SPRUJ17H March 2022 – October 2024 AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1
The CPTS_COMP output is asserted (CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_LEN_REG[31-0] TS_COMP_LENGTH) for CPTS_RFT_CLK clock periods when the TIME_STAMP[31:0] value compares with the CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_VAL_REG and the length value is non-zero. The CPTS_COMP toggles thereafter on CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_VAL_REG[31-0] TS_COMP_LENGTH for CPTS_RFT_CLK periods. The length high or low can be adjusted by writing the CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_NUDGE_REG[7-0] NUDGE bit field value which is a two's complement value. A value of FFh will subtract one CPTS_RFT_CLK period from the CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_VAL_REG[31-0] TS_COMP_LENGTH value. A value of 0x01h will add one CPTS_RFT_CLK period to the CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_LEN_REG[31-0] TS_COMP_LENGTH value. Only a single high or low time is adjusted (nudged) and the CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_NUDGE_REG[7-0] NUDGE value is cleared to zero when the nudge has occurred. The CPTS_COMP output is asserted low when the CPSW_CPTS_CONTROL_REG[2] TS_COMP_POLARITY bit is 0h. No compare events and no CPTS_EVNT interrupts are generated in toggle mode. The CPSW_CPTS_CONTROL_REG[6] TS_COMP_TOG bit must be set for toggle mode (value 1h). Note this bit must be set before writing a non-zero value to CPSW_CPTS_TS_COMP_VAL_REG register.