SPRUIY2 November 2024 F29H850TU , F29H859TU-Q1
Interrupts are hardware- or software-driven signals that cause the CPU to suspend current program sequence and execute a subroutine. Typically, interrupts are generated by peripherals or hardware devices that need to give data to or take data from the C29x CPU (for example ADC, DAC, EPWM, and other processors). Interrupts can also signal that a particular event has taken place (for example, a timer has finished counting).
On the C29x CPU, there are four types of interrupt lines in the system. These are listed here from highest priority to lowest priority:
These four interrupt lines handle all interrupts and exceptions on the device. All C29x devices come with a PIPE (Peripheral Interrupt Priority and Expansion) module that provides additional prioritization and arbitration of the RTINT and INT lines. Details regarding the PIPE module are provided in the F29H85x and F29P58x Real-Time Microcontrollers Technical Reference Manual.