FILE: erad_ex1_profileinterrupts.c
This example configures CPU Timer0, 1, and 2 to be profiled using the ERAD module. Included is a JavaScript file, profile_interrupts.js, which is used with the scripting console to program ERAD registers and view profiling data.
To properly use the provided ERAD script, the following variables must be set in the scripting environment prior to launching the ERAD script:
- var PROJ_NAME = "erad_debugger_ex1_profileinterrupts"
- var PROJ_WKSPC_LOC = "<proj_workspace_path>"
- var PROJ_CONFIG = "<name of active configuration [CPU1_FLASH|CPU1_RAM]>"
To run the ERAD script, use the following command in the scripting console:
- loadJSFile("<proj_workspace_path>\\erad_debugger_ex1_profileinterrupts\\erad_ex1_profile_interrupts.js", 0);
The included JavaScript file, erad_ex1_profile_interrupts.js, uses Debug Server Scripting (DSS) features. For information on using the DSS, please visit: that the script must be run after loading and running the .out on the C28x core. Only CPU timer 2 ISR is profiled in this example.
This example uses 2 HW breakpoints and 4 counters:
- HWBP_1 : PC = start address of cpuTimer2ISR
- HWBP_2 : PC = end address of cpuTimer2ISR
- CTM_1 : Used to count the cpuTimer2ISR execution cycles. Configured in start-stop mode with start event as HWBP_1 and stop event as HWBP_2
- CTM_2 : Used to count the number of times the system event TIMER2_TINT2 has occurred. Configured in rising-edge count mode with counting input as system event TIMER2_TINT2 (INP_SEL[25])
- CTM_3 : Used to count the number of times cputTimer2ISR executes. Configured in rising-edge count mode with counting input as HWBP_1 (INP_SEL[0])
- CTM_4 : Used to count the latency from the system event TIMER2_TINT2 to cpuTimer2ISR entry. Configured in start-stop mode with start event as TIMER2_TINT2 and stop event as HWBP_1
External Connections
Watch Variables
- cpuTimer0IntCount
- cpuTimer1IntCount
- cpuTimer2IntCount
Profiling Script Output
- Current ISR cycle count (CTM_1)
- Max ISR cycle count (maximum value of CTM_1)
- Interrupt occurrence count (CTM_2)
- ISR execution count (CTM_3)
- ISR entry delay cycle count (maximum value of CTM_4)
Note that the large difference between Interrupt occurrence count (CTM_2) and ISR execution count (CTM_3) is because the ISR takes more number of cycles than the actual interrupt period. ISR entry delay cycle count will also be higher due to the same reason.