SPRUIY4B February 2023 – May 2024 TMS320F2800152-Q1 , TMS320F2800153-Q1 , TMS320F2800154-Q1 , TMS320F2800155 , TMS320F2800155-Q1 , TMS320F2800156-Q1 , TMS320F2800157 , TMS320F2800157-Q1
If the EOC signal sets a flag in the ADCINTFLG register, but that flag is already set, an interrupt overflow occurs. By default, overflow interrupts are not passed on to the PIE module. When an overflow occurs on a given flag in the ADCINTFLG register, the corresponding flag in the ADCINOVF register is set. This overflow flag is only used to detect that an overflow has occurred; the flag does not block further interrupts from propagating to the PIE module.
When an ADC interrupt overflow occurs, the application must check the appropriate ADCINTOVF flag inside the ISR or in the background loop and take appropriate action when an overflow is detected. The following code snippets demonstrate how to check the ADCINTOVF flag inside the ISR after attempting to clear the ADCINT flag.
// Clear the interrupt flag
AdcaRegs.ADCINTFLGCLR.bit.ADCINT1 = 1; //clear INT1 flag for ADC-A
// Check if an overflow has occurred
if(1 == AdcaRegs.ADCINTOVF.bit.ADCINT1) //ADCINT overflow occurred
AdcaRegs.ADCINTOVFCLR.bit.ADCINT1 = 1 //Clear overflow flag
AdcaRegs.ADCINTFLGCLR.bit.ADCINT1 = 1 //Re-clear ADCINT flag
// Clear the interrupt flag
ADC_clearInterruptStatus(ADCA_BASE, ADC_INT_NUMBER1);
// Check if an overflow has occurred
if(true == ADC_getInterruptOverflowStatus(ADCA_BASE, ADC_INT_NUMBER1))
ADC_clearInterruptOverflowStatus(ADCA_BASE, ADC_INT_NUMBER1);
ADC_clearInterruptStatus(ADCA_BASE, ADC_INT_NUMBER1);