SPRUJ31 april 2022
The F280039C crystal oscillator output signal, X2, is multiplexed with GPIO18 and the crystal oscillator input, X1, is multiplexed with GPIO19. By default, the Launchpad uses an on-board crystal oscillator, Y2, as the clock source for the on-chip Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) that requires both X1 and X2 signals of the MCU. To balance the requirement of having cleanly routed oscillator signals and bringing all possible GPIOs to the BoosterPack connectors, both GPIO18/X2 and GPIO19/X1 can be routed to the BoosterPack connectors through 0 Ω resistors. If GPIO18 or GPIO19 are needed at the BoosterPack connectors, the on-chip zero-pin oscillators must be used as the clock source for the on-chip PLL. For more information on the X1/X2 configurations, see the TMS320F28003x Real-Time Microcontrollers Data Sheet.
If GPIO18 functionality is needed at the BoosterPack Connector: