SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
FILE: erad_ex4_profileinterrupts_cla.c
This example configures EPWM1A to run at 1 KHz (period = 1 ms) to trigger a start-of-conversion on ADC channel A0. This channel will, in turn, sample EPWM4A which is set to run at 100Hz. At the end-of-conversion the ADC interrupt is fired. The interrupt signal will be used to trigger a CLA task that runs an FIR filter. The filter is designed to be low pass with a cutoff frequency of 100Hz; it will remove the odd harmonics in the input signal smoothing the square wave to a sinusoidal shape. The CLA background task will continuously buffer the filtered output in a circular buffer.
This example also utilizes the ERAD peripheral to profile the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) cla1ISR1 (on the C28x core). The ISR contains a loop that simulates storing a random amount of data to a location in order to introduce variability into the cycle measurements. The ERAD peripheral is also configured to count the number of times the system event CLA_INTERRUPT1 occurs.
To properly use the provided ERAD script, the following variables must be set in the scripting environment prior to launching the ERAD script:
The included JavaScript file, erad_ex4_profile_interrupts_cla.js, uses Debug Server Scripting (DSS) features. For information on using the DSS, please visit: http://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/users_guide/sdto_dss_handbook.html
This example uses 4 HW breakpoints and 2 counters:
External Connections
Watch Variables
Profiling Script Output