The UART includes the following features:
- 16C750-compatible
- RS-485 external transceiver auto flow control support
- 64-byte FIFO buffer for receiver and 64-byte FIFO buffer for transmitter
- Programmable interrupt trigger levels for FIFOs
- Programmable sleep mode
- The 48 MHz functional clock is default option and allows baud rates up to 3.6 Mbps
- Auto-baud between 1200 bits/s and 115.2 Kbits/s (only when 48 MHz function clock is used)
- Optional multi-drop transmission
- Configurable time-guard feature
- Configurable data format:
- Data bit: 5, 6,
7, or 8 bits
- Parity bit: Even, Odd, None
- Stop-bit: 1, 1.5, 2 bit
- Flow control: Hardware (RTS/CTS) or software (XON/XOFF)
- False start bit detection
- Line break generation and detection
- Fully prioritized interrupt system controls
- Internal test and loopback capabilities
- Modem control functions (CTS, RTS)
- Only UART1 module
instance has extended modem control signals (DCD, RI, DTR,
- Independent TX/RX
- Supports both little and big Endian operating mode
- Internal test and loopback capabilities