SPRUJ17H March 2022 – October 2024 AM2631 , AM2631-Q1 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1
Some devices require a minimum chip-select signal inactive time between accesses. The GPMC_CONFIG6_i[7] CYCLE2CYCLESAMECSEN bit (where i = 0 to 3) enables insertion of a minimum number of GPMC_FCLK cycles, defined by the GPMC_CONFIG6_i[11-8] CYCLE2CYCLEDELAY bit field, between successive accesses of any type (read or write) to the same chip-select.
If CYCLE2CYCLESAMECSEN is enabled, any subsequent access to the same chip-select is delayed until its CYCLE2CYCLEDELAY completes. The CYCLE2CYCLEDELAY counter starts when CSRDOFFTIME/CSWROFFTIME completes.
The same applies to successive accesses occurring during 32-bit word or burst accesses split into successive single accesses when the single-access mode is used (GPMC_CONFIG1_i[30] READMULTIPLE = 0 or GPMC_CONFIG1_i[28] WRITEMULTIPLE = 0).
All control signals (CS, ADV#/ALE, BE0#/CLE, WE#, and GPMC output clock (CLK)) are kept inactive (ADV#/ALE, BE0#/CLE, and GPMC output clock at low level; and CS, OE#/RE, and WE at high level) during the idle GPMC_FCLK cycles. This prevents back-to-back accesses to the same chip-select without idle cycles between accesses.