SPRUIV7B May 2022 – September 2023 AM620-Q1 , AM623 , AM625 , AM625-Q1 , AM625SIP
USB MSC Boot Parameter Table shows the boot parameter table for USB boot. Must be preceded with the common boot parameters described in Table 5-43.
Byte Offset | Size (bytes) | Name | Default Value | Description |
256 | 4 | Port | From pins | Physical port number. Always set to 0. |
260 | 4 | Base address 0 | From pins (port) | Base address of USB subsystem (CMN) |
264 | 4 | Base address 1 | From pins (port) | Base address of controller |
268 | 4 | phyBaseAddress | From pins (port) | Base address of USB PHY module |
272 | 4 | modRefClkkHz | varies | Module reference clock, in kHz |
276 | 2 | Vendor ID | 0x0451 | USB vendor ID. Read from control registers. |
278 | 2 | Product ID | 0x6164 | USB product ID. Read from control registers. |
280 | 2 | BCD Device | 0 | Binary Coded Decimal device release number |
284 | 4 | String Table addr | 0x4182BCA8 | Pointer to the string table in RAM |
288 | 2 | Vendor String offset | 0 | Offset to vendor string in string table |
290 | 2 | Prod string offset | 0 | Offset to product string in string table |
292 | 2 | Serial num string offset | 0 | Offset to serial number string in string table |
294 | 2 | Timeout | 5000 | USB timeout in milliseconds |
296 | 2 | Mode | 1 | 1 = DFU ≠1 = MSC Mode 1 = backup DFU, 2 = backup MSC |
298 | 1 | Lane reverse | From pins | Set to non-zero for lane reverse |
299 | 1 | CoreVoltage | From pins | USB Core Voltage 0 = 0.85V, 1 = 0.75V |
300 | 64 | FileName | tiboot3.bin | Boot file name |