SPRUJ17H March 2022 – October 2024 AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1
After reset, the host must write zeroes to all RX DMA State head descriptor pointers. The RX port may then be enabled. To initiate packet reception, the host constructs receive queues in memory and then writes the appropriate RX DMA state head descriptor pointer. For each RX buffer descriptor added to the queue, the host must initialize the RX buffer descriptor values as follows:
The host enables packet reception on a given channel by writing the address of the first buffer descriptor in the queue (nonzero value) to the channel's head descriptor pointer in the channel's RX DMA state. When packet reception begins on a given channel, the port fills each RX buffer with data in order starting with the first buffer and proceeding through the RX queue. If the Buffer Offset in the RX DMA State is nonzero, then the port will begin writing data after the offset number of bytes in the SOP buffer. The port performs the following operations at the end of each packet reception:
On interrupt the host processes the RX buffer queue detecting received packets by the status of the Ownership bit in each packet's SOP buffer descriptor. If the Ownership bit is cleared then the packet has been completely received and is available to be processed by the host. The host may continue RX queue processing until the end of the queue or until a buffer descriptor is read that contains a set Ownership bit indicating that the next packet's reception is not complete. The host determines that the RX queue is empty when the last packet in the queue has a cleared Ownership bit in the SOP buffer descriptor, a set End of Queue bit in the EOP buffer descriptor, and the Next Descriptor Pointer in the EOP buffer descriptor is zero.
A mis-queued buffer may occur when the host adds buffers to a queue as the port finishes the reception of the previous last packet in the queue. The mis-queued buffer is detected by the host when queue processing detects a cleared Ownership bit in the SOP buffer descriptor, a set End of Queue bit in the EOP buffer descriptor, and a nonzero Next Descriptor Pointer in the EOP buffer descriptor. A mis-queued buffer means that the port read the last EOP buffer descriptor before the host added buffer descriptor(s) to the queue, so the port determined queue empty just before the host added more buffer descriptor(s). In the transmit case, the packet transmission is delayed by the time required for the host to determine the condition and reinitiate the transaction, but the packet is not actually lost. In the receive case, receive overrun condition may occur in the mis-queued buffer case. If a new packet reception is begun during the time that the port has determined the end of queue condition, then the received packet will overrun (start of packet overrun). If the mis-queued buffer occurs during the middle of a packet reception then middle of packet overrun may occur. If the mis-queued buffer occurs after the last packet has completed, and is corrected before the next packet reception begins, then overrun will not occur. The host acts on the mis-queued buffer condition by writing the added buffer descriptor address to the appropriate RX DMA State Head Descriptor Pointer.