There are 10x eCAP modules integrated
in the device. Figure 4-4 provides a visual representation of the device integration
Figure 7-296 eCAP
Integration Diagram
- MUNIT_Enable: This bit is used to enable/disable the signal monitoring
- RSTN: This bit is used to reset the eCAP module.
- SYS_CLK: Its 200MHz system clock which is functional clock for ECAP.
- CAP_IN: Capture inputs can be connected using the INPUTXBAR, PWMXBAR, adc_evt,
etc. (Table 7-171).
- 256:1 input multiplexer is used to select the capture input.
- SYNC_IN: eCAP modules can be synchronized with each other by selecting a common
SYNCIN source. SYNCIN source for eCAP can be either software sync-in or external
- TRIP_IN: The signal monitoring block can be disabled from monitoring the signal
by external trip signals. It is re-enabled by removing the trip-in signal.
- GLDSTRB: This signal is used to load shadow values to MIN/MAX reg while signal
- CAP_INT: Interrupt signal generated as a part of capture/PWM event.
- DMA_INT: DMA request signal.
- PWM_OUT: PWM output in APWM mode.
- SOC_EVT: Used to generate SOC
signal for ADC during any capture/PWM event.
- SYNC_OUT: This can be used to synchronize the eCAP with other eCAPs or with
other modules like PWM.
- TRIP_OUT: Trip signal is generated upon signal monitoring error. All the signal
monitoring error events are OR-ed and provided as trip out.