SPRUIY4B February 2023 – May 2024 TMS320F2800152-Q1 , TMS320F2800153-Q1 , TMS320F2800154-Q1 , TMS320F2800155 , TMS320F2800155-Q1 , TMS320F2800156-Q1 , TMS320F2800157 , TMS320F2800157-Q1
FILE: dcc_ex4_clock_fail_detect.c
This program demonstrates clock failure detection on continuous monitoring of the PLL Clock in the system using XTAL as the osc clock source. Once the oscillator clock fails, it would trigger a DCC error interrupt, causing the decrement/ reload of counters to stop. In this examples, the clock failure is simulated by turning off the XTAL oscillator. Once the ISR is serviced, the osc source is changed to INTOSC1 and the PLL is turned off.
The Dual-Clock Comparator Module 0 is used for the clock monitoring. The clocksource0 is the reference clock (Fclk0 = 20Mhz) and the clocksource1 is the clock that needs to be monitored (Fclk1 = 120Mhz). Seed is the value that gets loaded into the Counter.
In the current example, the XTAL is expected to be a Resonator running in Crystal mode which is later switched off to simulate the clock failure. If an SE Crystal is used, you will need to physically disconnect the clock on the board. Please refer to the TRM for details on counter seed values to be set. Note : When running in flash configuration it is good to do a reset & restart after loading the example to remove any stale flags/states.
NOTE: In this device, by default, the XTAL is disabled and INTOSC2 is configured as the PLL source. To use XTAL (of frequency 20MHz) as the PLL source, update the device.h file with following changes :
To run this example, XTAL needs to be configured as PLL source.
External Connections
Watch Variables