DPHY_RX module supports the following
- Compliant to MIPI D-PHY standard v1.2
- Supports up to 4 data and 1 clock lanes
- Supports up to 2.5 Gbps (with deskew) and 1.5
Gbps (without deskew) per data lane
- Clock lane control / interface logic type is CIL-SCNN for HS and low power
- (S) Peripheral
- Clock
- N/A forward, N/A
reverse escape mode features
- Data lane control / interface logic type is CIL-SFAN for HS and low power
- (S) Peripheral
- Forward direction only for
high speed mode
- All forward direction escape
mode features are supported
- No reverse direction escape
mode features are supported
- Data lanes can be independently operated in HS or
ULP mode
- Swapping of DP/DN signals within each clock/data
pair (Facilitated by CSI_RX_IF controller)