SPRUIY4B February 2023 – May 2024 TMS320F2800152-Q1 , TMS320F2800153-Q1 , TMS320F2800154-Q1 , TMS320F2800155 , TMS320F2800155-Q1 , TMS320F2800156-Q1 , TMS320F2800157 , TMS320F2800157-Q1
The signal generator module is the main component of the EPG and generates the data stream that follows custom patterns. Figure 24-5 shows the main components. This module has 8 output ports DATATRANOUT0 to DATATRANOUT7. The two registers SIGGENx_DATA1 and SIGGENx_DATA0 constitute a 64-bit bus named DATA[63:0]. DATATRANIN[63:0], which is used for all the data transform operations, can be DATA[63:0] or bit reversed DATA (when SIGGENx_CTL0.BRIN bit is set). The DATATRANOUT0 to DATATRANOUT7 are connected to DATATRANIN0 to DATATRANIN7 when the signal generator is not in BIT_BANG mode. In BIT_BANG mode, DATATRANOUT0 to DATATRANOUT7 are connected to DATATRANIN0, DATATRANIN8, and DATATRANIN16 to DATATRANIN56.
In addition to generating data outputs, one of the 8 EPGIN inputs can act as data input to SIGGENx_DATAy registers. In Figure 24-5, the EPGIN_MUX block illustrates the mechanism used to capture the input data stream. This enables one to capture a data input stream using EPG module.
Data transformation is done on the DATATRANIN bus, and is determined by the configured mode (SIGGENx_CTL0.MODE), provided GCTL0.EN and SIGGENx_CTL0.EN are both set. If either of these enable bits are 0, then the data output of the transform block is the same as the input. The transformed output is bit reversed when SIGGENx_CTL0.BROUT bit is set. Conditions under which the DATA active register (SIGGENx_DATA0_ACTIVE and SIGGENx_DATA1_ACTIVE) are:
Condition | SIGGENx_DATA1_ACTIVE DATA ACTIVE Register [63:32] |
Memory mapped write to SIGGENx_DATA0 register and SIGGENx_CTL0.EN is 0 | No updates | Updated with the value written to SIGGENx_DATA0 register |
Memory mapped write to SIGGENx_DATA1 register and SIGGENx_CTL0.EN is 0. | Updated with the value written to SIGGENx_DATA1 register | No updates |
“BITLENGTH” number of shifts are done, and Mode is SHIFT_RIGHT_REPEAT or SHIFT_LEFT_REPEAT, and BITLENGTH <= 32, and Either SIGGENx_DATA0 or SIGGENx_DATA1 has been updated |
Copy SIGGENx_DATA1 register content | Copy SIGGENx_DATA0 register content |
“BITLENGTH” number of shifts are done, and Mode is SHIFT_RIGHT_REPEAT or SHIFT_LEFT_REPEAT, and BITLENGTH >= 32, and Both SIGGENx_DATA0 and SIGGENx_DATA1 have been updated |
Copy SIGGENx_DATA1 register contents | Copy SIGGENx_DATA0 register contents |
“BITLENGTH” number of shifts are done, and Mode is SHIFT_RIGHT_REPEAT or SHIFT_LEFT_REPEAT, and BITLENGTH <= 32, and Neither SIGGENx_DATA0, nor SIGGENx_DATA1 has been updated |
Hold the current value, no shifts | Hold the current value, no shifts |
“BITLENGTH” number of shifts are done, and Mode is SHIFT_RIGHT_REPEAT or SHIFT_LEFT_REPEAT, and BITLENGTH >= 32, and Neither SIGGENx_DATA0, nor SIGGENx_DATA1 has not been updated |
Hold the current value, no shifts | Hold the current value, no shifts |
All other conditions | Updates based on current mode of operation | Updates based on current mode of operation |
Following are the possible data transformations:
Bit-bang mode: In this mode, DATATRAN[63:0] is the same as DATATRANIN[63:0].
Shift right once mode: In this mode, DATATRAN[63:0] = {0,DATATRANIN[63:1]}. After SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH shifts, SIGENx_CTL0.EN is cleared.
Shift right repeat mode: In this mode, DATATRAN[63:0] = {0,DATATRANIN[63:1]}. After SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH shifts, load the data as per Table 24-1.
Rotate right once mode: In this mode, DATATRAN[63:0] = {DATATRANIN[0],DATATRANIN[63:1]}. After SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH shifts, active register is loaded from the {DATA1,DATA0} register, and SIGENx_CTL0.EN is cleared.
Rotate right repeat: This mode is same as rotate right once, except that SIGENx_CTL0.EN is not cleared upon SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH rotates.
Shift left once mode: In this mode, DATATRAN[63:0] = {DATATRANIN[62:1],0}. After SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH shifts, SIGENx_CTL0.EN is cleared.
Shift left repeat mode: In this mode, DATATRAN[63:0] = {DATATRANIN[62:1],0}. After SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH shifts, load the data as per Table 24-1.
Rotate left once mode: In this mode, DATATRAN[63:0] = {DATATRANIN[62:1],DATATRANIN[63]}. After SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH shifts, active register is loaded from the {DATA1,DATA0} register, and SIGENx_CTL0.EN is cleared.
Rotate left repeat: This mode is same as rotate left once, except that SIGENx_CTL0.EN is not cleared upon SIGENx_CTL0.BITLENGTH rotates.