The MEP of the HRPWM is controlled by six extension registers. These HRPWM registers are concatenated with the 16-bit TBPHS, TBPRD, CMPA, CMPBM, DBREDM, and DBFEDM registers used to control PWM operation.
- TBPHSHR - Time Base Phase High Resolution Register
- CMPAHR - Counter Compare A High Resolution Register; CMPAHR is for use with the AQ output of Channel A, and is not related to CMPA
- TBPRDHR - Time Base Period High Resolution Register. (available on some devices)
- CMPBHR - Counter Compare B High Resolution Register; CMPBHR is for use with the AQ output of Channel B, and is not related to CMPB
- DBREDHR - Dead-band Generator Rising Edge Delay High Resolution Register
- DBFEDHR - Dead-band Generator Falling Edge Delay High Resolution Register
Note: HRPWM capabilities on Deadband Rising Edge Delay and Falling Edge Delay is applicable only during dead band half cycle clocking Operation. The number of MEP steps is half in size [bits 15:9 ] than duty and phase high-resolution registers for the same reason.
HRPWM capabilities are controlled using the Channel A and B PWM signal path. HRPWM support on the Dead band signal path is available by properly configuring the HRCNFG2 register. Figure 7-237 shows how the HRPWM interfaces with the 8-bit extension registers.