SPRUJ17H March 2022 – October 2024 AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1
When the processing for a given syndrome polynomial completes, its ELM_SYNDROME_FRAGMENT_6_i[16] SYNDROME_VALID bit is reset. It must not be set again until the exit status registers, ELM_LOCATION_STATUS_i (where i = 0 to 7) for this processing are checked. Failure to comply with this rule leads to potential loss of the first polynomial process data output.
The error-location engine signals the process completion to the ELM. When this event is detected, the corresponding ELM_IRQSTATUS[i] LOC_VALID_i bit (where i = 0 to 7) is set. The processing exit status is available from the associated ELM_LOCATION_STATUS_i register, and error locations are stored in order in the ECC_ERROR_LOCATION bit fields. Software must read only valid error-location registers based on the number of errors detected and located.
Immediately after the error-location engine completes, a new syndrome polynomial can be processed, if any is available, as reported by the ELM_SYNDROME_FRAGMENT_6_i[16] SYNDROME_VALID bit, depending on the configured error-correction level. If several syndrome polynomials are available, a round-robin arbitration is used to select one for processing.
In continuous mode (that is, all bits in ELM_PAGE_CTRL are reset), an interrupt is triggered whenever a ELM_IRQSTATUS[i] LOC_VALID_i bit is asserted. Software must read the ELM_IRQSTATUS register to determine which polynomial is processed and retrieve the exit status and error locations (ELM_LOCATION_STATUS_i and ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_0_i to ELM_ERROR_LOCATION_15_i). When done, software must clear the corresponding ELM_IRQSTATUS[i] LOC_VALID_i bit by setting it to 1. Other status bits must be set to 0 so that other interrupts are not unintentionally cleared. When using this mode, the ELM_IRQSTATUS[8] PAGE_VALID interrupt is never triggered.
In page mode, the module does not trigger interrupts for the processing completion of each polynomial because the ELM_IRQENABLE[i] LOCATION_MASK_i bits are cleared. A page is defined using the ELM_PAGE_CTRL register. Each SECTOR_i bit set means the corresponding polynomial i is part of the page processing. A page is fully processed when all tagged polynomials have been processed, as logged in the ELM_IRQSTATUS[i] LOC_VALID_i bits. The module triggers an ELM_IRQSTATUS[8] PAGE_VALID interrupt whenever it detects that the full page has been processed. To make sure the next page can be correctly processed, all status bits in the ELM_IRQSTATUS register must be cleared by using a single atomic-write access.
Do not modify page setting parameters in the ELM_PAGE_CTRL register unless the engine is idle, no polynomial input is valid, and all interrupts have been cleared.
Because no polynomial-level interrupt is triggered in page mode, polynomials cleared in the ELM_PAGE_CTRL[i] SECTOR_i bits (where i = 0 to 7) are processed as usual, but are essentially ignored. Software must manually poll the ELM_IRQSTATUS bits to check for their status.