This document explains the steps needed to run the motor drive evaluation kits with the Universal Motor Control Lab project in MotorControlSDK, how to migrate the lab project to a custom board, and how to port the lab project to a new C2000™ device.
C2000™, FAST™, InstaSPIN™, InstaSPIN-FOC™, Code Composer Studio™, LaunchPad™, NexFET™, and BoosterPack™ are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
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The Universal Motor Control Lab project described in this guide is intended for you to not only experiment with various motor control algorithms but also to use as a reference for your own design. The universal motor control solution, as well as the lab project, is located within the MotorControl SDK.
The Universal Motor Control Lab project provides an example using the F28002x, F28003x, and F280013x series C2000 MCU. This is a single project with build examples for different Sensorless (FAST™, eSMO, InstaSPIN™-BLDC) and Sensored (Incremental Encoder, Hall) motor control techniques (FOC, Trapezoidal), with included system features and debug interfaces that can be used across a variety of three-phase inverter motor evaluation kits.
The FAST library (which is used to estimate the motor Flux, Angle, Speed, and Torque) is implemented with InstaSPIN-FOC™ in this Universal Motor Control Lab project. This library enables the use of the FAST observer for InstaSPIN-FOC with FPU enabled and C2000Ware-MotorControl-SDK supported C2000 devices. The user no longer needs to use a C2000 device with special ROM content in order to use FAST or InstaSPIN-FOC.
In this user's guide you will learn how to modify the user_mtr1.h file, which is the header file that stores all of the user parameters. Some of these parameters can be manipulated through CCS during run-time, but the parameters must be updated in the user_mtr1.h file to be saved permanently in your project. You will learn how to migrate the lab to your own hardware board, and port the lab project to the other C2000 MCU controllers by modifying the hal.h and hal.c files.
The lab project provides several interface functions to start/stop the motor and set the reference speed by using push a button, potentiometer, or CAN interface.
The Motor Control Universal Lab project is built within the MotorControl SDK folder and additionally uses files from C2000Ware. The MotorControl SDK software includes firmware that runs on C2000 motor control evaluation modules (EVMs) and TI designs (TIDs). A copy of C2000Ware is provided as part of the MotorControl SDK and offers various projects, ranging from device-specific drivers and support software to complete example system applications.
The Universal MotorControl Lab requires: