 00h: No Gap 01h: 1 LSS 02h: 2 LSS 03h: 3 LSS .... .... FFh: 255 LSS |
31-20 | MAX_BLK_LENGTH | R | 200h |
Host Maximum Block Length This field indicates maximum block length by the Host Controller. 000h: Not Used 001h: 1 byte 002h: 2 bytes .... .... 200h: 512 bytes .... .... 800h: 2048 bytes 801h - FFFh: Not Used |
19-16 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
15-8 | N_FCU | R | 1h |
Host N_FCU This field indicates maximum the number of blocks in a Flow Control unit by the Host Controller. This value is determined by supported buffer size. 00h: 256 Blocks 01h: 1 Block 02h: 2 Block 03h: 3 Block .... .... FFh: 255 Blocks |
7-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
MMCSD1_FORCE_UHSII_ERR_INT_STS is shown in Figure 12-2075 and described in Table 12-4050.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is not physically implemented, rather it is an address where the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register can be written.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0120h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
W-0h | R-0h | ||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | W-0h | W-0h | |||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
W-0h | R-0h | W-0h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
W-0h | R-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h | W-0h |
LEGEND: R = Read Only; W = Write Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-27 | VENDOR_SPECIFIC | W | 0h |
Force Event for Vendor Specific Error 0h: Not Affected 1h: Vendor Specific Error Status is set |
26-18 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
17 | TIMEOUT_DEADLOCK | W | 0h |
Force Event for Timeout for Deadlock Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set Timeout for Deadlock in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: Timeout for Deadlock Error status is set |
16 | TIMEOUT_CMD_RES | W | 0h |
Force Event for Timeout for CMD_RES Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set Timeout for CMD_RES in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: Timout for CMD_RES Status is set |
15 | ADMA | W | 0h |
Force Event for ADMA Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set ADMA Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: ADMA Error Status is set |
14-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | EBSY | W | 0h |
Force Event for EBSY Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set EBSY Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: EBSY Error Status is set |
7 | UNRECOVERABLE | W | 0h |
Force Event for Unrecoverable Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set Unrecoverable Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: Unrecoverable Error Status is set |
6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5 | TID | W | 0h |
Force Event for TID Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set TID Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: TID Error Status is set |
4 | FRAMING | W | 0h |
Force Event for Framing Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set Framing Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: Framing Error Status is set |
3 | CRC | W | 0h |
Force Event for CRC Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set CRC Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: CRC Error Status is set |
2 | RETRY_EXPIRED | W | 0h |
Force Event for Retry Expired Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set Retry Expired in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: Retry expired error status is set |
1 | RES_PKT | W | 0h |
Force Event for RES Packet Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set RES Packet Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: RES packet error status is set |
0 | HEADER | W | 0h |
Force Event for Header Error Setting this bit forces the Host Controller to set Header Error in the MMCSD1_UHS2_ERR_INTR_STS register. 0h: Not affected 1h: Header error status is set |
MMCSD1_CQ_VERSION is shown in Figure 12-2076 and described in Table 12-4052.
Return to Summary Table.
This register provides information about the version of the eMMC CQ (Command Queueing) standard which is 285 implemented by the CQE, in BCD format. The current version is rev 5.1.
The following table describes the CQBASE+00h: Command Queueing Version.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0200h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-5h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-1h | R-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-12 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
11-8 | EMMC_MAJOR_VER_NUM | R | 5h |
eMMC Major Version Number (digit left of decimal point), in BCD format |
7-4 | EMMC_MINOR_VER_NUM | R | 1h |
eMMC Minor Version Number (digit right of decimal point), in BCD format |
3-0 | EMMC_VERSION_SUFFIX | R | 0h |
eMMC Version Suffix (2nd digit right of decimal point), in BCD format |
MMCSD1_CQ_CAPABILITIES is shown in Figure 12-2077 and described in Table 12-4054.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is reserved for capability indication.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0204h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-3h | R-0h | R-C8h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CF_VAL | |||||||
R-C8h | |||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-16 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
15-12 | CF_MUL | R | 3h |
Internal Timer Clock Frequency Multiplier (ITCFMUL) ITCFMUL and ITCFVAL indicate the frequency of the clock used for interrupt coalescing timer and for determining the SQS polling period. See ITCFVAL definition for details (MMCSD1_CQ_CAPABILITIES[9-0] CF_VAL). Field Value Description: 0h: 0.001 MHz 1h: 0.01 MHz 2h: 0.1 MHz 3h: 1 MHz 4h: 10 MHz Other values are reserved |
11-10 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
9-0 | CF_VAL | R | C8h |
Internal Timer Clock Frequency Value (ITCFVAL) ITCFMUL and ITCFVAL indicate the frequency of the clock used for interrupt coalescing timer and for determining the polling period when using periodic SEND_QUEUE_STATUS (CMD13) polling. The clock frequency is calculated as ITCFVAL × ITCFMUL. For example, to encode 19.2 MHz ITCFVAL shall be 192 × 0.1 MHz = 19.2 MHz |
MMCSD1_CQ_CONFIG is shown in Figure 12-2078 and described in Table 12-4056.
Return to Summary Table.
This register controls CQE behavior affecting the general operation of command queueing 290 module or operation of multiple tasks in the same time.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0208h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-13 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
12 | DCMD_ENA | R/W | 0h |
Direct Command (DCMD) Enable This bit indicates to the hardware whether the Task Descriptor in slot #31 of the TDL is a Data Transfer Task Descriptor, or a Direct Command Task Descriptor. CQE uses this bit when a task is issued in slot #31, to determine how to decode the Task Descriptor. Bit Value Description 0h: Task descriptor in slot #31 is a Data Transfer Task Descriptor 1h: Task descriptor in slot #31 is a DCMD Task Descriptor |
11-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | TASK_DESC_SIZE | R/W | 0h |
Task Descriptor Size This bit indicates whether the task descriptor size is 128 bits or 64 bits . This bit can only be configured when the MMCSD1_CQ_CONFIG[0] CQ_ENABLE bit is 0h (command queueing is disabled). Bit Value Description 0h: Task descriptor size is 64 bits 1h: Task descriptor size is 128 bits |
7-1 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
0 | CQ_ENABLE | R/W | 0h |
Command Queueing Enable Software shall write 1h to this bit when in order to enable command queueing mode (enable CQE). When this bit is 0h, CQE is disabled and software controls the eMMC bus using the legacy eMMC host controller. Before software writes 1h to this bit, software shall verify that the eMMC host controller is in idle state and there are no commands or data transfers ongoing. When software wants to exit command queueing mode, it shall clear all previous tasks if such exist before setting this bit to 0h. |
MMCSD1_CQ_CONTROL is shown in Figure 12-2079 and described in Table 12-4058.
Return to Summary Table.
This register controls CQE behavior affecting the general operation of command queueing 293 module or operation of multiple tasks in the same time.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 020Ch |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-9 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
8 | CLEAR_ALL_TASKS | R/W | 0h |
Clear All Tasks Software shall write 1h to this bit when it wants to clear all the tasks sent to the device. This bit can only be written when CQE is in halt state (Halt bit is 1h). When software writes 1h, the value of the register is updated to 1h, and CQE shall reset the MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_DOOR_BELL register and all other context information for all unfinished tasks. Then CQE will clear this bit. Software should poll on this bit until it is set to back 0 and may then resume normal operation, by clearing the Halt bit. CQE does not communicate to the device that the tasks were cleared. It is softwares responsibility to order the device to discard the tasks in its queue using CMDQ_TASK_MGMT command. Writing 0h to this register shall have no effect. |
7-1 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
0 | HALT_BIT | R/W | 0h |
Halt Host software shall write 1h to the bit when it wants to acquire software control over the eMMC bus and disable CQE from issuing commands on the bus. For example, issuing a Discard Task command (CMDQ_TASK_MGMT). When software writes 1h, CQE shall complete the ongoing task if such a task is in progress. Once the task is completed and CQE is in idle state, CQE shall not issue new commands and shall indicate so to software by setting this bit to 1h. Software may poll on this bit until it is set to 1h, and may only then send commands on the eMMC bus. In order to exit halt state (resume CQE activity), software shall clear this bit (write 0h). Writing 0h when the value is already 0h shall have no effect. |
MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS is shown in Figure 12-2080 and described in Table 12-4060.
Return to Summary Table.
This register indicates pending interrupts that require service. Each bit in this registers is asserted 296 in response a specific event, only if the respective bit is set in the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS_ENA register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0210h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | R/W1C-0h | ||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear Bit; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-5 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
4 | TASK_ERROR | R/W1C | 0h |
Task Error Interrupt (TERR) This bit is asserted when task error is detected due to invalid task descriptor. |
3 | TASK_CLEARED | R/W1C | 0h |
Task Cleared (TCL) This status bit is asserted (if MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS_ENA[3] TASK_CLEARED = 1h) when a task clear operation is completed by CQE. The completed task clear operation is either an individual task clear (MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_CLEAR) or clearing of all tasks (MMCSD1_CQ_CONTROL). |
2 | RESP_ERR_DET | R/W1C | 0h |
Response Error Detected Interrupt (RED) This status bit is asserted (if MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS_ENA[2] RESP_ERR_DET = 1h) when a response is received with an error bit set in the device status field. Software uses the MMCSD1_CQ_RESP_ERR_MASK register to configure which device status bit fields may trigger an interrupt, and which are masked. |
1 | TASK_COMPLETE | R/W1C | 0h |
Task Complete Interrupt (TCC) This status bit is asserted (if MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS_ENA[1] TASK_COMPLETE = 1h) when at least one of the following two conditions are met: (1) A task is completed and the INT bit is set in its Task Descriptor (2) Interrupt caused by Interrupt Coalescing logic |
0 | HALT_COMPLETE | R/W1C | 0h |
Halt Complete Interrupt (HAC) This status bit is asserted (if MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS_ENA[0] HALT_COMPLETE = 1h) when the MMCSD1_CQ_CONTROL[0] HALT_BIT bit transitions from 0h to 1h indicating that host controller has completed its current ongoing task and has entered halt state. |
MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2081 and described in Table 12-4062.
Return to Summary Table.
This register enables and disables the reporting of the corresponding interrupt to host software in 299 MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS register. When a bit is set (1h) and the corresponding interrupt condition is active, then the 300 bit in the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS register is asserted. Interrupt sources that are disabled (0h) are not indicated in the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS 301 register. This register is bit-index matched to the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0214h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-5 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
4 | TASK_ERROR | R/W | 0h |
Task Error Interrupt Status Enable (TERR) 1h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[4] TASK_ERROR bit will be set when its interrupt condition is active 0h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[4] TASK_ERROR bit is disabled |
3 | TASK_CLEARED | R/W | 0h |
Task Cleared Status Enable (TCL) 1h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[3] TASK_CLEARED bit will be set when its interrupt condition is active 0h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[3] TASK_CLEARED bit is disabled |
2 | RESP_ERR_DET | R/W | 0h |
Response Error Detected Status Enable (RED) 1h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[2] RESP_ERR_DET bit will be set when its interrupt condition is active 0h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[2] RESP_ERR_DET bit is disabled |
1 | TASK_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Task Complete Status Enable (TCC) 1h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[1] TASK_COMPLETE bit will be set when its interrupt condition is active 0h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[1] TASK_COMPLETE bit is disabled |
0 | HALT_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Halt Complete Status Enable (HAC) 1h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[0] HALT_COMPLETE bit will be set when its interrupt condition is active 0h: MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[0] HALT_COMPLETE bit is disabled |
MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_SIG_ENA is shown in Figure 12-2082 and described in Table 12-4064.
Return to Summary Table.
This register enables and disables the generation of interrupts to host software. When a bit is set 304 (1h) and the corresponding bit in the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS register is set, then an interrupt is generated. Interrupt sources 305 that are disabled (0h) are still indicated in the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS register. This register is bit-index matched 306 to the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS register.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0218h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
RESERVED | |||||||
R-0h | |||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | R/W-0h | ||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-5 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
4 | TASK_ERROR | R/W | 0h |
Task Error Interrupt Signal Enable (TERR) When set and the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[4] TASK_ERROR bit is asserted, the CQE shall generate an interrupt. |
3 | TASK_CLEARED | R/W | 0h |
Task Cleared Signal Enable (TCL) When set and the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[3] TASK_CLEARED bit is asserted, the CQE shall generate an interrupt. |
2 | RESP_ERR_DET | R/W | 0h |
Response Error Detected Signal Enable (RED) When set and the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[2] RESP_ERR_DET bit is asserted, the CQE shall generate an interrupt. |
1 | TASK_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Task Complete Signal Enable (TCC) When set and the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[1] TASK_COMPLETE bit is asserted, the CQE shall generate an interrupt. |
0 | HALT_COMPLETE | R/W | 0h |
Halt Complete Signal Enable (HAC) When set and the MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_STS[0] HALT_COMPLETE bit is asserted, the CQE shall generate an interrupt. |
MMCSD1_CQ_INTR_COALESCING is shown in Figure 12-2083 and described in Table 12-4066.
Return to Summary Table.
This register controls the interrupt coalescing feature.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 021Ch |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
R/W-0h | R-0h | ||||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | |||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
Interrupt Coalescing Enable/Disable: When set to 0h by software, command responses are neither counted nor timed. Interrupts are still triggered by completion of tasks with INT = 1 in the Task Descriptor. When set to 1h, the interrupt coalescing mechanism is enabled and coalesced interrupts are generated. |
30-21 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
20 | IC_STATUS | R | 0h |
Interrupt Coalescing Status Bit (ICSB): This bit indicates to software whether any tasks (with INT = 0) have completed and counted towards interrupt coalescing (ICSB is set if and only if IC counter > 0). Bit Value Description 0h: No task completions have occurred since last counter reset (IC counter = 0) 1h: At least one task completion has been counted (IC counter > 0) |
19-13 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
12-8 | CTR_THRESHOLD | R/W | 0h |
Interrupt Coalescing Counter Threshold (ICCTH): Software uses this field to configure the number of task completions (only tasks with INT = 0 in the Task Descriptor) which are required in order to generate an interrupt. Counter Operation: As data transfer tasks with INT = 0 complete, they are counted by CQE. The counter is reset by software during the interrupt service routine. The counter stops counting when it reaches the value configured in ICCTH. The maximum allowed value is 31. Note: When ICCTH is 0h, task completions are not counted, and counting-based interrupts are not generated. |
7 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
6-0 | TIMEOUT_VAL | R/W | 0h |
Interrupt Coalescing Timeout Value (ICTOVAL): Software uses this field to configure the maximum time allowed between the completion of a task on the bus and the generation of an interrupt. Timer Operation: The timer is reset by software during the interrupt service routine. It starts running when a data transfer task with INT = 0 is completed, after the timer was reset. When the timer reaches the value configured in ICTOVAL field it generates an interrupt and stops. The timers unit is equal to 1024 clock periods of the clock whose frequency is specified in the Internal Timer Clock Frequency field in the MMCSD1_CQ_CAPABILITIES register. The minimum value is 1h (1024 clock periods) and the maximum value is 7Fh (127 × 1024 clock periods). For example, a MMCSD1_CQ_CAPABILITIES field value of 0h indicates a 19.2 MHz clock frequency (period = 52.08 ns). If the setting in ICTOVAL is 10h, the calculated polling period is 16 × 1024 × 52.08 ns = 853.33 µs Note: When ICTOVAL is 0h, the timer is not running, and timer-based interrupts are not generated. |
MMCSD1_CQ_TDL_BASE_ADDR is shown in Figure 12-2084 and described in Table 12-4068.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used for configuring the lower 32 bits of the byte address of the head of the Task 312 Descriptor List in the host memory.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0220h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQTDLBA_LO | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQTDLBA_LO | R/W | 0h |
Task Descriptor List Base Address (TDLBA) This register stores the LSB bits (bits 31-0) of the byte address of the head of the Task Descriptor List in system memory. The size of the task descriptor list is 32 × (Task Descriptor size + Transfer Descriptor size) as configured by Host driver. This address shall be set on Byte1 KByte boundary. The lower 10 bits of this register shall be set to 0h by software and shall be ignored by CQE. |
MMCSD1_CQ_TDL_BASE_ADDR_UPBITS is shown in Figure 12-2085 and described in Table 12-4070.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used for configuring the upper 32 bits of the byte address of the head of the Task 316 Descriptor List in the host memory.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0224h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQTDLBA_HI | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQTDLBA_HI | R/W | 0h |
Task Descriptor List Base Address (TDLBA) This register stores the MSB bits (bits 63-32) of the byte address of the head of the Task Descriptor List in system memory. The size of the task descriptor list is 32 × (Task Descriptor size + Transfer Descriptor size) as configured by Host driver. This register is reserved when using 32-bit addressing mode. |
MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_DOOR_BELL is shown in Figure 12-2086 and described in Table 12-4072.
Return to Summary Table.
Using this register, software triggers CQE to process a new task.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0228h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQTDB_VAL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
W1S-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: W1S = Write 1 to Set Bit; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQTDB_VAL | W1S | 0h |
Command Queueing Task Doorbell Software shall configure the MMCSD1_CQ_TDL_BASE_ADDR[31-0] CQTDLBA_LO and MMCSD1_CQ_TDL_BASE_ADDR_UPBITS[31-0] CQTDLBA_HI bit fields, and enable CQE in the MMCSD1_CQ_CONFIG register before using this register. Writing 1h to bit n of this register triggers CQE to start processing the task encoded in slot n of the TDL. CQE always processes tasks in-order according to the order submitted to the list by the MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_DOOR_BELL register write transactions. CQE processes Data Transfer tasks by reading the Task Descriptor and sending QUEUED_TASK_PARAMS (CMD44) and QUEUED_TASK_ADDRESS (CMD45) commands to the device. CQE processes DCMD tasks (in slot #31, when enabled) by reading the Task Descriptor, and generating the command encoded by its index and argument. The corresponding bit is cleared to 0h by CQE in one of the following events: (a) When a task execution is completed (with success or error) (b) The task is cleared using MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_CLEAR register (c) All tasks are cleared using MMCSD1_CQ_CONTROL register (d) CQE is disabled using MMCSD1_CQ_CONFIG register Software may initiate multiple tasks at the same time (batch submission) by writing 1h to multiple bits of this register in the same transaction. In the case of batch submission: CQE shall process the tasks in order of the task index, starting with the lowest index. If one or more tasks in the batch are marked with QBR, the ordering of execution will be based on said processing order. Writing 0h by software shall have no impact on the hardware, and will not change the value of the register bit. |
MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_COMP_NOTIF is shown in Figure 12-2087 and described in Table 12-4074.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used by CQE to notify software about completed tasks.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 022Ch |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQTCN_VAL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W1C-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W1C = Read/Write 1 to Clear Bit; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQTCN_VAL | R/W1C | 0h |
Task Complete Notification CQE shall set bit n of this register (at the same time it clears bit n of the MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_DOOR_BELL register) when a task execution is completed (with success or error). When receiving interrupt for task completion, software may read this register to know which tasks have finished. After reading this register, software may clear the relevant bit fields by writing 1h to the corresponding bits. |
MMCSD1_CQ_DEV_QUEUE_STATUS is shown in Figure 12-2088 and described in Table 12-4076.
Return to Summary Table.
This register stores the most recent value of the device's queue status.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0230h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQDQ_STS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQDQ_STS | R | 0h |
Device Queue Status Every time the Host controller receives a queue status register (QSR) from the device, it updates this register with the response of status command (the device's queue status). |
MMCSD1_CQ_DEV_PENDING_TASKS is shown in Figure 12-2089 and described in Table 12-4078.
Return to Summary Table.
This register indicates to software which tasks are queued in the device, awaiting execution.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0234h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQDP_TSKS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQDP_TSKS | R | 0h |
Device Pending Tasks Bit n of this register is set if and only if QUEUED_TASK_PARAMS (CMD44) and QUEUED_TASK_ADDRESS (CMD45) were sent for this specific task and if this task hasnt been executed yet. CQE shall set this bit after receiving a successful response for CMD45. CQE shall clear this bit after the task has completed execution. Software needs to read this register in the task-discard procedure, when the controller is halted, to determine if the task is queued in the device. If the task is queued, the driver sends a CMDQ_TASK_MGMT (CMD48) to the device ordering it to discard the task. Then software clears the task in the CQE. Only then the software orders CQE to resume its operation using MMCSD1_CQ_CONTROL register. |
MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_CLEAR is shown in Figure 12-2090 and described in Table 12-4080.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used for removing an outstanding task in the CQE 327. The register should be used only when CQE is in Halt state.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0238h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQTCLR | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R/W-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQTCLR | R/W | 0h |
Command Queueing Task Clear Writing 1h to bit n of this register orders CQE to clear a task which software has previously issued. This bit can only be written when CQE is in Halt state as indicated in the MMCSD1_CQ_CONFIG register Halt bit. When software writes 1h to a bit in this register, CQE updates the value to 1h, and starts clearing the data structures related to the task. CQE clears the bit fields (sets a value of 0h) in the MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_CLEAR and in MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_DOOR_BELL registers once clear operation is complete. Software should poll on the MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_CLEAR register until it is cleared to verify clear operation was complete. Writing to this register only clears the task in the CQE and does not have impact on the device. In order to discard the task in the device, host software shall send CMDQ_TASK _MGMT while CQE is still in Halt state. Host driver is not allowed to use this register to clear multiple tasks at the same time. Clearing multiple tasks can be done using MMCSD1_CQ_CONTROL register. Writing 0h to a register bit shall have no impact. |
MMCSD1_CQ_SEND_STS_CONFIG1 is shown in Figure 12-2091 and described in Table 12-4082.
Return to Summary Table.
The register controls when the SEND_QUEUE_STATUS commands are sent.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0240h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | CMD_BLK_CNTR | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R/W-1h | ||||||||||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CMD_IDLE_TIMER | |||||||||||||||
R/W-1000h | |||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-20 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
19-16 | CMD_BLK_CNTR | R/W | 1h |
Send Status Command Block Counter This field indicates to CQE when to send SEND_QUEUE_STATUS (CMD13) command to inquire the status of the devices task queue. A value of n means CQE shall send status command on the CMD line, during the transfer of data block BLOCK_CNT-n, on the data lines, where BLOCK_CNT is the number of blocks in the current transaction. A value of 0h means that SEND_QUEUE_STATUS (CMD13) command shall not be sent during the transaction. Instead it will be sent only when the data lines are idle. A value of 1 means that STATUS command is to be sent during the last block of the transaction. |
15-0 | CMD_IDLE_TIMER | R/W | 1000h |
Send Status Command Idle Timer This field indicates to CQE the polling period to use when using periodic SEND_QUEUE_STATUS (CMD13) polling. Periodic polling is used when tasks are pending in the device, but no data transfer is in progress. When a SEND_QUEUE_STATUS response indicating that no task is ready for execution, CQE counts the configured time until it issues the next SEND_QUEUE_STATUS. Timer units are clock periods of theclock whose frequency is specified in the Internal Timer Clock Frequency field in the MMCSD1_CQ_CAPABILITIES register. The minimum value is 1h (1 clock period) and the maximum value is FFFFh (65535 clock periods). Default interval is: 4096 clock periods. For example, a MMCSD1_CQ_CAPABILITIES field value of 0h indicates a 19.2 MHz clock frequency (period = 52.08 ns). |
MMCSD1_CQ_SEND_STS_CONFIG2 is shown in Figure 12-2092 and described in Table 12-4084.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used for 333 configuring RCA field in SEND_QUEUE_STATUS command argument.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0244h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | QUEUE_RCA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R-0h | R/W-0h | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-16 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
15-0 | QUEUE_RCA | R/W | 0h |
Send Queue RCA This field provides CQE with the contents of the 16-bit RCA field in SEND_QUEUE_STATUS (CMD13) command argument. CQE shall copy this field to bits 31-16 of the argument when transmitting SEND_QUEUE_STATUS (CMD13) command. |
MMCSD1_CQ_DCMD_RESPONSE is shown in Figure 12-2093 and described in Table 12-4086.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is used for passing the response of a DCMD task to software.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0248h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
LAST_RESP | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | LAST_RESP | R | 0h |
Direct Command Last Response This register contains the response of the command generated by the last direct command (DCMD) task which was sent. CQE shall update this register when it receives the response for a DCMD task. This register is considered valid only after bit 31 of the MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_DOOR_BELL register is cleared by CQE. |
MMCSD1_CQ_RESP_ERR_MASK is shown in Figure 12-2094 and described in Table 12-4088.
Return to Summary Table.
This register controls the generation of Response Error Detection (RED) interrupt.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0250h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CQRMEM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R-FDF9A080h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | CQRMEM | R | FDF9A080h |
Response Mode Error Mask This bit is used as in interrupt mask on the device status field which is received in R1/R1b responses. Bit Value Description (for any bit i): 1h: When a R1/R1b response is received, with bit i in the device status set, a RED interrupt is generated 0h: When a R1/R1b response is received, bit i in the device status is ignored The reset value of this register is set to trigger an interrupt on all "Error" type bits in the device status. Note: Responses to CMD13 (SQS) encode the QSR, so they are ignored by this logic. |
MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_ERR_INFO is shown in Figure 12-2095 and described in Table 12-4090.
Return to Summary Table.
This register is updated by CQE when an error occurs on data or command related to a task activity. When such error is detected by CQE or indicated by the eMMC controller CQE stores in the MMCSD1_CQ_TASK_ERR_INFO register the task IDs and the command indices of the commands which were executed on the 343 command line and data lines when the error occurred.
Software is expected to use this information in the error recovery procedure.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0254h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | |||||
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R-0h | R-0h | R-0h | |||||
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31 | DATERR_VALID | R | 0h |
Data Transfer Error Fields Valid This bit is updated when an error is detected by CQE, or indicated by eMMC controller. If a data transfer is in progress when the error is detected/indicated, the bit is set to 1h. If a no data transfer is in progress when the error is detected/indicated, the bit is cleared to 0h. |
30-29 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
28-24 | DATERR_TASK_ID | R | 0h |
Data Transfer Error Task ID This field indicates the ID of the task which was executed on the data lines when an error occurred. The field is updated if a data transfer is in progress when an error is detected by CQE, or indicated by eMMC controller. |
23-22 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
21-16 | DATERR_CMD_INDEX | R | 0h |
Data Transfer Error Command Index This field indicates the index of the command which was executed on the data lines when an error occurred. The index shall be set to EXECUTE_READ_TASK (CMD46) or EXECUTE_WRITE_TASK (CMD47) according to the data direction. The field is updated if a data transfer is in progress when an error is detected by CQE, or indicated by eMMC controller. |
15 | RESP_MODE_VALID | R | 0h |
Response Mode Error Fields Valid This bit is updated when an error is detected by CQE, or indicated by eMMC controller. If a command transaction is in progress when the error is detected/indicated, the bit is set to 1h. If a no command transaction is in progress when the error is detected/indicated, the bit is cleared to 0h. |
14-13 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
12-8 | RESP_MODE_TASK_ID | R | 0h |
Response Mode Error Task ID This field indicates the ID of the task which was executed on the command line when an error occurred. The field is updated if a command transaction is in progress when an error is detected by CQE, or indicated by eMMC controller. |
7-6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5-0 | RESP_MODE_CMD_INDEX | R | 0h |
Response Mode Error Command Index This field indicates the index of the command which was executed on the command line when an error occurred. The field is updated if a command transaction is in progress when an error is detected by CQE, or indicated by eMMC controller. |
MMCSD1_CQ_CMD_RESP_INDEX is shown in Figure 12-2096 and described in Table 12-4092.
Return to Summary Table.
This register stores the index of the last received command response.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0258h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | LAST_CRI | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-6 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
5-0 | LAST_CRI | R | 0h |
Last Command Response Index This field stores the index of the last received command response. CQE shall update the value every time a command response is received. |
MMCSD1_CQ_CMD_RESP_ARG is shown in Figure 12-2097 and described in Table 12-4094.
Return to Summary Table.
This register stores the index of the last received command response.
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 025Ch |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
LAST_CRA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-0 | LAST_CRA | R | 0h |
Last Command Response Argument This field stores the argument of the last received command. CQE shall update the value every time a command response is received. |
MMCSD1_CQ_ERROR_TASK_ID is shown in Figure 12-2098 and described in Table 12-4096.
Return to Summary Table.
CQ Error Task ID Register
Instance | Physical Address |
MMCSD1_CTL_CFG | 0FA0 0260h |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
RESERVED | |||||||||||||||
R-0h | |||||||||||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RESERVED | TERR_ID | ||||||||||||||
R-0h | R-0h | ||||||||||||||
LEGEND: R = Read Only; -n = value after reset |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
31-5 | RESERVED | R | 0h |
Reserved |
4-0 | TERR_ID | R | 0h |
Task Error ID |