SPRUIW9C October 2021 – March 2024 TMS320F280033 , TMS320F280034 , TMS320F280034-Q1 , TMS320F280036-Q1 , TMS320F280036C-Q1 , TMS320F280037 , TMS320F280037-Q1 , TMS320F280037C , TMS320F280037C-Q1 , TMS320F280038-Q1 , TMS320F280038C-Q1 , TMS320F280039 , TMS320F280039-Q1 , TMS320F280039C , TMS320F280039C-Q1
In Figure 21-15, the eCAP operating mode is almost the same as in previous section except capture events are qualified as either rising or falling edge, this now gives both period and duty cycle information, that is: Period1 = T1+T2, Period2 = T3+T4, and so on. Duty Cycle1 (on-time %) = T1 / Period1 x 100%, Duty Cycle1 (off-time %) = T2 / Period1 x 100%, and so on.
During initialization, write to the active registers for both period and compare. This action automatically copies the init values into the shadow values. For subsequent compare updates during run-time, the shadow registers must be used.