SPRUIV4D May 2020 – May 2024
Use of a streaming address generator can help limit the number of instructions required to calculate an address used for a load or store instruction. This in turn can reduce the resource bound of the software-pipelined loop and so can positively affect the initiation interval of the loop (and thus improve performance of the loop). It can also allow loop collapsing or loop coalescing to occur, possibly leading to improved performance of the loop.
There are four streaming address generators on C7100 cores. For more information and
code examples, please see the C71x DSP CPU, Instruction Set, and Matrix Multiply
Accelerator Technical Reference Manual (SPRUIP0), the C7000 Optimizing
C/C++ Compiler User’s Guide (SPRUIG8) and the c7x_strm.h
file in the include
directory of the compiler installation
The C7000 compiler does not yet make automatic use of the streaming address generator feature.