SPRUJ17H March 2022 – October 2024 AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1
When the FIFO buffer is enabled for a channel, the user must previously configure in the MCSPI_XFERLEVEL register the AEL and AFL levels and especially the MCSPI_XFERLEVEL[31-16] WCNT bit field to define the number of MCSPI words to be transferred using the FIFO before enabling the channel.
This counter lets the controller stop the transfer correctly after a defined number of MCSPI word transfers. If WNCT is set to 0x0000, the counter is not used and the user must stop the transfer manually by disabling the channel; in this case, the user does not know how many MCSPI transfers have been done. For received words, software must poll the MCSPI_CHSTAT_i[5] RXFFE bit and read the MCSPI_RX_0/1/2/3 receive register to empty the FIFO buffer.
When the end-of-word count interrupt is generated (the MCSPI_IRQSTATUS[17] EOW bit is set), the user can disable the channel and poll the MCSPI_CHSTAT_0/1/2/3[5] RXFFE bit to know the last MCSPI words in the FIFO buffer and read them.