SPRUIY4B February 2023 – May 2024 TMS320F2800152-Q1 , TMS320F2800153-Q1 , TMS320F2800154-Q1 , TMS320F2800155 , TMS320F2800155-Q1 , TMS320F2800156-Q1 , TMS320F2800157 , TMS320F2800157-Q1
The device has a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) module that detects hardware errors in the system. The NMI module has a watchdog timer that triggers a reset if the CPU does not respond to an error within a user-specified amount of time. This NMI watchdog reset (NMIWDRS) produces an XRS that lasts for 512 INTOSC1 cycles.
After an NMI watchdog reset, the NMIWDRSn and XRSn bits in RESC are set.