Can other programming and debug tools (such as an XDS200 debug
probe) be used with the F28003x LaunchPad?
The F28003x LaunchPad
utilizes an on-board XDS110 debug probe in a 2-pin cJTAG configuration.
cJTAG only uses the TMS and TCK pins of the debug probe. TDI and TDO are
present on tJ101 and can be connected to a debug probe through jumper
wires, if necessary.
What versions of Code Composer Studio can be used to develop
software for the F28003x LaunchPad?
The on-board XDS110 debug
probe is compatible with Code Composer Studio development environment
version 6.1.0 and later.
Why can't I connect to the LaunchPad in Code Composer Studio?
Are shunts present on J101 for TCK and TMS?
Is the XDS110 and the F280039C MCU powered? Are LED0
and LED1 illuminated? For further details on powering the LaunchPad, see
Section 3.1.2.
If JP1 shunts are
disconnected, the power provided through the USB is isolated
from the rest of the board. Ensure that 3.3 V is supplied to any
of the available connectors on the target side of the
Is the USB-C cable connected to the PCB and is the USB
region receiving power? Is LED7 illuminated?
The USB region
must be powered with the 5 V from the USB cable. LED7 will
illuminate when 5V USB power is connected. TheUSB isolation chip
requires 5 V on the USB side to operate and pass the signals
across the isolation barrier.
Ensure that the target configuration is set up to use
cJTAG in 2-pin advanced mode. Open the Target Configuration file
(.ccxml) in Code Composer Studio. Click on the Advanced tab and select
cJTAG (1149.7) 2-pin advanced modes from the drop-down labeled
JTAG/SWD/cJTAG Mode. Leave the Target Scan Format as OSCAN2 format.
Alternately, a working Target configuration file is included in the
launcxl_ex1_F280039C_demo project "TMS320F280039C_LaunchPad.ccxml". You
can use this without modifications.
Figure 5-1 Target
Configuration Advanced Options
Figure 5-2 Target
Configuration Included in the Demo Project
Why is the serial connection not working?
Are shunts present on J101 for TXD and RXD?
Are you using the correct COM port?
Right click on My
Computer and select Properties. Navigate to the Hardware tab in
the dialog box and open the device manager. Scroll to Ports (COM
& LPT) and expand this entry. Is XDS110 Class
Application/User UART listed? If so, read the COM number to the
right of the entry; this is the COM number you should be
Are you using the correct baud rate?Most, if not all,
of the examples are configured for a baud rate of 115200 when the CPU is
running at 120 MHz. If you have changed the PLL settings or developed
your own code you may have to recalculate the baud rate for your
specific application. For information on how to do this, see the
TMS320F28003x C2000 Real-Time
Microcontrollers Technical Reference Manual.
Does the UART channel wired to the debug probe match
the UART channel configured in software?
The F28003x
LaunchPad provides an option for one of two possible UART
channels to be routed to the debug probe through J101. Ensure
that S2 is configured to the appropriate UART channel for the
application software. For details, see Section 3.3.2.