Figure 21-8 illustrates an example of receiver signal timing that assumes the following
- Address-bit wake-up mode
(address bit does not appear in idle-line mode)
- Six bits per character
- Flag bit RXENA (SCICTL1, bit
0) goes high to enable the receiver.
- Data arrives on the SCIRXD
pin, start bit detected.
- Data is shifted from RXSHF to
the receiver buffer register (SCIRXBUF); an interrupt is requested. Flag bit
RXRDY (SCIRXST, bit 6) goes high to signal that a new character has been
- The program reads SCIRXBUF;
flag RXRDY is automatically cleared.
- The next byte of data arrives
on the SCIRXD pin; the start bit is detected, then cleared.
- Bit RXENA is brought low to
disable the receiver. Data continues to be assembled in RXSHF but is not
transferred to the receiver buffer register.