SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
FILE: erad_ex1_profile_function_syscfg.c
This example uses BUSCOMP1, BUSCOMP2 and COUNTER1 of the ERAD module to profile a function (delayFunction). It calculates the CPU cycles taken between the the start address of the function to the end address of the function
Two dummy variable are written to inside the function - startCount and endCount. BUSCOMP3, BUSCOMP4 and COUNTER2 are used to profile the time taken between the access to startCount variable till the access to endCount variable.
Both the counters are setup to operate in START-STOP mode and count the number of CPU cycles spend between the respective bus comparator events.
Watch Variables
External Connections