SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
FILE: erad_ex7_reg_write_clb.c
This example uses 4 BUS COMPARATORS of ERAD along with the CLB. One bus comparator monitors a write to x, another one monitors a write to y. The other two monitor a write of 0x1 and 0x0. By using the LUTs in the CLB1 tile, we can monitor a write of 0x1 to x or 0x0 to x. These are used to change the state of FSM2 in the CLB1 tile. If y is accessed before writing a 0x1 to x, an interrupt is generated and y is changed to 0x0 again. The LED2 indicates when access to y is allowed(it is off at this point) The LED1 indicates if an invalid access is attempted. A COUNTER in ERAD is used to count the number of access attempts to y.
Watch Variables
External Connections