SPRUJ17H March 2022 – October 2024 AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1
In MIR mode, data is transferred between the Host CPU and the peripheral devices at 0.576 Mbps or 1.152 Mbps. A MIR transmit frame starts with at least two start flags, followed by a frame data and a CRC-16, and ends with a stop flag (see Figure 13-55).
On transmit, the MIR state-machine attaches start flags, a CRC-16, and stop flags, as in SIR mode. All fields are transmitted least-significant bit (LSB) of each byte first.
In MIR mode:
On receive, the MIR receive state-machine recovers the receive clock, removes the start flags, destuffs the incoming data, and determines the frame boundary with reception of the stop flag. The state-machine also checks for errors such as frame abort, CRC error, and frame-length error. At the end of a frame reception, the Host CPU reads the line status register (UART_LSR_IRDA) to detect errors of the received frame.
The module can transmit and receive data, but when the device is transmitting, the IR RX circuitry is automatically disabled by hardware.