SPRUIZ1B July 2023 – August 2024 TMS320F28P650DH , TMS320F28P650DK , TMS320F28P650SH , TMS320F28P650SK , TMS320F28P659DH-Q1 , TMS320F28P659DK-Q1 , TMS320F28P659SH-Q1
FILE: cla_ex6_cpu_offloading.c
This example showcases how to optimally offload the control algorithms from CPU to CLA in order to meet the system requirements. In this example, two control loops are simulated, the faster one (loop1) running at 200 KHz and the slower one (loop2) running at 20 KHz. Loop1 senses the first parameter at ADCA Channel 0, runs the PI controller to achieve the target and contributes to the duty of EPWM1A output with 80% weightage. Loop2 senses the second parameter at ADCB Channel 2, runs the PI controller and contributes to the duty of EPWM1A output with 20% weightage. It is important to note that since these are just software simulated control loops but there is no actual physical process involved and hence updating the duty is not going to have any affect on sampled inputs. ADCA is configured to oversample the first parameter using SOCs 0-3 to suppress the noise and similarly ADCB is used to oversample the second parameter. EPWM4 and EPWM5 are configured to trigger the ADCA and ADCB sampling at loop1 and loop2 frequencies respectively. Once the conversion of all 4 SOCs complete, a CPU ISR or a CLA task is triggered based on the user-configuration. There is also a background task running in the main loop which disables the entire system including PWM output and the control loops when "system_OFF" is set to 1. The system gets enabled again once "system_OFF" is restored back to 0. By default system_OFF is set to 0 but it's value can be updated dynamically by adding it to expression window and writing to it. DCL library is included in the project to make use of optimal PI controllers used in both the loops. User-configurable pre-defined symbol "run_loop1_cla" has been added to the project options in order to specify whether to run the loop1 on C28x or CLA. GPIO2 and GPIO3 are used to profile the execution of loop1 and loop2.
For run_loop1_cla == 0 i.e. both loops running on CPU -> Loop1 Utilization = ~77.5% (measured using profiling GPIO2) -> Loop2 Utilization = ~6% (measured using profiling GPIO3) -> Background task in a while loop -> Total CPU utilization is greater than Utilization bound (UB) Hence the system is non-schedulable, lower priority task (Loop2) execution never completes (no toggling observed on GPIO3) and also background task never gets chance to execute
For run_loop1_cla == 1 i.e. high frequency control loop (loop1) is offloaded to CLA while loop2 runs on CPU -> Loop1 Utilization (CLA) = ~73% -> Loop2 Utilization (CPU)= ~6% -> Total CPU utilization has come down to just ~6% Hence the system is perfectly schedulable, no miss happens for any of the loops and offloading of loop1 to CLA saves CPU bandwidth to execute background tasks as well
For quick inspection of the example functionality, constant DC HIGH/LOW inputs can be provided to the analog channels instead of varying analog voltages. The target value for both the loops are set as some intermediate value i.e. 3500 corresponds to ~2.8V. Now since the sensed inputs are constant and not same as target so the controller outputs will get saturated soon to either 1 or 0. Thus the "duty" variable can take only fixed values based on the equations used in the loops. Infact the duty output would be very intuitive, for instance if both inputs are LOW(GND), the controller will try to produce the maximum duty as the target is higher than sensed value hence the duty should be 1.0(0.2 + 0.8) but will get saturated to 0.9(the maximum value defined). Similarly if both inputs are made HIGH, the duty will be 0.1 (the minimum saturation value defined). The final duty table is shown below :
External Connections