SPRUJ53B April   2024  – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Read This First
    1.     About This Manual
    2.     Notational Conventions
    3.     Glossary
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    6.     Trademarks
  3. C2000™ Microcontrollers Software Support
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 C2000Ware Structure
    3. 1.3 Documentation
    4. 1.4 Devices
    5. 1.5 Libraries
    6. 1.6 Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
    7. 1.7 SysConfig and PinMUX Tool
  4. C28x Processor
    1. 2.1 Introduction
    2. 2.2 C28X Related Collateral
    3. 2.3 Features
    4. 2.4 Floating-Point Unit (FPU)
    5. 2.5 Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU)
    6. 2.6 VCRC Unit
  5. System Control and Interrupts
    1. 3.1  Introduction
      1. 3.1.1 SYSCTL Related Collateral
      2. 3.1.2 LOCK Protection on System Configuration Registers
      3. 3.1.3 EALLOW Protection
    2. 3.2  Power Management
    3. 3.3  Device Identification and Configuration Registers
    4. 3.4  Resets
      1. 3.4.1  Reset Sources
      2. 3.4.2  External Reset (XRS)
      3. 3.4.3  Simulate External Reset (SIMRESET.XRS)
      4. 3.4.4  Power-On Reset (POR)
      5. 3.4.5  Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
      6. 3.4.6  Debugger Reset (SYSRS)
      7. 3.4.7  Simulate CPU Reset (SIMRESET)
      8. 3.4.8  Watchdog Reset (WDRS)
      9. 3.4.9  NMI Watchdog Reset (NMIWDRS)
      10. 3.4.10 DCSM Safe Code Copy Reset (SCCRESET)
    5. 3.5  Peripheral Interrupts
      1. 3.5.1 Interrupt Concepts
      2. 3.5.2 Interrupt Architecture
        1. Peripheral Stage
        2. PIE Stage
        3. CPU Stage
      3. 3.5.3 Interrupt Entry Sequence
      4. 3.5.4 Configuring and Using Interrupts
        1. Enabling Interrupts
        2. Handling Interrupts
        3. Disabling Interrupts
        4. Nesting Interrupts
        5. Vector Address Validity Check
      5. 3.5.5 PIE Channel Mapping
      6. 3.5.6 PIE Interrupt Priority
        1. Channel Priority
        2. Group Priority
      7. 3.5.7 System Error
      8. 3.5.8 Vector Tables
    6. 3.6  Exceptions and Non-Maskable Interrupts
      1. 3.6.1 Configuring and Using NMIs
      2. 3.6.2 Emulation Considerations
      3. 3.6.3 NMI Sources
        1. Missing Clock Detection
        2. RAM Uncorrectable Error
        3. Flash Uncorrectable ECC Error
        4. Software-Forced Error
        5. ERAD NMI
      4. 3.6.4 Illegal Instruction Trap (ITRAP)
      5. 3.6.5 ERRORSTS Pin
    7. 3.7  Clocking
      1. 3.7.1  Clock Sources
        1. Primary Internal Oscillator (INTOSC2)
        2. Backup Internal Oscillator (INTOSC1)
        3. Auxiliary Clock Input (AUXCLKIN)
        4. External Oscillator (XTAL)
      2. 3.7.2  Derived Clocks
        1. Oscillator Clock (OSCCLK)
        2. System PLL Output Clock (PLLRAWCLK)
      3. 3.7.3  Device Clock Domains
        1. System Clock (PLLSYSCLK)
        2. CPU Clock (CPUCLK)
        3. CPU Subsystem Clock (SYSCLK and PERx.SYSCLK)
        4. Low-Speed Peripheral Clock (LSPCLK and PERx.LSPCLK)
        5. USB Bit Clock
        6. CAN Bit Clock
        7. CLB Clock
        8. LIN Clock
        9. CPU Timer2 Clock (TIMER2CLK)
      4. 3.7.4  XCLKOUT
      5. 3.7.5  Clock Connectivity
      6. 3.7.6  Clock Source and PLL Setup
      7. 3.7.7  Using an External Crystal or Resonator
        1. X1/X2 Precondition Circuit
      8. 3.7.8  Using an External Oscillator
      9. 3.7.9  Choosing PLL Settings
      10. 3.7.10 System Clock Setup
      11. 3.7.11 SYS PLL Bypass
      12. 3.7.12 Clock (OSCCLK) Failure Detection
        1. Missing Clock Detection
    8. 3.8  32-Bit CPU Timers 0/1/2
    9. 3.9  Watchdog Timer
      1. 3.9.1 Servicing the Watchdog Timer
      2. 3.9.2 Minimum Window Check
      3. 3.9.3 Watchdog Reset or Watchdog Interrupt Mode
      4. 3.9.4 Watchdog Operation in Low-Power Modes
      5. 3.9.5 Emulation Considerations
    10. 3.10 Low-Power Modes
      1. 3.10.1 Clock-Gating Low-Power Modes
      2. 3.10.2 IDLE
      3. 3.10.3 STANDBY
      4. 3.10.4 HALT
    11. 3.11 Memory Controller Module
      1. 3.11.1 Functional Description
        1.  Dedicated RAM (Mx RAM)
        2.  Local Shared RAM (LSx RAM)
        3.  Global Shared RAM (GSx RAM)
        4.  CAN Message RAM
        5.  CLA-CPU Message RAM
        6.  CLA-DMA Message RAM
        7.  Access Arbitration
        8.  Access Protection
          1. CPU Fetch Protection
          2. CPU Write Protection
          3. CPU Read Protection
          4. CLA Fetch Protection
          5. CLA Write Protection
          6. CLA Read Protection
          7. DMA Write Protection
          8. NPU Write Protection
        9.  Memory Error Detection, Correction, and Error Handling
          1. Error Detection and Correction
          2. Error Handling
        10. Application Test Hooks for Error Detection and Correction
        11. RAM Initialization
    12. 3.12 JTAG
      1. 3.12.1 JTAG Noise and TAP_STATUS
    13. 3.13 Live Firmware Update
      1. 3.13.1 LFU Background
      2. 3.13.2 LFU Switchover Steps
      3. 3.13.3 Device Features Supporting LFU
        1. Multi-Bank Flash
        2. PIE Vector Table Swap
        3. LS0/LS1 RAM Memory Swap
          1. Applicability to CLA LFU
      4. 3.13.4 LFU Switchover
      5. 3.13.5 LFU Resources
    14. 3.14 System Control Register Configuration Restrictions
    15. 3.15 Software
      1. 3.15.1  SYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 3.15.2  CPUTIMER Registers to Driverlib Functions
      3. 3.15.3  MEMCFG Registers to Driverlib Functions
      4. 3.15.4  PIE Registers to Driverlib Functions
      5. 3.15.5  NMI Registers to Driverlib Functions
      6. 3.15.6  XINT Registers to Driverlib Functions
      7. 3.15.7  WWD Registers to Driverlib Functions
      8. 3.15.8  SYSCTL Examples
        1. Missing clock detection (MCD)
        2. XCLKOUT (External Clock Output) Configuration
      9. 3.15.9  TIMER Examples
        1. CPU Timers
        2. CPU Timers
      10. 3.15.10 MEMCFG Examples
        1. Correctable & Uncorrectable Memory Error Handling
      11. 3.15.11 INTERRUPT Examples
        1. External Interrupts (ExternalInterrupt)
        2. Multiple interrupt handling of I2C, SCI & SPI Digital Loopback
        3. CPU Timer Interrupt Software Prioritization
        4. EPWM Real-Time Interrupt
      12. 3.15.12 LPM Examples
        1. Low Power Modes: Device Idle Mode and Wakeup using GPIO
        2. Low Power Modes: Device Idle Mode and Wakeup using Watchdog
        3. Low Power Modes: Device Standby Mode and Wakeup using GPIO
        4. Low Power Modes: Device Standby Mode and Wakeup using Watchdog
        5. Low Power Modes: Halt Mode and Wakeup using GPIO
        6. Low Power Modes: Halt Mode and Wakeup
      13. 3.15.13 WATCHDOG Examples
        1. Watchdog
    16. 3.16 SYSCTRL Registers
      1. 3.16.1  SYSCTRL Base Address Table
      2. 3.16.2  CPUTIMER_REGS Registers
      3. 3.16.3  PIE_CTRL_REGS Registers
      4. 3.16.4  NMI_INTRUPT_REGS Registers
      5. 3.16.5  XINT_REGS Registers
      6. 3.16.6  SYNC_SOC_REGS Registers
      7. 3.16.7  DMA_CLA_SRC_SEL_REGS Registers
      8. 3.16.8  LFU_REGS Registers
      9. 3.16.9  DEV_CFG_REGS Registers
      10. 3.16.10 CLK_CFG_REGS Registers
      11. 3.16.11 CPU_SYS_REGS Registers
      12. 3.16.12 SYS_STATUS_REGS Registers
      13. 3.16.13 PERIPH_AC_REGS Registers
      14. 3.16.14 MEM_CFG_REGS Registers
      15. 3.16.15 ACCESS_PROTECTION_REGS Registers
      16. 3.16.16 MEMORY_ERROR_REGS Registers
      17. 3.16.17 TEST_ERROR_REGS Registers
      18. 3.16.18 UID_REGS Registers
  6. ROM Code and Peripheral Booting
    1. 4.1 Introduction
      1. 4.1.1 ROM Related Collateral
    2. 4.2 Device Boot Sequence
    3. 4.3 Device Boot Modes
      1. 4.3.1 Default Boot Modes
      2. 4.3.2 Custom Boot Modes
    4. 4.4 Device Boot Configurations
      1. 4.4.1 Configuring Boot Mode Pins
      2. 4.4.2 Configuring Boot Mode Table Options
      3. 4.4.3 Boot Mode Example Use Cases
        1. Zero Boot Mode Select Pins
        2. One Boot Mode Select Pin
        3. Three Boot Mode Select Pins
    5. 4.5 Device Boot Flow Diagrams
      1. 4.5.1 Boot Flow
      2. 4.5.2 Emulation Boot Flow
      3. 4.5.3 Standalone Boot Flow
    6. 4.6 Device Reset and Exception Handling
      1. 4.6.1 Reset Causes and Handling
      2. 4.6.2 Exceptions and Interrupts Handling
    7. 4.7 Boot ROM Description
      1. 4.7.1  Boot ROM Configuration Registers
        1. Flash Write Protection
        2. MPOST Configuration
      2. 4.7.2  Entry Points
      3. 4.7.3  Wait Points
      4. 4.7.4  Secure Flash Boot
        1. Secure Flash CPU1 Linker File Example
      5. 4.7.5  Firmware Update (FWU) Flash Boot
      6. 4.7.6  Memory Maps
        1. Boot ROM Memory Maps
        2. CLA Data ROM Memory Maps
        3. Reserved RAM Memory Maps
      7. 4.7.7  ROM Tables
      8. 4.7.8  Boot Modes and Loaders
        1. Boot Modes
          1. Flash Boot
          2. RAM Boot
          3. Wait Boot
        2. Bootloaders
          1. SCI Boot Mode
          2. SPI Boot Mode
          3. I2C Boot Mode
          4. Parallel Boot Mode
          5. CAN Boot Mode (MCAN in non-FD mode)
          6. CAN-FD Boot Mode
          7. USB Boot Mode
      9. 4.7.9  GPIO Assignments
      10. 4.7.10 Secure ROM Function APIs
      11. 4.7.11 Clock Initializations
      12. 4.7.12 Boot Status Information
        1. Booting Status
        2. Boot Mode and MPOST (Memory Power On Self-Test) Status
      13. 4.7.13 ROM Version
    8. 4.8 Application Notes for Using the Bootloaders
      1. 4.8.1 Bootloader Data Stream Structure
        1. Data Stream Structure 8-bit
      2. 4.8.2 The C2000 Hex Utility
        1. HEX2000.exe Command Syntax
    9. 4.9 Software
      1. 4.9.1 BOOT Examples
  7. Dual Code Security Module (DCSM)
    1. 5.1 Introduction
      1. 5.1.1 DCSM Related Collateral
    2. 5.2 Functional Description
      1. 5.2.1 CSM Passwords
      2. 5.2.2 Emulation Code Security Logic (ECSL)
      3. 5.2.3 CPU Secure Logic
      4. 5.2.4 Execute-Only Protection
      5. 5.2.5 Password Lock
      6. 5.2.6 JTAGLOCK
      7. 5.2.7 Link Pointer and Zone Select
      8. 5.2.8 C Code Example to Get Zone Select Block Addr for Zone1
    3. 5.3 Flash and OTP Erase/Program
    4. 5.4 Secure Copy Code
    5. 5.5 SecureCRC
    6. 5.6 CSM Impact on Other On-Chip Resources
    7. 5.7 Incorporating Code Security in User Applications
      1. 5.7.1 Environments That Require Security Unlocking
      2. 5.7.2 CSM Password Match Flow
      3. 5.7.3 C Code Example to Unsecure C28x Zone1
      4. 5.7.4 C Code Example to Resecure C28x Zone1
      5. 5.7.5 Environments That Require ECSL Unlocking
      6. 5.7.6 ECSL Password Match Flow
      7. 5.7.7 ECSL Disable Considerations for any Zone
        1. C Code Example to Disable ECSL for C28x Zone1
      8. 5.7.8 Device Unique ID
    8. 5.8 Software
      1. 5.8.1 DCSM Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 5.8.2 DCSM Examples
        1. Empty DCSM Tool Example
    9. 5.9 DCSM Registers
      1. 5.9.1 DCSM Base Address Table
      2. 5.9.2 DCSM_Z1_REGS Registers
      3. 5.9.3 DCSM_Z2_REGS Registers
      4. 5.9.4 DCSM_COMMON_REGS Registers
      5. 5.9.5 DCSM_Z1_OTP Registers
      6. 5.9.6 DCSM_Z2_OTP Registers
  8. Flash Module
    1. 6.1  Introduction to Flash and OTP Memory
      1. 6.1.1 FLASH Related Collateral
      2. 6.1.2 Features
      3. 6.1.3 Flash Tools
      4. 6.1.4 Default Flash Configuration
    2. 6.2  Flash Bank, OTP, and Pump
    3. 6.3  Flash Wrapper
    4. 6.4  Flash and OTP Memory Performance
    5. 6.5  Flash Read Interface
      1. 6.5.1 C28x-Flash Read Interface
        1. Standard Read Mode
        2. Prefetch Mode
        3. Data Cache
        4. Flash Read Operation
    6. 6.6  Flash Erase and Program
      1. 6.6.1 Erase
      2. 6.6.2 Program
      3. 6.6.3 Verify
    7. 6.7  Error Correction Code (ECC) Protection
      1. 6.7.1 Single-Bit Data Error
      2. 6.7.2 Uncorrectable Error
      3. 6.7.3 Mechanism to Check the Correctness of ECC Logic
    8. 6.8  Reserved Locations Within Flash and OTP
    9. 6.9  Migrating an Application from RAM to Flash
    10. 6.10 Procedure to Change the Flash Control Registers
    11. 6.11 Software
      1. 6.11.1 FLASH Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 6.11.2 FLASH Examples
        1. Flash Programming with AutoECC, DataAndECC, DataOnly and EccOnly
        2. Flash Programming with AutoECC, DataAndECC, DataOnly and EccOnly
    12. 6.12 FLASH Registers
      1. 6.12.1 FLASH Base Address Table
      2. 6.12.2 FLASH_CTRL_REGS Registers
      3. 6.12.3 FLASH_ECC_REGS Registers
  9. Control Law Accelerator (CLA)
    1. 7.1 Introduction
      1. 7.1.1 Features
      2. 7.1.2 CLA Related Collateral
      3. 7.1.3 Block Diagram
    2. 7.2 CLA Interface
      1. 7.2.1 CLA Memory
      2. 7.2.2 CLA Memory Bus
      3. 7.2.3 Shared Peripherals and EALLOW Protection
      4. 7.2.4 CLA Tasks and Interrupt Vectors
    3. 7.3 CLA, DMA, and CPU Arbitration
      1. 7.3.1 CLA Message RAM
      2. 7.3.2 CLA Program Memory
      3. 7.3.3 CLA Data Memory
      4. 7.3.4 Peripheral Registers (ePWM, HRPWM, Comparator)
    4. 7.4 CLA Configuration and Debug
      1. 7.4.1 Building a CLA Application
      2. 7.4.2 Typical CLA Initialization Sequence
      3. 7.4.3 Debugging CLA Code
        1. Breakpoint Support (MDEBUGSTOP)
      4. 7.4.4 CLA Illegal Opcode Behavior
      5. 7.4.5 Resetting the CLA
    5. 7.5 Pipeline
      1. 7.5.1 Pipeline Overview
      2. 7.5.2 CLA Pipeline Alignment
        1. Code Fragment For MBCNDD, MCCNDD, or MRCNDD
        2.       359
        3. Code Fragment for Loading MAR0 or MAR1
        4.       361
        5. ADC Early Interrupt to CLA Response
      3. 7.5.3 Parallel Instructions
        1. Math Operation with Parallel Load
        2. Multiply with Parallel Add
      4. 7.5.4 CLA Task Execution Latency
    6. 7.6 Software
      1. 7.6.1 CLA Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 7.6.2 CLA Examples
        1. CLA arcsine(x) using a lookup table (cla_asin_cpu01)
        2. CLA arcsine(x) using a lookup table (cla_asin_cpu01)
        3. CLA arctangent(x) using a lookup table (cla_atan_cpu01)
        4. CLA background nesting task
        5. Controlling PWM output using CLA
        6. Just-in-time ADC sampling with CLA
        7. Optimal offloading of control algorithms to CLA
        8. Handling shared resources across C28x and CLA
    7. 7.7 Instruction Set
      1. 7.7.1 Instruction Descriptions
      2. 7.7.2 Addressing Modes and Encoding
      3. 7.7.3 Instructions
        1.       MABSF32 MRa, MRb
        2.       MADD32 MRa, MRb, MRc
        3.       MADDF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb
        4.       MADDF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi
        5.       MADDF32 MRa, MRb, MRc
        6.       MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf||MMOV32 mem32, MRa
        7.       MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32
        8.       MAND32 MRa, MRb, MRc
        9.       MASR32 MRa, #SHIFT
        10.       MBCNDD 16BitDest [, CNDF]
        11.       MCCNDD 16BitDest [, CNDF]
        12.       MCMP32 MRa, MRb
        13.       MCMPF32 MRa, MRb
        14.       MCMPF32 MRa, #16FHi
        15.       MDEBUGSTOP
        16.       MEALLOW
        17.       MEDIS
        18.       MEINVF32 MRa, MRb
        19.       MEISQRTF32 MRa, MRb
        20.       MF32TOI16 MRa, MRb
        21.       MF32TOI16R MRa, MRb
        22.       MF32TOI32 MRa, MRb
        23.       MF32TOUI16 MRa, MRb
        24.       MF32TOUI16R MRa, MRb
        25.       MF32TOUI32 MRa, MRb
        26.       MFRACF32 MRa, MRb
        27.       MI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
        28.       MI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
        29.       MI32TOF32 MRa, mem32
        30.       MI32TOF32 MRa, MRb
        31.       MLSL32 MRa, #SHIFT
        32.       MLSR32 MRa, #SHIFT
        33.       MMACF32 MR3, MR2, MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32
        34.       MMAXF32 MRa, MRb
        35.       MMAXF32 MRa, #16FHi
        36.       MMINF32 MRa, MRb
        37.       MMINF32 MRa, #16FHi
        38.       MMOV16 MARx, MRa, #16I
        39.       MMOV16 MARx, mem16
        40.       MMOV16 mem16, MARx
        41.       MMOV16 mem16, MRa
        42.       MMOV32 mem32, MRa
        43.       MMOV32 mem32, MSTF
        44.       MMOV32 MRa, mem32 [, CNDF]
        45.       MMOV32 MRa, MRb [, CNDF]
        46.       MMOV32 MSTF, mem32
        47.       MMOVD32 MRa, mem32
        48.       MMOVF32 MRa, #32F
        49.       MMOVI16 MARx, #16I
        50.       MMOVI32 MRa, #32FHex
        51.       MMOVIZ MRa, #16FHi
        52.       MMOVZ16 MRa, mem16
        53.       MMOVXI MRa, #16FLoHex
        54.       MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc
        55.       MMPYF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb
        56.       MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, #16FHi
        57.       MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc||MADDF32 MRd, MRe, MRf
        58.       MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32
        59.       MMPYF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 mem32, MRa
        60.       MMPYF32 MRa, MRb, MRc ||MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf
        61.       MNEGF32 MRa, MRb[, CNDF]
        62.       MNOP
        63.       MOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
        64.       MRCNDD [CNDF]
        65.       MSETFLG FLAG, VALUE
        66.       MSTOP
        67.       MSUB32 MRa, MRb, MRc
        68.       MSUBF32 MRa, MRb, MRc
        69.       MSUBF32 MRa, #16FHi, MRb
        70.       MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 MRa, mem32
        71.       MSUBF32 MRd, MRe, MRf ||MMOV32 mem32, MRa
        72.       MSWAPF MRa, MRb [, CNDF]
        73.       MTESTTF CNDF
        74.       MUI16TOF32 MRa, mem16
        75.       MUI16TOF32 MRa, MRb
        76.       MUI32TOF32 MRa, mem32
        77.       MUI32TOF32 MRa, MRb
        78.       MXOR32 MRa, MRb, MRc
    8. 7.8 CLA Registers
      1. 7.8.1 CLA Base Address Table
      2. 7.8.2 CLA_ONLY_REGS Registers
      3. 7.8.3 CLA_SOFTINT_REGS Registers
      4. 7.8.4 CLA_REGS Registers
  10. Neural-network Processing Unit (NPU)
    1. 8.1 Introduction
      1. 8.1.1 NPU Related Collateral
  11. Dual-Clock Comparator (DCC)
    1. 9.1 Introduction
      1. 9.1.1 Features
      2. 9.1.2 Block Diagram
    2. 9.2 Module Operation
      1. 9.2.1 Configuring DCC Counters
      2. 9.2.2 Single-Shot Measurement Mode
      3. 9.2.3 Continuous Monitoring Mode
      4. 9.2.4 Error Conditions
    3. 9.3 Interrupts
    4. 9.4 Software
      1. 9.4.1 DCC Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 9.4.2 DCC Examples
        1. DCC Single shot Clock measurement
        2. DCC Single shot Clock verification
        3. DCC Continuous clock monitoring
        4. DCC Continuous clock monitoring
        5. DCC Detection of clock failure
    5. 9.5 DCC Registers
      1. 9.5.1 DCC Base Address Table
      2. 9.5.2 DCC_REGS Registers
  12. 10General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
    1. 10.1  Introduction
      1. 10.1.1 GPIO Related Collateral
    2. 10.2  Configuration Overview
    3. 10.3  Digital Inputs on ADC Pins (AIOs)
    4. 10.4  Digital Inputs and Outputs on ADC Pins (AGPIOs)
    5. 10.5  Digital General-Purpose I/O Control
    6. 10.6  Input Qualification
      1. 10.6.1 No Synchronization (Asynchronous Input)
      2. 10.6.2 Synchronization to SYSCLKOUT Only
      3. 10.6.3 Qualification Using a Sampling Window
    7. 10.7  USB Signals
    8. 10.8  PMBUS and I2C Signals
    9. 10.9  GPIO and Peripheral Muxing
      1. 10.9.1 GPIO Muxing
      2. 10.9.2 Peripheral Muxing
    10. 10.10 Internal Pullup Configuration Requirements
    11. 10.11 Software
      1. 10.11.1 GPIO Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 10.11.2 GPIO Examples
        1. Device GPIO Setup
        2. Device GPIO Toggle
        3. Device GPIO Interrupt
        4. External Interrupt (XINT)
      3. 10.11.3 LED Examples
    12. 10.12 GPIO Registers
      1. 10.12.1 GPIO Base Address Table
      2. 10.12.2 GPIO_CTRL_REGS Registers
      3. 10.12.3 GPIO_DATA_REGS Registers
      4. 10.12.4 GPIO_DATA_READ_REGS Registers
  13. 11Crossbar (X-BAR)
    1. 11.1 Input X-BAR and CLB Input X-BAR
      1. 11.1.1 CLB Input X-BAR
    2. 11.2 ePWM , CLB, and GPIO Output X-BAR
      1. 11.2.1 ePWM X-BAR
        1. ePWM X-BAR Architecture
      2. 11.2.2 CLB X-BAR
        1. CLB X-BAR Architecture
      3. 11.2.3 GPIO Output X-BAR
        1. GPIO Output X-BAR Architecture
      4. 11.2.4 X-BAR Flags
    3. 11.3 Software
      1. 11.3.1 INPUTXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 11.3.2 EPWMXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions
      3. 11.3.3 CLBXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions
      4. 11.3.4 OUTPUTXBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions
      5. 11.3.5 XBAR Registers to Driverlib Functions
    4. 11.4 XBAR Registers
      1. 11.4.1 XBAR Base Address Table
      2. 11.4.2 INPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers
      3. 11.4.3 XBAR_REGS Registers
      4. 11.4.4 EPWM_XBAR_REGS Registers
      5. 11.4.5 CLB_XBAR_REGS Registers
      6. 11.4.6 OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers
      7. 11.4.7 OUTPUT_XBAR_REGS Registers
  14. 12Direct Memory Access (DMA)
    1. 12.1 Introduction
      1. 12.1.1 Features
      2. 12.1.2 Block Diagram
    2. 12.2 Architecture
      1. 12.2.1 Peripheral Interrupt Event Trigger Sources
      2. 12.2.2 DMA Bus
    3. 12.3 Address Pointer and Transfer Control
    4. 12.4 Pipeline Timing and Throughput
    5. 12.5 CPU and CLA Arbitration
    6. 12.6 Channel Priority
      1. 12.6.1 Round-Robin Mode
      2. 12.6.2 Channel 1 High-Priority Mode
    7. 12.7 Overrun Detection Feature
    8. 12.8 Software
      1. 12.8.1 DMA Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 12.8.2 DMA Examples
        1. DMA GSRAM Transfer (dma_ex1_gsram_transfer)
        2. DMA GSRAM Transfer (dma_ex2_gsram_transfer)
    9. 12.9 DMA Registers
      1. 12.9.1 DMA Base Address Table
      2. 12.9.2 DMA_REGS Registers
      3. 12.9.3 DMA_CH_REGS Registers
  15. 13Embedded Real-time Analysis and Diagnostic (ERAD)
    1. 13.1 Introduction
      1. 13.1.1 ERAD Related Collateral
    2. 13.2 Enhanced Bus Comparator Unit
      1. 13.2.1 Enhanced Bus Comparator Unit Operations
      2. 13.2.2 Event Masking and Exporting
    3. 13.3 System Event Counter Unit
      1. 13.3.1 System Event Counter Modes
        1. Counting Active Levels Versus Edges
        2. Max Mode
        3. Cumulative Mode
        4. Input Signal Selection
      2. 13.3.2 Reset on Event
      3. 13.3.3 Operation Conditions
    4. 13.4 ERAD Ownership, Initialization and Reset
    5. 13.5 ERAD Programming Sequence
      1. 13.5.1 Hardware Breakpoint and Hardware Watch Point Programming Sequence
      2. 13.5.2 Timer and Counter Programming Sequence
    6. 13.6 Cyclic Redundancy Check Unit
      1. 13.6.1 CRC Unit Qualifier
      2. 13.6.2 CRC Unit Programming Sequence
    7. 13.7 Program Counter Trace
      1. 13.7.1 Functional Block Diagram
      2. 13.7.2 Trace Qualification Modes
        1. Trace Qualifier Input Signals
      3. 13.7.3 Trace Memory
      4. 13.7.4 Trace Input Signal Conditioning
      5. 13.7.5 PC Trace Software Operation
      6. 13.7.6 Trace Operation in Debug Mode
    8. 13.8 Software
      1. 13.8.1 ERAD Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 13.8.2 ERAD Examples
        1.  ERAD Profiling Interrupts
        2.  ERAD Profile Function
        3.  ERAD Profile Function
        4.  ERAD HWBP Monitor Program Counter
        5.  ERAD HWBP Monitor Program Counter
        6.  ERAD Profile Function
        7.  ERAD HWBP Stack Overflow Detection
        8.  ERAD HWBP Stack Overflow Detection
        9.  ERAD Stack Overflow
        10. ERAD Profile Interrupts CLA
        11. ERAD Profiling Interrupts
        12. ERAD Profiling Interrupts
        15. ERAD AND CLB
    9. 13.9 ERAD Registers
      1. 13.9.1 ERAD Base Address Table
      2. 13.9.2 ERAD_GLOBAL_REGS Registers
      3. 13.9.3 ERAD_HWBP_REGS Registers
      4. 13.9.4 ERAD_COUNTER_REGS Registers
      5. 13.9.5 ERAD_CRC_GLOBAL_REGS Registers
      6. 13.9.6 ERAD_CRC_REGS Registers
      7. 13.9.7 PCTRACE_REGS Registers
      8. 13.9.8 PCTRACE_BUFFER_REGS Registers
  16. 14Analog Subsystem
    1. 14.1 Introduction
      1. 14.1.1 Features
      2. 14.1.2 Block Diagram
    2. 14.2 Optimizing Power-Up Time
    3. 14.3 Digital Inputs on ADC Pins (AIOs)
    4. 14.4 Digital Inputs and Outputs on ADC Pins (AGPIOs)
    5. 14.5 Analog Pins and Internal Connections
    6. 14.6 Software
      1. 14.6.1 ASYSCTL Registers to Driverlib Functions
    7. 14.7 ASBSYS Registers
      1. 14.7.1 ASBSYS Base Address Table
      2. 14.7.2 ANALOG_SUBSYS_REGS Registers
  17. 15Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
    1. 15.1  Introduction
      1. 15.1.1 ADC Related Collateral
      2. 15.1.2 Features
      3. 15.1.3 Block Diagram
    2. 15.2  ADC Configurability
      1. 15.2.1 Clock Configuration
      2. 15.2.2 Resolution
      3. 15.2.3 Voltage Reference
        1. External Reference Mode
        2. Internal Reference Mode
        3. Ganged References
        4. Selecting Reference Mode
      4. 15.2.4 Signal Mode
      5. 15.2.5 Expected Conversion Results
      6. 15.2.6 Interpreting Conversion Results
    3. 15.3  SOC Principle of Operation
      1. 15.3.1 SOC Configuration
      2. 15.3.2 Trigger Operation
        1. Global Software Trigger
        2. Trigger Repeaters
          1. Oversampling Mode
          2. Undersampling Mode
          3. Trigger Phase Delay
          4. Re-trigger Spread
          5. Trigger Repeater Configuration
            1. Register Shadow Updates
          6. Re-Trigger Logic
          7. Multi-Path Triggering Behavior
      3. 15.3.3 ADC Acquisition (Sample and Hold) Window
      4. 15.3.4 Sample Capacitor Reset
      5. 15.3.5 ADC Input Models
      6. 15.3.6 Channel Selection
        1. External Channel Selection
          1. External Channel Selection Timing
    4. 15.4  SOC Configuration Examples
      1. 15.4.1 Single Conversion from ePWM Trigger
      2. 15.4.2 Oversampled Conversion from ePWM Trigger
      3. 15.4.3 Multiple Conversions from CPU Timer Trigger
      4. 15.4.4 Software Triggering of SOCs
    5. 15.5  ADC Conversion Priority
    6. 15.6  Burst Mode
      1. 15.6.1 Burst Mode Example
      2. 15.6.2 Burst Mode Priority Example
    7. 15.7  EOC and Interrupt Operation
      1. 15.7.1 Interrupt Overflow
      2. 15.7.2 Continue to Interrupt Mode
      3. 15.7.3 Early Interrupt Configuration Mode
    8. 15.8  Post-Processing Blocks
      1. 15.8.1 PPB Offset Correction
      2. 15.8.2 PPB Error Calculation
      3. 15.8.3 PPB Result Delta Calculation
      4. 15.8.4 PPB Limit Detection and Zero-Crossing Detection
        1. PPB Digital Trip Filter
      5. 15.8.5 PPB Sample Delay Capture
      6. 15.8.6 PPB Oversampling
        1. Accumulation, Minimum, Maximum, and Average Functions
        2. Outlier Rejection
    9. 15.9  Opens/Shorts Detection Circuit (OSDETECT)
      1. 15.9.1 Implementation
      2. 15.9.2 Detecting an Open Input Pin
      3. 15.9.3 Detecting a Shorted Input Pin
    10. 15.10 Power-Up Sequence
    11. 15.11 ADC Calibration
      1. 15.11.1 ADC Zero Offset Calibration
    12. 15.12 ADC Timings
      1. 15.12.1 ADC Timing Diagrams
      2. 15.12.2 Post-Processing Block Timings
    13. 15.13 Additional Information
      1. 15.13.1 Ensuring Synchronous Operation
        1. Basic Synchronous Operation
        2. Synchronous Operation with Multiple Trigger Sources
        3. Synchronous Operation with Uneven SOC Numbers
        4. Non-overlapping Conversions
      2. 15.13.2 Choosing an Acquisition Window Duration
      3. 15.13.3 Achieving Simultaneous Sampling
      4. 15.13.4 Result Register Mapping
      5. 15.13.5 Internal Temperature Sensor
      6. 15.13.6 Designing an External Reference Circuit
      7. 15.13.7 ADC-DAC Loopback Testing
      8. 15.13.8 Internal Test Mode
      9. 15.13.9 ADC Gain and Offset Calibration
    14. 15.14 Software
      1. 15.14.1 ADC Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 15.14.2 ADC Examples
        1.  ADC Software Triggering
        2.  ADC ePWM Triggering
        3.  ADC Temperature Sensor Conversion
        4.  ADC Synchronous SOC Software Force (adc_soc_software_sync)
        5.  ADC Continuous Triggering (adc_soc_continuous)
        6.  ADC Continuous Conversions Read by DMA (adc_soc_continuous_dma)
        7.  ADC PPB Offset (adc_ppb_offset)
        8.  ADC PPB Limits (adc_ppb_limits)
        9.  ADC PPB Delay Capture (adc_ppb_delay)
        10. ADC ePWM Triggering Multiple SOC
        11. ADC Burst Mode
        12. ADC Burst Mode Oversampling
        13. ADC SOC Oversampling
        14. ADC PPB PWM trip (adc_ppb_pwm_trip)
        15. ADC Trigger Repeater Oversampling
        16. ADC Trigger Repeater Undersampling
    15. 15.15 ADC Registers
      1. 15.15.1 ADC Base Address Table
      2. 15.15.2 ADC_RESULT_REGS Registers
      3. 15.15.3 ADC_REGS Registers
  18. 16Buffered Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
    1. 16.1 Introduction
      1. 16.1.1 DAC Related Collateral
      2. 16.1.2 Features
      3. 16.1.3 Block Diagram
    2. 16.2 Using the DAC
      1. 16.2.1 Initialization Sequence
      2. 16.2.2 DAC Offset Adjustment
      3. 16.2.3 EPWMSYNCPER Signal
    3. 16.3 Lock Registers
    4. 16.4 Software
      1. 16.4.1 DAC Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 16.4.2 DAC Examples
        1. Buffered DAC Enable
        2. Buffered DAC Random
        3. Buffered DAC Sine (buffdac_sine)
    5. 16.5 DAC Registers
      1. 16.5.1 DAC Base Address Table
      2. 16.5.2 DAC_REGS Registers
  19. 17Comparator Subsystem (CMPSS)
    1. 17.1 Introduction
      1. 17.1.1 CMPSS Related Collateral
      2. 17.1.2 Features
      3. 17.1.3 Block Diagram
    2. 17.2 Comparator
    3. 17.3 Reference DAC
    4. 17.4 Ramp Generator
      1. 17.4.1 Ramp Generator Overview
      2. 17.4.2 Ramp Generator Behavior
      3. 17.4.3 Ramp Generator Behavior at Corner Cases
    5. 17.5 Digital Filter
      1. 17.5.1 Filter Initialization Sequence
    6. 17.6 Using the CMPSS
      1. 17.6.1 LATCHCLR, EPWMSYNCPER, and EPWMBLANK Signals
      2. 17.6.2 Synchronizer, Digital Filter, and Latch Delays
      3. 17.6.3 Calibrating the CMPSS
      4. 17.6.4 Enabling and Disabling the CMPSS Clock
    7. 17.7 CMPSS DAC Output
    8. 17.8 Software
      1. 17.8.1 CMPSS Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 17.8.2 CMPSS Examples
        1. CMPSS Asynchronous Trip
        2. CMPSS Digital Filter Configuration
    9. 17.9 CMPSS Registers
      1. 17.9.1 CMPSS Base Address Table
      2. 17.9.2 CMPSS_REGS Registers
  20. 18Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA)
    1. 18.1  Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) Overview
      1. 18.1.1 Features
      2. 18.1.2 Block Diagram
    2. 18.2  Linear Output Range
    3. 18.3  Gain Values
    4. 18.4  Modes of Operation
      1. 18.4.1 Buffer Mode
      2. 18.4.2 Standalone Mode
      3. 18.4.3 Non-inverting Mode
      4. 18.4.4 Subtractor Mode
    5. 18.5  External Filtering
      1. 18.5.1 Low-Pass Filter Using Internal Filter Resistor and External Capacitor
      2. 18.5.2 Single Pole Low-Pass Filter Using Internal Gain Resistor and External Capacitor
    6. 18.6  Error Calibration
      1. 18.6.1 Offset Error
      2. 18.6.2 Gain Error
    7. 18.7  Chopping Feature
    8. 18.8  Enabling and Disabling the PGA Clock
    9. 18.9  Lock Register
    10. 18.10 Analog Front-End Integration
      1. 18.10.1 Buffered DAC
      2. 18.10.2 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
        1. Unfiltered Acquisition Window
        2. Filtered Acquisition Window
      3. 18.10.3 Comparator Subsystem (CMPSS)
      4. 18.10.4 PGA_NEG_SHARED Feature
      5. 18.10.5 Alternate Functions
    11. 18.11 Examples
      1. 18.11.1 Non-Inverting Amplifier Using Non-Inverting Mode
      2. 18.11.2 Buffer Mode
      3. 18.11.3 Low-Side Current Sensing
      4. 18.11.4 Bidirectional Current Sensing
    12. 18.12 Software
      1. 18.12.1 PGA Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 18.12.2 PGA Examples
        1. PGA DAC-ADC External Loopback Example
    13. 18.13 PGA Registers
      1. 18.13.1 PGA Base Address Table
      2. 18.13.2 PGA_REGS Registers
  21. 19Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM)
    1. 19.1  Introduction
      1. 19.1.1 EPWM Related Collateral
      2. 19.1.2 Submodule Overview
    2. 19.2  Configuring Device Pins
    3. 19.3  ePWM Modules Overview
    4. 19.4  Time-Base (TB) Submodule
      1. 19.4.1 Purpose of the Time-Base Submodule
      2. 19.4.2 Controlling and Monitoring the Time-Base Submodule
      3. 19.4.3 Calculating PWM Period and Frequency
        1. Time-Base Period Shadow Register
        2. Time-Base Clock Synchronization
        3. Time-Base Counter Synchronization
        4. ePWM SYNC Selection
      4. 19.4.4 Phase Locking the Time-Base Clocks of Multiple ePWM Modules
      5. 19.4.5 Simultaneous Writes to TBPRD and CMPx Registers Between ePWM Modules
      6. 19.4.6 Time-Base Counter Modes and Timing Waveforms
      7. 19.4.7 Global Load
        1. Global Load Pulse Pre-Scalar
        2. One-Shot Load Mode
        3. One-Shot Sync Mode
    5. 19.5  Counter-Compare (CC) Submodule
      1. 19.5.1 Purpose of the Counter-Compare Submodule
      2. 19.5.2 Controlling and Monitoring the Counter-Compare Submodule
      3. 19.5.3 Operational Highlights for the Counter-Compare Submodule
      4. 19.5.4 Count Mode Timing Waveforms
    6. 19.6  Action-Qualifier (AQ) Submodule
      1. 19.6.1 Purpose of the Action-Qualifier Submodule
      2. 19.6.2 Action-Qualifier Submodule Control and Status Register Definitions
      3. 19.6.3 Action-Qualifier Event Priority
      4. 19.6.4 AQCTLA and AQCTLB Shadow Mode Operations
      5. 19.6.5 Configuration Requirements for Common Waveforms
    7. 19.7  Dead-Band Generator (DB) Submodule
      1. 19.7.1 Purpose of the Dead-Band Submodule
      2. 19.7.2 Dead-band Submodule Additional Operating Modes
      3. 19.7.3 Operational Highlights for the Dead-Band Submodule
    8. 19.8  PWM Chopper (PC) Submodule
      1. 19.8.1 Purpose of the PWM Chopper Submodule
      2. 19.8.2 Operational Highlights for the PWM Chopper Submodule
      3. 19.8.3 Waveforms
        1. One-Shot Pulse
        2. Duty Cycle Control
    9. 19.9  Trip-Zone (TZ) Submodule
      1. 19.9.1 Purpose of the Trip-Zone Submodule
      2. 19.9.2 Operational Highlights for the Trip-Zone Submodule
        1. Trip-Zone Configurations
      3. 19.9.3 Generating Trip Event Interrupts
    10. 19.10 Event-Trigger (ET) Submodule
      1. 19.10.1 Operational Overview of the ePWM Event-Trigger Submodule
    11. 19.11 Digital Compare (DC) Submodule
      1. 19.11.1 Purpose of the Digital Compare Submodule
      2. 19.11.2 Enhanced Trip Action Using CMPSS
      3. 19.11.3 Using CMPSS to Trip the ePWM on a Cycle-by-Cycle Basis
      4. 19.11.4 Operation Highlights of the Digital Compare Submodule
        1. Digital Compare Events
        2. Event Filtering
        3. Valley Switching
    12. 19.12 ePWM Crossbar (X-BAR)
    13. 19.13 Applications to Power Topologies
      1. 19.13.1  Overview of Multiple Modules
      2. 19.13.2  Key Configuration Capabilities
      3. 19.13.3  Controlling Multiple Buck Converters With Independent Frequencies
      4. 19.13.4  Controlling Multiple Buck Converters With Same Frequencies
      5. 19.13.5  Controlling Multiple Half H-Bridge (HHB) Converters
      6. 19.13.6  Controlling Dual 3-Phase Inverters for Motors (ACI and PMSM)
      7. 19.13.7  Practical Applications Using Phase Control Between PWM Modules
      8. 19.13.8  Controlling a 3-Phase Interleaved DC/DC Converter
      9. 19.13.9  Controlling Zero Voltage Switched Full Bridge (ZVSFB) Converter
      10. 19.13.10 Controlling a Peak Current Mode Controlled Buck Module
      11. 19.13.11 Controlling H-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter
    14. 19.14 Register Lock Protection
    15. 19.15 High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator (HRPWM)
      1. 19.15.1 Operational Description of HRPWM
        1. Controlling the HRPWM Capabilities
        2. HRPWM Source Clock
        3. Configuring the HRPWM
        4. Configuring High-Resolution in Deadband Rising-Edge and Falling-Edge Delay
        5. Principle of Operation
          1. Edge Positioning
          2. Scaling Considerations
          3. Duty Cycle Range Limitation
          4. High-Resolution Period
            1. High-Resolution Period Configuration
        6. Deadband High-Resolution Operation
        7. Scale Factor Optimizing Software (SFO)
        8. HRPWM Examples Using Optimized Assembly Code
          1. #Defines for HRPWM Header Files
          2. Implementing a Simple Buck Converter
            1. HRPWM Buck Converter Initialization Code
            2. HRPWM Buck Converter Run-Time Code
          3. Implementing a DAC Function Using an R+C Reconstruction Filter
            1. PWM DAC Function Initialization Code
            2. PWM DAC Function Run-Time Code
      2. 19.15.2 SFO Library Software - SFO_TI_Build_V8.lib
        1. Scale Factor Optimizer Function - int SFO()
        2. Software Usage
          1. A Sample of How to Add "Include" Files
          2.        925
          3. Declaring an Element
          4.        927
          5. Initializing With a Scale Factor Value
          6.        929
          7. SFO Function Calls
    16. 19.16 Software
      1. 19.16.1 EPWM Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 19.16.2 HRPWM Registers to Driverlib Functions
      3. 19.16.3 EPWM Examples
        1.  ePWM Trip Zone
        2.  ePWM Up Down Count Action Qualifier
        3.  ePWM Synchronization
        4.  ePWM Digital Compare
        5.  ePWM Digital Compare Event Filter Blanking Window
        6.  ePWM Valley Switching
        7.  ePWM Digital Compare Edge Filter
        8.  ePWM Deadband
        9.  ePWM DMA
        10. ePWM Chopper
        11. EPWM Configure Signal
        12. Realization of Monoshot mode
        13. EPWM Action Qualifier (epwm_up_aq)
      4. 19.16.4 HRPWM Examples
        1. HRPWM Duty Control with SFO
        2. HRPWM Slider
        3. HRPWM Period Control
        4. HRPWM Duty Control with UPDOWN Mode
        5. HRPWM Slider Test
        6. HRPWM Duty Up Count
        7. HRPWM Period Up-Down Count
    17. 19.17 EPWM Registers
      1. 19.17.1 EPWM Base Address Table
      2. 19.17.2 EPWM_REGS Registers
  22. 20Enhanced Capture (eCAP)
    1. 20.1 Introduction
      1. 20.1.1 Features
      2. 20.1.2 ECAP Related Collateral
    2. 20.2 Description
    3. 20.3 Configuring Device Pins for the eCAP
    4. 20.4 Capture and APWM Operating Mode
    5. 20.5 Capture Mode Description
      1. 20.5.1  Event Prescaler
      2. 20.5.2  Edge Polarity Select and Qualifier
      3. 20.5.3  Continuous/One-Shot Control
      4. 20.5.4  32-Bit Counter and Phase Control
      5. 20.5.5  CAP1-CAP4 Registers
      6. 20.5.6  eCAP Synchronization
        1. Example 1 - Using SWSYNC with ECAP Module
      7. 20.5.7  Interrupt Control
      8. 20.5.8  DMA Interrupt
      9. 20.5.9  Shadow Load and Lockout Control
      10. 20.5.10 APWM Mode Operation
    6. 20.6 Application of the eCAP Module
      1. 20.6.1 Example 1 - Absolute Time-Stamp Operation Rising-Edge Trigger
      2. 20.6.2 Example 2 - Absolute Time-Stamp Operation Rising- and Falling-Edge Trigger
      3. 20.6.3 Example 3 - Time Difference (Delta) Operation Rising-Edge Trigger
      4. 20.6.4 Example 4 - Time Difference (Delta) Operation Rising- and Falling-Edge Trigger
    7. 20.7 Application of the APWM Mode
      1. 20.7.1 Example 1 - Simple PWM Generation (Independent Channels)
    8. 20.8 Software
      1. 20.8.1 ECAP Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 20.8.2 ECAP Examples
        1. eCAP APWM Example
        2. eCAP Capture PWM Example
        3. eCAP APWM Phase-shift Example
    9. 20.9 ECAP Registers
      1. 20.9.1 ECAP Base Address Table
      2. 20.9.2 ECAP_REGS Registers
  23. 21Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP)
    1. 21.1  Introduction
      1. 21.1.1 EQEP Related Collateral
    2. 21.2  Configuring Device Pins
    3. 21.3  Description
      1. 21.3.1 EQEP Inputs
      2. 21.3.2 Functional Description
      3. 21.3.3 eQEP Memory Map
    4. 21.4  Quadrature Decoder Unit (QDU)
      1. 21.4.1 Position Counter Input Modes
        1. Quadrature Count Mode
        2. Direction-Count Mode
        3. Up-Count Mode
        4. Down-Count Mode
      2. 21.4.2 eQEP Input Polarity Selection
      3. 21.4.3 Position-Compare Sync Output
    5. 21.5  Position Counter and Control Unit (PCCU)
      1. 21.5.1 Position Counter Operating Modes
        1. Position Counter Reset on Index Event (QEPCTL[PCRM] = 00)
        2. Position Counter Reset on Maximum Position (QEPCTL[PCRM] = 01)
        3. Position Counter Reset on the First Index Event (QEPCTL[PCRM] = 10)
        4. Position Counter Reset on Unit Time-out Event (QEPCTL[PCRM] = 11)
      2. 21.5.2 Position Counter Latch
        1. Index Event Latch
        2. Strobe Event Latch
      3. 21.5.3 Position Counter Initialization
      4. 21.5.4 eQEP Position-compare Unit
    6. 21.6  eQEP Edge Capture Unit
    7. 21.7  eQEP Watchdog
    8. 21.8  eQEP Unit Timer Base
    9. 21.9  QMA Module
      1. 21.9.1 Modes of Operation
        1. QMA Mode-1 (QMACTRL[MODE] = 1)
        2. QMA Mode-2 (QMACTRL[MODE] = 2)
      2. 21.9.2 Interrupt and Error Generation
    10. 21.10 eQEP Interrupt Structure
    11. 21.11 Software
      1. 21.11.1 EQEP Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 21.11.2 EQEP Examples
        1. Frequency Measurement Using eQEP
        2. Position and Speed Measurement Using eQEP
        3. Frequency Measurement Using eQEP via unit timeout interrupt
        4. Motor speed and direction measurement using eQEP via unit timeout interrupt
    12. 21.12 EQEP Registers
      1. 21.12.1 EQEP Base Address Table
      2. 21.12.2 EQEP_REGS Registers
  24. 22Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
    1. 22.1 Introduction
      1. 22.1.1 Features
      2. 22.1.2 SPI Related Collateral
      3. 22.1.3 Block Diagram
    2. 22.2 System-Level Integration
      1. 22.2.1 SPI Module Signals
      2. 22.2.2 Configuring Device Pins
        1. GPIOs Required for High-Speed Mode
      3. 22.2.3 SPI Interrupts
      4. 22.2.4 DMA Support
    3. 22.3 SPI Operation
      1. 22.3.1  Introduction to Operation
      2. 22.3.2  Controller Mode
      3. 22.3.3  Peripheral Mode
      4. 22.3.4  Data Format
        1. Transmission of Bit from SPIRXBUF
      5. 22.3.5  Baud Rate Selection
        1. Baud Rate Determination
        2. Baud Rate Calculation in Non-High Speed Mode (HS_MODE = 0)
      6. 22.3.6  SPI Clocking Schemes
      7. 22.3.7  SPI FIFO Description
      8. 22.3.8  SPI DMA Transfers
        1. Transmitting Data Using SPI with DMA
        2. Receiving Data Using SPI with DMA
      9. 22.3.9  SPI High-Speed Mode
      10. 22.3.10 SPI 3-Wire Mode Description
    4. 22.4 Programming Procedure
      1. 22.4.1 Initialization Upon Reset
      2. 22.4.2 Configuring the SPI
      3. 22.4.3 Configuring the SPI for High-Speed Mode
      4. 22.4.4 Data Transfer Example
      5. 22.4.5 SPI 3-Wire Mode Code Examples
        1. 3-Wire Controller Mode Transmit
        2.       1074
          1. 3-Wire Controller Mode Receive
        3.       1076
          1. 3-Wire Peripheral Mode Transmit
        4.       1078
          1. 3-Wire Peripheral Mode Receive
      6. 22.4.6 SPI STEINV Bit in Digital Audio Transfers
    5. 22.5 Software
      1. 22.5.1 SPI Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 22.5.2 SPI Examples
        1. SPI Digital Loopback
        2. SPI Digital Loopback with FIFO Interrupts
        3. SPI Digital External Loopback without FIFO Interrupts
        4. SPI Digital External Loopback with FIFO Interrupts
        5. SPI Digital Loopback with DMA
        6. SPI EEPROM
        7. SPI DMA EEPROM
    6. 22.6 SPI Registers
      1. 22.6.1 SPI Base Address Table
      2. 22.6.2 SPI_REGS Registers
  25. 23Serial Communications Interface (SCI)
    1. 23.1  Introduction
      1. 23.1.1 Features
      2. 23.1.2 SCI Related Collateral
      3. 23.1.3 Block Diagram
    2. 23.2  Architecture
    3. 23.3  SCI Module Signal Summary
    4. 23.4  Configuring Device Pins
    5. 23.5  Multiprocessor and Asynchronous Communication Modes
    6. 23.6  SCI Programmable Data Format
    7. 23.7  SCI Multiprocessor Communication
      1. 23.7.1 Recognizing the Address Byte
      2. 23.7.2 Controlling the SCI TX and RX Features
      3. 23.7.3 Receipt Sequence
    8. 23.8  Idle-Line Multiprocessor Mode
      1. 23.8.1 Idle-Line Mode Steps
      2. 23.8.2 Block Start Signal
      3. 23.8.3 Wake-Up Temporary (WUT) Flag
        1. Sending a Block Start Signal
      4. 23.8.4 Receiver Operation
    9. 23.9  Address-Bit Multiprocessor Mode
      1. 23.9.1 Sending an Address
    10. 23.10 SCI Communication Format
      1. 23.10.1 Receiver Signals in Communication Modes
      2. 23.10.2 Transmitter Signals in Communication Modes
    11. 23.11 SCI Port Interrupts
      1. 23.11.1 Break Detect
    12. 23.12 SCI Baud Rate Calculations
    13. 23.13 SCI Enhanced Features
      1. 23.13.1 SCI FIFO Description
      2. 23.13.2 SCI Auto-Baud
      3. 23.13.3 Autobaud-Detect Sequence
    14. 23.14 Software
      1. 23.14.1 SCI Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 23.14.2 SCI Examples
        1. Tune Baud Rate via UART Example
        2. SCI FIFO Digital Loop Back
        3. SCI Digital Loop Back with Interrupts
        4. SCI Echoback
        5. stdout redirect example
    15. 23.15 SCI Registers
      1. 23.15.1 SCI Base Address Table
      2. 23.15.2 SCI_REGS Registers
  26. 24Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller
    1. 24.1 Introduction
      1. 24.1.1 Features
      2. 24.1.2 USB Related Collateral
      3. 24.1.3 Block Diagram
        1. Signal Description
        2. VBus Recommendations
    2. 24.2 Functional Description
      1. 24.2.1 Operation as a Device
        1. Control and Configurable Endpoints
          1. IN Transactions as a Device
          2. Out Transactions as a Device
          3. Scheduling
          4. Additional Actions
          5. Device Mode Suspend
          6. Start of Frame
          7. USB Reset
          8. Connect/Disconnect
      2. 24.2.2 Operation as a Host
        1. Endpoint Registers
        2. IN Transactions as a Host
        3. OUT Transactions as a Host
        4. Transaction Scheduling
        5. USB Hubs
        6. Babble
        7. Host SUSPEND
        8. USB RESET
        9. Connect/Disconnect
      3. 24.2.3 DMA Operation
      4. 24.2.4 Address/Data Bus Bridge
    3. 24.3 Initialization and Configuration
      1. 24.3.1 Pin Configuration
      2. 24.3.2 Endpoint Configuration
    4. 24.4 USB Global Interrupts
    5. 24.5 Software
      1. 24.5.1 USB Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 24.5.2 USB Examples
        1.  USB CDC serial example
        2.  USB HID Mouse Device
        3.  USB Device Keyboard
        4.  USB Generic Bulk Device
        5.  USB HID Mouse Host
        6.  USB HID Keyboard Host
        7.  USB Mass Storage Class Host
        8.  USB Dual Detect
        9.  USB Throughput Bulk Device Example (usb_ex9_throughput_dev_bulk)
        10. USB HUB Host example
    6. 24.6 USB Registers
      1. 24.6.1 USB Base Address Table
      2. 24.6.2 USB_REGS Registers
  27. 25Fast Serial Interface (FSI)
    1. 25.1 Introduction
      1. 25.1.1 FSI Related Collateral
      2. 25.1.2 FSI Features
    2. 25.2 System-level Integration
      1. 25.2.1 CPU Interface
      2. 25.2.2 Signal Description
        1. Configuring Device Pins
      3. 25.2.3 FSI Interrupts
        1. Transmitter Interrupts
        2. Receiver Interrupts
        3. Configuring Interrupts
        4. Handling Interrupts
      4. 25.2.4 CLA Task Triggering
      5. 25.2.5 DMA Interface
      6. 25.2.6 External Frame Trigger Mux
    3. 25.3 FSI Functional Description
      1. 25.3.1  Introduction to Operation
      2. 25.3.2  FSI Transmitter Module
        1. Initialization
        2. FSI_TX Clocking
        3. Transmitting Frames
          1. Software Triggered Frames
          2. Externally Triggered Frames
          3. Ping Frame Generation
            1. Automatic Ping Frames
            2. Software Triggered Ping Frame
            3. Externally Triggered Ping Frame
          4. Transmitting Frames with DMA
        4. Transmit Buffer Management
        5. CRC Submodule
        6. Conditions in Which the Transmitter Must Undergo a Soft Reset
        7. Reset
      3. 25.3.3  FSI Receiver Module
        1.  Initialization
        2.  FSI_RX Clocking
        3.  Receiving Frames
          1. Receiving Frames with DMA
        4.  Ping Frame Watchdog
        5.  Frame Watchdog
        6.  Delay Line Control
        7.  Buffer Management
        8.  CRC Submodule
        9.  Using the Zero Bits of the Receiver Tag Registers
        10. Conditions in Which the Receiver Must Undergo a Soft Reset
        11. FSI_RX Reset
      4. 25.3.4  Frame Format
        1. FSI Frame Phases
        2. Frame Types
          1. Ping Frames
          2. Error Frames
          3. Data Frames
        3. Multi-Lane Transmission
      5. 25.3.5  Flush Sequence
      6. 25.3.6  Internal Loopback
      7. 25.3.7  CRC Generation
      8. 25.3.8  ECC Module
      9. 25.3.9  Tag Matching
      10. 25.3.10 User Data Filtering (UDATA Matching)
      11. 25.3.11 TDM Configurations
      12. 25.3.12 FSI Trigger Generation
      13. 25.3.13 FSI-SPI Compatibility Mode
        1. Available SPI Modes
          1. FSITX as SPI Controller, Transmit Only
            1. Initialization
            2. Operation
          2. FSIRX as SPI Peripheral, Receive Only
            1. Initialization
            2. Operation
          3. FSITX and FSIRX Emulating a Full Duplex SPI Controller
            1. Initialization
            2. Operation
    4. 25.4 FSI Programing Guide
      1. 25.4.1 Establishing the Communication Link
        1. Establishing the Communication Link from the Main Device
        2. Establishing the Communication Link from the Remote Device
      2. 25.4.2 Register Protection
      3. 25.4.3 Emulation Mode
    5. 25.5 Software
      1. 25.5.1 FSI Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 25.5.2 FSI Examples
        1. FSI Loopback:CPU Control
        2. FSI DMA frame transfers:DMA Control
        3. FSI data transfer by external trigger
        4. FSI data transfers upon CPU Timer event
        5. FSI and SPI communication(fsi_ex6_spi_main_tx)
        6. FSI and SPI communication(fsi_ex7_spi_remote_rx)
        7. FSI P2Point Connection:Rx Side
        8. FSI P2Point Connection:Tx Side
    6. 25.6 FSI Registers
      1. 25.6.1 FSI Base Address Table
      2. 25.6.2 FSI_TX_REGS Registers
      3. 25.6.3 FSI_RX_REGS Registers
  28. 26Inter-Integrated Circuit Module (I2C)
    1. 26.1 Introduction
      1. 26.1.1 I2C Related Collateral
      2. 26.1.2 Features
      3. 26.1.3 Features Not Supported
      4. 26.1.4 Functional Overview
      5. 26.1.5 Clock Generation
      6. 26.1.6 I2C Clock Divider Registers (I2CCLKL and I2CCLKH)
        1. Formula for the Controller Clock Period
    2. 26.2 Configuring Device Pins
    3. 26.3 I2C Module Operational Details
      1. 26.3.1  Input and Output Voltage Levels
      2. 26.3.2  Selecting Pullup Resistors
      3. 26.3.3  Data Validity
      4. 26.3.4  Operating Modes
      5. 26.3.5  I2C Module START and STOP Conditions
      6. 26.3.6  Non-repeat Mode versus Repeat Mode
      7. 26.3.7  Serial Data Formats
        1. 7-Bit Addressing Format
        2. 10-Bit Addressing Format
        3. Free Data Format
        4. Using a Repeated START Condition
      8. 26.3.8  Clock Synchronization
      9. 26.3.9  Clock Stretching
      10. 26.3.10 Arbitration
      11. 26.3.11 Digital Loopback Mode
      12. 26.3.12 NACK Bit Generation
    4. 26.4 Interrupt Requests Generated by the I2C Module
      1. 26.4.1 Basic I2C Interrupt Requests
      2. 26.4.2 I2C FIFO Interrupts
    5. 26.5 Resetting or Disabling the I2C Module
    6. 26.6 Software
      1. 26.6.1 I2C Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 26.6.2 I2C Examples
        1.  C28x-I2C Library source file for FIFO interrupts
        2.  C28x-I2C Library source file for FIFO interrupts
        3.  C28x-I2C Library source file for FIFO using polling
        4.  I2C Digital Loopback with FIFO Interrupts
        5.  I2C EEPROM
        6.  I2C Digital External Loopback with FIFO Interrupts
        7.  I2C EEPROM
        8.  I2C controller target communication using FIFO interrupts
        9.  I2C EEPROM
        10. I2C Extended Clock Stretching Controller TX
        11. I2C Extended Clock Stretching Target RX
    7. 26.7 I2C Registers
      1. 26.7.1 I2C Base Address Table
      2. 26.7.2 I2C_REGS Registers
  29. 27Power Management Bus Module (PMBus)
    1. 27.1 Introduction
      1. 27.1.1 PMBUS Related Collateral
      2. 27.1.2 Features
      3. 27.1.3 Block Diagram
    2. 27.2 Configuring Device Pins
    3. 27.3 Target Mode Operation
      1. 27.3.1 Configuration
      2. 27.3.2 Message Handling
        1.  Quick Command
        2.  Send Byte
        3.  Receive Byte
        4.  Write Byte and Write Word
        5.  Read Byte and Read Word
        6.  Process Call
        7.  Block Write
        8.  Block Read
        9.  Block Write-Block Read Process Call
        10. Alert Response
        11. Extended Command
        12. Group Command
    4. 27.4 Controller Mode Operation
      1. 27.4.1 Configuration
      2. 27.4.2 Message Handling
        1.  Quick Command
        2.  Send Byte
        3.  Receive Byte
        4.  Write Byte and Write Word
        5.  Read Byte and Read Word
        6.  Process Call
        7.  Block Write
        8.  Block Read
        9.  Block Write-Block Read Process Call
        10. Alert Response
        11. Extended Command
        12. Group Command
    5. 27.5 Software
      1. 27.5.1 PMBUS Registers to Driverlib Functions
    6. 27.6 PMBUS Registers
      1. 27.6.1 PMBUS Base Address Table
      2. 27.6.2 PMBUS_REGS Registers
  30. 28Modular Controller Area Network (MCAN)
    1. 28.1 MCAN Introduction
      1. 28.1.1 MCAN Related Collateral
      2. 28.1.2 MCAN Features
    2. 28.2 MCAN Environment
    3. 28.3 CAN Network Basics
    4. 28.4 MCAN Integration
    5. 28.5 MCAN Functional Description
      1. 28.5.1  Module Clocking Requirements
      2. 28.5.2  Interrupt Requests
      3. 28.5.3  Operating Modes
        1. Software Initialization
        2. Normal Operation
        3. CAN FD Operation
      4. 28.5.4  Transmitter Delay Compensation
        1. Description
        2. Transmitter Delay Compensation Measurement
      5. 28.5.5  Restricted Operation Mode
      6. 28.5.6  Bus Monitoring Mode
      7. 28.5.7  Disabled Automatic Retransmission (DAR) Mode
        1. Frame Transmission in DAR Mode
      8. 28.5.8  Clock Stop Mode
        1. Suspend Mode
        2. Wakeup Request
      9. 28.5.9  Test Modes
        1. External Loop Back Mode
        2. Internal Loop Back Mode
      10. 28.5.10 Timestamp Generation
        1. External Timestamp Counter
      11. 28.5.11 Timeout Counter
      12. 28.5.12 Safety
        1. ECC Wrapper
        2. ECC Aggregator
          1. ECC Aggregator Overview
          2. ECC Aggregator Registers
        3. Reads to ECC Control and Status Registers
        4. ECC Interrupts
      13. 28.5.13 Rx Handling
        1. Acceptance Filtering
          1. Range Filter
          2. Filter for Specific IDs
          3. Classic Bit Mask Filter
          4. Standard Message ID Filtering
          5. Extended Message ID Filtering
        2. Rx FIFOs
          1. Rx FIFO Blocking Mode
          2. Rx FIFO Overwrite Mode
        3. Dedicated Rx Buffers
          1. Rx Buffer Handling
      14. 28.5.14 Tx Handling
        1. Transmit Pause
        2. Dedicated Tx Buffers
        3. Tx FIFO
        4. Tx Queue
        5. Mixed Dedicated Tx Buffers/Tx FIFO
        6. Mixed Dedicated Tx Buffers/Tx Queue
        7. Transmit Cancellation
        8. Tx Event Handling
      15. 28.5.15 FIFO Acknowledge Handling
      16. 28.5.16 Message RAM
        1. Message RAM Configuration
        2. Rx Buffer and FIFO Element
        3. Tx Buffer Element
        4. Tx Event FIFO Element
        5. Standard Message ID Filter Element
        6. Extended Message ID Filter Element
    6. 28.6 Software
      1. 28.6.1 MCAN Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 28.6.2 MCAN Examples
        1.  MCAN Internal Loopback with Interrupt
        2.  MCAN Loopback with Interrupts Example Using SYSCONFIG Tool
        3.  MCAN receive using Rx Buffer
        4.  MCAN External Reception (with mask filter) into RX-FIFO1
        5.  MCAN Classic frames transmission using Tx Buffer
        6.  MCAN External Reception (with RANGE filter) into RX-FIFO1
        7.  MCAN External Transmit using Tx Buffer
        8.  MCAN receive using Rx Buffer
        9.  MCAN Internal Loopback with Interrupt
        10. MCAN External Transmit using Tx Buffer
        11. MCAN Internal Loopback with Interrupt
    7. 28.7 MCAN Registers
      1. 28.7.1 MCAN Base Address Table
      2. 28.7.2 MCANSS_REGS Registers
      3. 28.7.3 MCAN_REGS Registers
      4. 28.7.4 MCAN_ERROR_REGS Registers
  31. 29Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
    1. 29.1 LIN Overview
      1. 29.1.1 SCI Features
      2. 29.1.2 LIN Features
      3. 29.1.3 LIN Related Collateral
      4. 29.1.4 Block Diagram
    2. 29.2 Serial Communications Interface Module
      1. 29.2.1 SCI Communication Formats
        1. SCI Frame Formats
        2. SCI Asynchronous Timing Mode
        3. SCI Baud Rate
          1. Superfractional Divider, SCI Asynchronous Mode
        4. SCI Multiprocessor Communication Modes
          1. Idle-Line Multiprocessor Modes
          2. Address-Bit Multiprocessor Mode
        5. SCI Multibuffered Mode
      2. 29.2.2 SCI Interrupts
        1. Transmit Interrupt
        2. Receive Interrupt
        3. WakeUp Interrupt
        4. Error Interrupts
      3. 29.2.3 SCI DMA Interface
        1. Receive DMA Requests
        2. Transmit DMA Requests
      4. 29.2.4 SCI Configurations
        1. Receiving Data
          1. Receiving Data in Single-Buffer Mode
          2. Receiving Data in Multibuffer Mode
        2. Transmitting Data
          1. Transmitting Data in Single-Buffer Mode
          2. Transmitting Data in Multibuffer Mode
      5. 29.2.5 SCI Low-Power Mode
        1. Sleep Mode for Multiprocessor Communication
    3. 29.3 Local Interconnect Network Module
      1. 29.3.1 LIN Communication Formats
        1.  LIN Standards
        2.  Message Frame
          1. Message Header
          2. Response
        3.  Synchronizer
        4.  Baud Rate
          1. Fractional Divider
          2. Superfractional Divider
            1. Superfractional Divider In LIN Mode
        5.  Header Generation
          1. Event Triggered Frame Handling
          2. Header Reception and Adaptive Baud Rate
        6.  Extended Frames Handling
        7.  Timeout Control
          1. No-Response Error (NRE)
          2. Bus Idle Detection
          3. Timeout After Wakeup Signal and Timeout After Three Wakeup Signals
        8.  TXRX Error Detector (TED)
          1. Bit Errors
          2. Physical Bus Errors
          3. ID Parity Errors
          4. Checksum Errors
        9.  Message Filtering and Validation
        10. Receive Buffers
        11. Transmit Buffers
      2. 29.3.2 LIN Interrupts
      3. 29.3.3 Servicing LIN Interrupts
      4. 29.3.4 LIN DMA Interface
        1. LIN Receive DMA Requests
        2. LIN Transmit DMA Requests
      5. 29.3.5 LIN Configurations
        1. Receiving Data
          1. Receiving Data in Single-Buffer Mode
          2. Receiving Data in Multibuffer Mode
        2. Transmitting Data
          1. Transmitting Data in Single-Buffer Mode
          2. Transmitting Data in Multibuffer Mode
    4. 29.4 Low-Power Mode
      1. 29.4.1 Entering Sleep Mode
      2. 29.4.2 Wakeup
      3. 29.4.3 Wakeup Timeouts
    5. 29.5 Emulation Mode
    6. 29.6 Software
      1. 29.6.1 LIN Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 29.6.2 LIN Examples
        1. LIN Internal Loopback with Interrupts
        2. LIN SCI Mode Internal Loopback with Interrupts
        3. LIN SCI MODE Internal Loopback with DMA
        4. LIN Internal Loopback without interrupts(polled mode)
        5. LIN SCI MODE (Single Buffer) Internal Loopback with DMA
    7. 29.7 LIN Registers
      1. 29.7.1 LIN Base Address Table
      2. 29.7.2 LIN_REGS Registers
  32. 30Configurable Logic Block (CLB)
    1. 30.1 Introduction
      1. 30.1.1 CLB Related Collateral
    2. 30.2 Description
      1. 30.2.1 CLB Clock
    3. 30.3 CLB Input/Output Connection
      1. 30.3.1 Overview
      2. 30.3.2 CLB Input Selection
      3. 30.3.3 CLB Output Selection
      4. 30.3.4 CLB Output Signal Multiplexer
    4. 30.4 CLB Tile
      1. 30.4.1 Static Switch Block
      2. 30.4.2 Counter Block
        1. Counter Description
        2. Counter Operation
        3. Serializer Mode
        4. Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) Mode
      3. 30.4.3 FSM Block
      4. 30.4.4 LUT4 Block
      5. 30.4.5 Output LUT Block
      6. 30.4.6 Asynchronous Output Conditioning (AOC) Block
      7. 30.4.7 High Level Controller (HLC)
        1. High Level Controller Events
        2. High Level Controller Instructions
        3. <Src> and <Dest>
        4. Operation of the PUSH and PULL Instructions (Overflow and Underflow Detection)
    5. 30.5 CPU Interface
      1. 30.5.1 Register Description
      2. 30.5.2 Non-Memory Mapped Registers
    6. 30.6 DMA Access
    7. 30.7 CLB Data Export Through SPI RX Buffer
    8. 30.8 Software
      1. 30.8.1 CLB Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 30.8.2 CLB Examples
        1.  CLB Empty Project
        2.  CLB Combinational Logic
        3.  CLB GPIO Input Filter
        4.  CLB Auxilary PWM
        5.  CLB PWM Protection
        6.  CLB Event Window
        7.  CLB Signal Generator
        8.  CLB State Machine
        9.  CLB External Signal AND Gate
        10. CLB Timer
        11. CLB Timer Two States
        12. CLB Interrupt Tag
        13. CLB Output Intersect
        14. CLB PUSH PULL
        15. CLB Multi Tile
        16. CLB Tile to Tile Delay
        17. CLB Glue Logic
        18. CLB based One-shot PWM
        19. CLB AOC Control
        20. CLB AOC Release Control
        21. CLB XBARs
        22. CLB AOC Control
        23. CLB Serializer
        24. CLB LFSR
        25. CLB Lock Output Mask
        26. CLB INPUT Pipeline Mode
        27. CLB Clocking and PIPELINE Mode
        28. CLB SPI Data Export
        29. CLB SPI Data Export DMA
        30. CLB Trip Zone Timestamp
        31. CLB CRC
        32. CLB TDM Serial Port
        33. CLB LED Driver
    9. 30.9 CLB Registers
      1. 30.9.1 CLB Base Address Table
      2. 30.9.2 CLB_LOGIC_CONFIG_REGS Registers
      3. 30.9.3 CLB_LOGIC_CONTROL_REGS Registers
      4. 30.9.4 CLB_DATA_EXCHANGE_REGS Registers
  33. 31Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Accelerator
    1. 31.1 Introduction
      1. 31.1.1 AES Block Diagram
        1. Interfaces
        2. AES Subsystem
        3. AES Wide-Bus Engine
      2. 31.1.2 AES Algorithm
    2. 31.2 AES Operating Modes
      1. 31.2.1  GCM Operation
      2. 31.2.2  CCM Operation
      3. 31.2.3  XTS Operation
      4. 31.2.4  ECB Feedback Mode
      5. 31.2.5  CBC Feedback Mode
      6. 31.2.6  CTR and ICM Feedback Modes
      7. 31.2.7  CFB Mode
      8. 31.2.8  F8 Mode
      9. 31.2.9  F9 Operation
      10. 31.2.10 CBC-MAC Operation
    3. 31.3 Extended and Combined Modes of Operations
      1. 31.3.1 GCM Protocol Operation
      2. 31.3.2 CCM Protocol Operation
      3. 31.3.3 Hardware Requests
    4. 31.4 AES Module Programming Guide
      1. 31.4.1 AES Low-Level Programming Models
        1. Global Initialization
        2. AES Operating Modes Configuration
        3. AES Mode Configurations
        4. AES Events Servicing
    5. 31.5 Software
      1. 31.5.1 AES Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 31.5.2 AES_SS Registers to Driverlib Functions
      3. 31.5.3 AES Examples
        1. AES ECB Encryption Example
        2. AES ECB De-cryption Example
        3. AES GCM Encryption Example
        4. AES GCM Decryption Example
        5. AES CBC Encryption Example
        6. AES CBC De-cryption Example
        7. AES CMAC Authentication Example
    6. 31.6 AES Registers
      1. 31.6.1 AES Base Address Table
      2. 31.6.2 AES_REGS Registers
      3. 31.6.3 AES_SS_REGS Registers
  34. 32Embedded Pattern Generator (EPG)
    1. 32.1 Introduction
      1. 32.1.1 Features
      2. 32.1.2 EPG Block Diagram
      3. 32.1.3 EPG Related Collateral
    2. 32.2 Clock Generator Modules
      1. 32.2.1 DCLK (50% duty cycle clock)
      2. 32.2.2 Clock Stop
    3. 32.3 Signal Generator Module
    4. 32.4 EPG Peripheral Signal Mux Selection
    5. 32.5 Application Software Notes
    6. 32.6 EPG Example Use Cases
      1. 32.6.1 EPG Example: Synchronous Clocks with Offset
        1. Synchronous Clocks with Offset Register Configuration
      2. 32.6.2 EPG Example: Serial Data Bit Stream (LSB first)
        1. Serial Data Bit Stream (LSB first) Register Configuration
      3. 32.6.3 EPG Example: Serial Data Bit Stream (MSB first)
        1. Serial Data Bit Stream (MSB first) Register Configuration
    7. 32.7 EPG Interrupt
    8. 32.8 Software
      1. 32.8.1 EPG Registers to Driverlib Functions
      2. 32.8.2 EPG Examples
        1. EPG Generating Synchronous Clocks
        2. EPG Generating Two Offset Clocks
        3. EPG Generating Two Offset Clocks With SIGGEN
        4. EPG Generate Serial Data
        5. EPG Generate Serial Data Shift Mode
    9. 32.9 EPG Registers
      1. 32.9.1 EPG Base Address Table
      2. 32.9.2 EPG_REGS Registers
      3. 32.9.3 EPG_MUX_REGS Registers
  35. 33Revision History

LIN_REGS Registers

Table 29-13 lists the memory-mapped registers for the LIN_REGS registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 29-13 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 29-13 LIN_REGS Registers
OffsetAcronymRegister NameWrite ProtectionSection
0hSCIGCR0Global Control Register 0Go
4hSCIGCR1Global Control Register 1Go
8hSCIGCR2Global Control Register 2Go
ChSCISETINTInterrupt Enable RegisterGo
10hSCICLEARINTInterrupt Disable RegisterGo
14hSCISETINTLVLSet Interrupt Level RegisterGo
18hSCICLEARINTLVLClear Interrupt Level RegisterGo
1ChSCIFLRFlag RegisterGo
20hSCIINTVECT0Interrupt Vector Offset Register 0Go
24hSCIINTVECT1Interrupt Vector Offset Register 1Go
28hSCIFORMATLength Control RegisterGo
2ChBRSRBaud Rate Selection RegisterGo
30hSCIEDEmulation buffer RegisterGo
34hSCIRDReceiver data buffer RegisterGo
38hSCITDTransmit data buffer RegisterGo
3ChSCIPIO0Pin control Register 0Go
44hSCIPIO2Pin control Register 2Go
60hLINCOMPCompare registerGo
64hLINRD0Receive data register 0Go
68hLINRD1Receive data register 1Go
6ChLINMASKAcceptance mask registerGo
70hLINIDLIN ID RegisterGo
74hLINTD0Transmit Data Register 0Go
78hLINTD1Transmit Data Register 1Go
7ChMBRSRMaximum Baud Rate Selection RegisterGo
E0hLIN_GLB_INT_ENLIN Global Interrupt Enable RegisterGo
E4hLIN_GLB_INT_FLGLIN Global Interrupt Flag RegisterGo
E8hLIN_GLB_INT_CLRLIN Global Interrupt Clear RegisterGo

Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 29-14 shows the codes that are used for access types in this section.

Table 29-14 LIN_REGS Access Type Codes
Access TypeCodeDescription
Read Type
Write Type
1 to clear
1 to set
Reset or Default Value
-nValue after reset or the default value
Register Array Variables
i,j,k,l,m,nWhen these variables are used in a register name, an offset, or an address, they refer to the value of a register array where the register is part of a group of repeating registers. The register groups form a hierarchical structure and the array is represented with a formula.
yWhen this variable is used in a register name, an offset, or an address it refers to the value of a register array. SCIGCR0 Register (Offset = 0h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIGCR0 is shown in Figure 29-27 and described in Table 29-15.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIGCR0 register defines the module reset.

Figure 29-27 SCIGCR0 Register
Table 29-15 SCIGCR0 Register Field Descriptions
0RESETR/W0hThis bit resets the SCI/LIN module.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode.. This bit affects the reset state of the SCI/LIN module.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = SCI/LIN module is in held in reset.
1h (R/W) = SCI/LIN module is out of reset. SCIGCR1 Register (Offset = 4h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIGCR1 is shown in Figure 29-28 and described in Table 29-16.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIGCR1 register defines the frame format, protocol, and communication mode used by the SCI.

Figure 29-28 SCIGCR1 Register
Table 29-16 SCIGCR1 Register Field Descriptions
25TXENAR/W0hTransmit enable.
This bit is effective in LIN and SCI modes. Data is transferred from SCITD or the TDy (with y=0, 1,...7) buffers in LIN mode to the SCITXSHF shift out register only when the TXENA bit is set.

Note: Data written to SCITD or the transmit multi-buffer before TXENA is set is not
transmitted. If TXENA is cleared while transmission is ongoing, the data previously
written to SCITD is sent (including the checksum byte in LIN mode).

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Disable transfers from SCITD or TDy to SCITXSHF
1h (R/W) = Enable transfers of data from SCITD or TDy to SCITXSHF
24RXENAR/W0hReceive enable.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. RXENA allows or prevents the transfer of data from SCIRXSHF to SCIRD or the receive multibuffers.

Note: Clearing RXENA stops received characters from being transferred into the receive buffer or multi-buffers, prevents the RX status flags (see Table 7) from being updated by receive data, and inhibits both receive and error interrupts. However, the shift register continues to assemble data regardless of the state of RXENA.

Note: If RXENA is cleared before the time the reception of a frame is complete, the data from the frame is not transferred into the receive buffer.

Note: If RXENA is set before the time the reception of a frame is complete, the data from the frame is transferred into the receive buffer. If RXENA is set while SCIRXSHF is in the process of assembling a frame, the status flags are not guaranteed to be accurate for that frame. To ensure that the status flags correctly reflect what was detected on the bus during a particular frame, RXENA should be set before the detection of that frame

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Prevents the receiver from transferring data from the shift buffer to the receive buffer or multi-buffers
1h (R/W) = Allows the receiver to transfer data from the shift buffer to the receive buffer or multi-buffers
17CONTR/W0hContinue on suspend.
This bit has an effect only when a program is being debugged with an emulator, and it determines how the SCI/LIN operates when the program is suspended. This bit affects the LIN counters. When this bit is set, the counters are not stopped during debug. When this bit is cleared, the counters are stopped during debug.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = When debug mode is entered, the SCI/LIN state machine is frozen. Transmissions and LIN counters are halted and resume when debug mode is exited.
1h (R/W) = When debug mode is entered, the SCI/LIN continues to operate until the current transmit and receive functions are complete.
16LOOPBACKR/W0hLoopback bit.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. The self-checking option for the SCI/LIN can be selected with this bit. If the LINTX and LINRX pins are configured with SCI/LIN functionality, then the LINTX pin is internally connected to the LINRX pin. Externally, during loop back operation, the LINTX pin outputs a high value and the LINRX pin is in a high-impedance state. If this bit value is changed while the SCI/LIN is transmitting or receiving data, errors may result.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Loopback mode is disabled.
1h (R/W) = Loopback mode is enabled.
13STOPEXTFRAMER/W0hStop extended frame communication.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit can be written only during extended frame communication. When the extended frame communication is stopped, this bit is cleared automatically.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No effect
1h (R/W) = Extended frame communication will be stopped, once current frame transmission/reception is completed.
12HGENCTRLR/W0hHGEN control bit.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit controls the type of mask filtering comparison.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = ID filtering using ID-Byte.
RECEIVEDID and IDBYTE fields in the LINID register are used for detecting a match (using TX/RXMASK values). Mask of 0xFF in LINMASK register will result in NO match.

1h (R/W) = ID filtering using ID-RESPONDERTask byte (Recommended).
RECEIVEDID and IDRESPONDERTASKBYTE fields in the LINID register are used for detecting a match (using TX/RXMASK values). Mask of 0xFF in LINMASK register will result in ALWAYS match
11CTYPER/W0hChecksum type.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit controls the type of checksum to be used: classic or enhanced.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Classic checksum is used.
This checksum is compatible with LIN 1.3 Responder nodes. The classic checksum contains the modulo-256 sum with carry over all data bytes. Frames sent with Identifier 60 (0x3C) to 63 (0x3F) must allways use the classic checksum.

1h (R/W) = Enhanced checksum is used.
The enhanced checksum is compatible with LIN 2.0 and newer Responder nodes. The enhanced checksum contains the modulo-256 sum with carry over all data bytes AND the protected Identifier.
10MBUFMODER/W0hMultibuffer mode.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. This bit controls receive/transmit buffer usage, that is, whether the RX/TX multibuffers are used or a single register, RD0/TD0, is used.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = The multi-buffer mode is disabled.
1h (R/W) = The multi-buffer mode is enabled.
9ADAPTR/W0hAdapt mode enable.
This mode is effective in LIN mode only. This bit has an effect during the detection of the Sync Field. There are two LIN protocol bit rate modes that could be enabled with this bit according to the Node capability file definition: automatic or select. Software and network configuration will decide which of the previous two modes. When this bit is cleared, the LIN 2.0 protocol fixed bit rate should be used. If the ADAPT bit is set, a LIN Responder node detecting the baudrate will compare it to the prescalers in BRSR register and update it if they are different. The BRSR register will be updated with the new value. If this bit is not set there will be no adjustment to the BRSR register.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Automatic baudrate adjustment is disabled.
1h (R/W) = Automatic baudrate adjustment is enabled.
8SLEEPR/W0hSCI sleep.
SCI compatibility mode only. In a multiprocessor configuration, this bit controls the receive sleep function. Clearing this bit brings the SCI out of sleep mode.

The receiver still operates when the SLEEP bit is set
however, RXRDY is updated and SCIRD is loaded with new data only when an address frame is detected. The remaining receiver status flags are updated and an error interrupt is requested if the corresponding interrupt enable bit is set, regardless of the value of the SLEEP bit. In this way, if an error is detected on the receive data line while the SCI is asleep, software can promptly deal with the error condition. The SLEEP bit is not automatically cleared when an address byte is detected.

This field is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Sleep mode is disabled.
1h (R/W) = Sleep mode is enabled.
7SWnRSTR/W0hSoftware reset (active low).
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. The SCI/LIN should only be configured while SWnRST = 0.

Only the following configuration bits can be changed in runtime (i.e.,
while SWnRESET = 1):
- STOP EXT Frame (SCIGCR1[13])
- CC bit (SCIGCR2[17])
- SC bit (SCIGCR2[16])

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = The SCI/LIN is in its reset state
no data will be transmitted or received. Writing a 0 to this bit intializes the SCI/LIN state machines and operating flags. All affected logic is held in the reset state until a 1 is written to this bit.

1h (R/W) = The SCI/LIN is in its ready state
transmission and reception can occur. After this bit is set to 1, the configuration of the module should not change.
This bit controls the mode of operation of the module.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = LIN mode is disabled
SCI compatibility mode is enabled.

1h (R/W) = LIN mode is enabled
SCI compatibility mode is disabled.
5CLK_COMMANDERR/W0hSCI internal clock enable or LIN Commander/Responder configuration.
In the SCI mode, this bit enables the clock to the SCI module. In LIN mode, this bit determines whether a LIN node is a Responder or Commander.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = SCI-compatible mode: Reserved.
LIN mode: The module is in Responder mode.

1h (R/W) = SCI-compatible mode: Enable clock to the SCI module.
LIN mode: The node is in Commander mode.
4STOPR/W0hSCI number of stop bits.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only.

Note: The receiver checks for only one stop bit. However in idle-line mode, the receiver waits until the end of the second stop bit (if STOP = 1) to begin checking for an idle period.

This field is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = One stop bit is used.
1h (R/W) = Two stop bits are used.
3PARITYR/W0hSCI parity odd/even selection.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. If the PARITY ENA bit (SCIGCR1.2) is set, PARITY designates odd or even parity. The parity bit is calculated based on the data bits in each frame and the address bit (in address-bit mode). The start and stop fields in the frame are not included in the parity calculation.

This field is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Odd parity is used. The SCI transmits and expects to receive a value in the parity bit that makes odd the total number of bits in the frame with the value of 1.
1h (R/W) = Even parity is used. The SCI transmits and expects to receive a value in the parity bit that makes even the total number of bits in the frame with the value of 1.
2PARITYENAR/W0hParity enable.
Enables or disables the parity function.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = SCI-compatible mode: Parity disabled
no parity bit is generated during transmission or is expected during reception.
LIN mode: ID-parity verification is disabled.

1h (R/W) = SCI compatible mode: Parity enabled. A parity bit is generated during transmission and is expected during reception.
LIN mode: ID-parity verification is enabled.
1TIMINGMODER/W0hSCI timing mode bit.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. It must be set to 1 when the SCI mode is used. This bit configures the SCI for asynchronous operation.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Reserved.
1h (R/W) = Must be set to 1 when module is configured for SCI operation
0COMMMODER/W0hSCI/LIN communication mode bit.
In compatibility mode, it selects the SCI communication mode. In LIN mode it selects length control option for ID-field bits ID4 and ID5.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = SCI-compatible mode: Idle-line mode is used.
LIN mode: ID4 and ID5 are not used for length control.

1h (R/W) = SCI-compatible mode: Address-bit mode is used.
LIN mode: ID4 and ID5 are used for length control. SCIGCR2 Register (Offset = 8h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIGCR2 is shown in Figure 29-29 and described in Table 29-17.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIGCR2 register is used to send or compare a checksum byte during extended frames, to generate a wakeup and for low-power mode control of the LIN module.

Figure 29-29 SCIGCR2 Register
Table 29-17 SCIGCR2 Register Field Descriptions
17CCR/W0hCompare Checksum.
This mode is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is used by the receiver for extended frames to trigger a checksum compare. The user will initiate this transaction by writing a one to this bit.
In non multibuffer mode, once the CC bit is set, the checksum will be compared on the byte that is currently being received, expected to be the checkbyte.
During Multi-buffer mode, following are the scenarios associated with the CC bit :
- If CC bit is set during the reception of the data, then the byte that is received after the reception of the programmed no. of data bytes indicated by SCIFORMAT[18:16], is treated as a checksum byte.
- If CC bit is set during the IDLE period (i.e. during inter-frame space), then the next immediate byte will be treated as a checksum byte.

A CE will immediatly be flagged if there is a checksum error. This bit is automatically cleared once the checksum is successfully compared.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No effect
1h (R/W) = Compare checksum on expected checkbyte
16SCR/W0hSend Checksum
This mode is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is used by the transmitter with extended frames to send a checkbyte. In non multibuffer mode the checkbyte will be sent after the current byte transmission. In multibuffer mode the checkbyte will be sent after the last byte count, indicated by the SCIFORMAT[18:16]).

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No checkbyte will be sent.
1h (R/W) = A checkbyte will be sent. This bit will automatically get cleared after the checkbyte is transmitted. The checksum will not be sent if this bit is set before transmitting the very first byte, that is, during interframe space.
8GENWUR/W0hGenerate wakeup signal.
This bit controls the generation of a wakeup signal, by transmitting the TDO buffer value. This bit is cleared on reception of a valid sync break.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No effect
1h (R/W) = Transmit TDO for wakeup. This bit will be cleared on a SWnRST (SCIGCR1.7)
0POWERDOWNR/W0hPower down.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. When the powerdown bit is set, the SCI/LIN module attempts to enter local low-power mode. If the POWERDOWN bit is set while the receiver is actively receiving data and the wakeup interrupt is disabled, then the SCI/LIN will delay low-power mode from being entered until completion of reception. In LIN mode the user may set the POWERDOWN bit on Sleep Command reception or on idle bus detection (more than 4 seconds, i.e. 80,000 cycles at 20kHz)

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Normal operation
1h (R/W) = Request local low-power mode SCISETINT Register (Offset = Ch) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCISETINT is shown in Figure 29-30 and described in Table 29-18.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCISETINT register is used to enable the various interrupts available in the LIN module.

Figure 29-30 SCISETINT Register
Table 29-18 SCISETINT Register Field Descriptions
31SETBEINTR/W1S0hSet bit error interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when there is a bit error.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
30SETPBEINTR/W1S0hSet physical bus error interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when a physical bus error occurs.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
29SETCEINTR/W1S0hSet checksum-error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when there is a checksum error.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
28SETISFEINTR/W1S0hSet inconsistent-sync-field-error interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when there is an inconsistent sync field error.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
27SETNREINTR/W1S0hSet no-response-error interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when a no-response error occurs.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
26SETFEINTR/W1S0hSet framing-error interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when a framing error occurs.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
25SETOEINTR/W1S0hSet overrun-error interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when an overrun error occurs.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
24SETPEINTR/W1S0hSet parity interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN module to generate an interrupt when a parity error occurs.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
18SET_RX_DMA_ALLR/W1S0hSet receiver DMA for Address & Data frames.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode for devices with a DMA module. To enable RX DMA request for address and data frames this bit must be set. If it is cleared, RX interrupt request is generated for address frames and DMA requests are generated for data frames.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Receiver DMA request is disabled for address frames (RX interrupt request is enabled for address frames). Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Receiver DMA request is enabled for address and data frames
17SET_RX_DMAR/W1S0hSet receiver DMA.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode for devices with a DMA module. To enable DMA requests for the receiver this bit must be set. If it is cleared, interrupt requests are generated depending on SETRXINT.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Receiver DMA request is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Receiver DMA request is enabled.
16SET_TX_DMAR/W1S0hSet transmit DMA.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode for devices with a DMA module. To enable DMA requests for the transmitter, this bit must be set. If it is cleared, interrupt requests are generated depending on SETTXINT.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Transmit DMA request is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Transmit DMA request is enabled
13SETIDINTR/W1S0hSet Identification interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set to enable interrupt once a valid matching identifier is received.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
9SETRXINTR/W1S0hSet Receiver interrupt.
Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN to generate a receive interrupt after a frame has been completely received and the data is being transferred from SCIRXSHF to SCIRD.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
8SETTXINTR/W1S0hSet Transmitter interrupt.
Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN to generate a transmit interrupt as data is being transferred from SCITD to SCITXSHF and the TXRDY bit is being set.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
7SETTOA3WUSINTR/W1S0hSet Timeout After 3 Wakeup Signals interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN to generate an interrupt when there is a timeout after 3 wakeup signals have been sent.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
6SETTOAWUSINTR/W1S0hSet Timeout After Wakeup Signal interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN to generate an interrupt when there is a timeout after one wakeup signal has been sent.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
4SETTIMEOUTINTR/W1S0hSet timeout interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN to generate an interrupt when no LIN bus activity (bus idle) occurs for at least 4 seconds.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
1SETWAKEUPINTR/W1S0hSet wake-up interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN to generate a wake-up interrupt and thereby exit low-power mode. The wake-up interrupt is asserted on falling edge of the wake-up pulse. If enabled, the wake-up interrupt is asserted when local low-power mode is requested while the receiver is busy or if a low level is detected on the SCIRX pin during low-power mode. Wake-up interrupt is not asserted upon a wakeup pulse if the module is not in power down mode.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled.
0SETBRKDTINTR/W1S0hSet break-detect interrupt.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. Setting this bit enables the SCI/LIN to generate an interrupt if a break condition is detected on the LINRX pin.

This field is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. SCICLEARINT Register (Offset = 10h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCICLEARINT is shown in Figure 29-31 and described in Table 29-19.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCICLEARINT register is used to disable the enabled interrupts without accessing the SCISETINT register.

Figure 29-31 SCICLEARINT Register
Table 29-19 SCICLEARINT Register Field Descriptions
31CLRBEINTR/W1C0hClear Bit Error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the bit error interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
30CLRPBEINTR/W1C0hClear Physical Bus Error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the physical-bus error interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
29CLRCEINTR/W1C0hClear checksum-error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the checksum-error interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
28CLRISFEINTR/W1C0hClear Inconsistent-Sync-Field-Error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the ISFE interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
27CLRNREINTR/W1C0hClear No-Reponse-Error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the no-response error interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
26CLRFEINTR/W1C0hClear Framing-Error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables framing-error interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
25CLROEINTR/W1C0hClear Overrun-Error Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables the overrun interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
24CLRPEINTR/W1C0hClear Parity Interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables the parity error interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
17CLRRXDMAR/W1C0hClear receiver DMA.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables the receive DMA request.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Receiver DMA request is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Receiver DMA request is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the DMA request and clear this bit.
16CLRTXDMAR/W1C0hClear transmit DMA.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables the transmit DMA request.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Transmit DMA request is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Transmit DMA request is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the DMA request and clear this bit.
13CLRIDINTR/W1C0hClear Identifier interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the ID interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
9CLRRXINTR/W1C0hClear Receiver interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables the receiver interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
8CLRTXINTR/W1C0hClear Transmitter interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables the transmitter interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
7CLRTOA3WUSINTR/W1C0hClear Timeout After 3 Wakeup Signals interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the timeout after 3 wakeup signals interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
6CLRTOAWUSINTR/W1C0hClear Timeout After Wakeup Signal interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the timeout after one wakeup signal interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
4CLRTIMEOUTINTR/W1C0hClear Timeout interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Setting this bit disables the timeout (LIN bus idle) interrupt.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
1CLRWAKEUPINTR/W1C0hClear Wake-up interrupt.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Setting this bit disables the wake-up interrupt.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit.
0CLRBRKDTINTR/W1C0hClear Break-detect interrupt.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. Setting this bit disables the Break-detect interrupt.

This field is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt is disabled. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt is enabled. Writing a 1 to this bit will disable the interrupt and clear this bit. SCISETINTLVL Register (Offset = 14h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCISETINTLVL is shown in Figure 29-32 and described in Table 29-20.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCISETINTLVL register is used to map individual interrupt sources to the INT1 interrupt line.

Figure 29-32 SCISETINTLVL Register
Table 29-20 SCISETINTLVL Register Field Descriptions
31SETBEINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Bit Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Bit Error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
30SETPBEINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Physical Bus Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Physical Bus Error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
29SETCEINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Checksum-error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Checksum-error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
28SETISFEINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Inconsistent-Sync-Field-Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Inconsistent-Sync-Field-Error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
27SETNREINTLVLR/W1S0hSet No-Reponse-Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the No-Response-Error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
26SETFEINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Framing-Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Framing-Error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
25SETOEINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Overrun-Error Interrupt Level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Overrun-Error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
24SETPEINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Parity Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Parity error interrupt level to the INT1 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
13SETIDINTLVLR/W1S0hSet ID interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the ID interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
9SETRXINTOVOR/W1S0hSet Receiver interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the receiver interrupt level to the INT1 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
8SETTXINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Transmitter interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the transmitter interrupt level to the INT1 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
7SETTOA3WUSINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Timeout After 3 Wakeup Signals interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the timeout after 3 wakeup signals interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
6SETTOAWUSINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Timeout After Wakeup Signal interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the the timeout after wakeup interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
4SETTIMEOUTINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Timeout interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the timeout interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
1SETWAKEUPINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Wake-up interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Wake-up interrupt level to the INT1 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line.
0SETBRKDTINTLVLR/W1S0hSet Break-detect interrupt level.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Break-detect interrupt level to the INT1 line.

This field is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. SCICLEARINTLVL Register (Offset = 18h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCICLEARINTLVL is shown in Figure 29-33 and described in Table 29-21.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCICLEARINTLVL register is used to map individual interrupt sources to the INT0 line.

Figure 29-33 SCICLEARINTLVL Register
Table 29-21 SCICLEARINTLVL Register Field Descriptions
31CLRBEINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Bit Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Bit Error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
30CLRPBEINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Physical Bus Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Physical Bus Error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
29CLRCEINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Checksum-error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Checksum-error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
28CLRISFEINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Inconsistent-Sync-Field-Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Inconsistent-Sync-Field-Error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
27CLRNREINTLVLR/W1C0hClear No-Reponse-Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the No-Response-Error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
26CLRFEINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Framing-Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Framing-Error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
25CLROEINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Overrun-Error Interrupt Level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Overrun-Error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
24CLRPEINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Parity Error interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Parity Error interrupt level to the INT0 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
13CLRIDINTLVLR/W1C0hClear ID interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the ID interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
9CLRRXINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Receiver interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the receiver interrupt level to the INT0 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
8CLRTXINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Transmitter interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the transmitter interrupt level to the INT0 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
7CLRTOA3WUSINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Timeout After 3 Wakeup Signals interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the timeout after 3 wakeup signals interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
6CLRTOAWUSINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Timeout After Wakeup Signal interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the the timeout after wakeup interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
4CLRTIMEOUTINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Timeout interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. Writing to this bit maps the timeout interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
1CLRWAKEUPINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Wake-up interrupt level.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. Writing to this bit maps the Wake-up interrupt level to the INT0 line.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line. Writing a 0 to this bit has no effect.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit.
0CLRBRKDTINTLVLR/W1C0hClear Break-detect interrupt level.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. Writing to this bit maps the Break-detect interrupt level to the INT0 line.

This field is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = Interrupt level mapped to INT1 line. Writing a 1 to this bit will map the interrupt to INT0 and clear this bit. SCIFLR Register (Offset = 1Ch) [Reset = 00000904h]

SCIFLR is shown in Figure 29-34 and described in Table 29-22.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIFLR register indicates the current status of the various interrupt sources of the LIN module.

Figure 29-34 SCIFLR Register
Table 29-22 SCIFLR Register Field Descriptions
31BER/W1C0hBit Error Flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set when there has been a bit error. This is detected by the bit monitor in the internal bit monitor. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit
- Reception of a new sync break

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No bit error detected.
1h (R/W) = Bit error detected.
30PBER/W1C0hPhysical Bus Error Flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set when there has been a physical bus error. This is detected by the bit monitor in TED. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit
- Reception of a new sync break

Note: thie PBE will ony be flagged if no sync break can be generated. (because of a bus shortage to VBAT) or if no sync break delimeter can be generated (because of a bus shortage to GND).

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No physiscal bus error detected.
1h (R/W) = Physical bus error detected.
29CER/W1C0hChecksum Error Flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set when there is checksum error detected by a receiving node. The type of checksum to be used depends on the SCIGCR1.CTYPE bit. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit
- Reception of a new sync break

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No Checksum error detected.
1h (R/W) = Checksum error detected.
28ISFER/W1C0hInconsistent Sync Field Error Flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set when there has been an inconsistent Sync Field error detected by the synchronizer during header reception. See the 'Header Reception and Adaptive Baudrate' section for more information. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit
- Reception of a new sync break

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No Inconsistent Sync Field error detected.
1h (R/W) = Inconsistent Sync Field error detected.
27NRER/W1C0hNo-Response Error Flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set when there is no response to a Commander's header completed within TFRAME_MAX. This timeout period is applied for message frames of unknown length (identifiers 0 to 61). This error is detected by the synchronizer of the module. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit
- Reception of a new sync break

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No No-Response error detected.
1h (R/W) = No-Response error detected.
26FER/W1C0hFraming error flag.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. This bit is set when an expected stop bit is not found. In SCI compatible mode, only the first stop bit is checked. The missing stop bit indicates that synchronization with the start bit has been lost and that the character is incorrectly framed. Detection of a framing error causes the SCI to generate an error interrupt if the RXERR INT ENA bit is set. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit
- Reception of a new character (SCI-compatible mode), or frame (LIN mode)
In multibuffer mode the frame is defined in the SCIFORMAT register.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No framing error detected.
1h (R/W) = Framing error detected.
25OER/W1C0hOverrun error flag.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. This bit is set when the transfer of data from SCIRXSHF to SCIRD overwrites unread data already in SCIRD or the RDy buffers. Detection of an overrun error causes the LIN to generate an error interrupt if the SET OE INT bit is one. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No overrun error detected.
1h (R/W) = Overrun error detected.
24PER/W1C0hParity error flag.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. This bit is set when a parity error is detected in the received data. In SCI address-bit mode, the parity is calculated on the data and address bit fields of the received frame. In idle-line mode, only the data is used to calculate parity. An error is generated when a character is received with a mismatch between the number of 1s and its parity bit. For more information on parity checking, see the 'SCI Global Control Register (SCIGCR1)' description. If the parity function is disabled (that is, SCIGCR1.2 = 0), the PE flag is disabled and read as 0. Detection of a parity error causes the LIN to generate an error interrupt if the SET PE INT bit = 1. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Reception of a new charcter (SCI-compatible mode) or frame (LIN mode)
- Writing a 1 to this bit

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No parity error or parity disabled.
1h (R/W) = Parity error detected.
14IDRXFLAGR/W1C0hIdentifier On Receive Flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This flag is set once an identifier is received with an RX match and no ID-parity error. See the 'Message Filtering and Validation' section for more details. When this flag is set it indicates that a new valid identifier has been received on an RX match. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Reading the LINID register
- Writing a 1 to this bit

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No valid ID received.
1h (R/W) = Valid ID RX received in LINID[23:16] on RX match.
13IDTXFLAGR/W1C0hIdentifier On Transmit Flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This flag is set once an identifier is received with a TX match and no ID-parity error. See the 'Message Filtering and Validation' section for more details. When this flag is set it indicates that a new valid identifier has been received on a TX match. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- Setting SWnRESET
- System reset
- Reading the LINID register
- Writing a 1 to this bit

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No valid ID received.
1h (R/W) = Valid ID received in LINID[23:16] on TX match.
12RXWAKER0hReceiver wakeup detect flag.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. The SCI sets this bit to indicate that the data currently in SCIRD is an address. This bit is cleared by:
- RESET bit
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- System reset
- Receipt of a data frame

This bit is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = The data in SCIRD is not an address.
1h (R/W) = The data in SCIRD is an address.
See [1] Section 3.4.4, Sleep Mode for Multiprocessor Communication, on page 16 for more information on using the RXWAKE bit with sleep mode.
11TXEMPTYR1hTransmitter Empty flag.
The value of this flag indicates the contents of the transmitter's buffer register(s) (SCITD/TDy) and shift register (SCITXSHF). In multibuffer mode, this flag indicates the value of the TDx registers and shift register (SCITXSHF). In non multibuffer mode, this flag indicates the value of LINTD0 (byte) and shift register (SCITXSHF). This bit is set by:
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- System reset.

Note: This bit does not cause an interrupt request.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Compatible mode or LIN with no multibuffer:
Transmitter buffer or shift register (or both) are loaded with data.
In LIN mode using multibuffer mode:
Multibuffer or shift register (or all) are loaded with data.

1h (R/W) = Compatible mode or LIN with no multibuffer:
Transmitter buffer and shift registers are both empty.
In LIN mode using multibuffer mode:
Multibuffer and shift registers are all empty.
10TXWAKER/W0hSCI transmitter wakeup method select.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. The TXWAKE bit controls whether the data in SCITD should be sent as an address or data frame using multiprocessor communication format. This bit is set to 1 or 0 by software before a byte is written to SCITD and is cleared by the SCI when data is transferred from SCITD to SCITXSHF or by a system reset. TXWAKE is not cleared by the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7).

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Address-bit mode: Frame to be transmitted will be data (address bit = 0).
Idle-line mode: Frame to be transmitted will be data.

1h (R/W) = Address-bit mode:
Frame to be transmitted will be an address (address bit=1).
Idle-line mode:
Following frame to be transmitted will be an address (writing a 1 to this bit followed by writing dummy data to the SCITD will result in a idle period of 11 bit periods before the next frame is transmitted).
9RXRDYR/W1C0hReceiver ready flag.
In SCI compatibility mode, the receiver sets this bit to indicate that the SCIRD contains new data and is ready to be read by the CPU. In LIN mode, RXRDY is set once a valid frame is received in multibuffer mode, a valid frame being a message frame received with no errors. In non multibuffer mode RXRDY is set for each received byte and will be set for the last byte of the frame if there are no errors. The SCI/LIN generates a receive interrupt when RXRDY flag bit is set
if the interrupt-enable bit is set (SCISETINT.9). RXRDY is cleared by:
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- Setting the SWnRESET
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit
- Reading SCIRD in while in SCI compatibility mode
- Reading last data byte RDy of the response in LIN mode

Note: The RXRDY flag cannot be cleared by reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No new data in SCIRD/RDy.
1h (R/W) = New data ready to be read from SCIRD.
8TXRDYR1hTransmitter buffer register ready flag.
When set, this bit indicates that the transmit buffer(s) register (SCITD in compatibility mode and LINTD0, LINTD1 in MBUF mode) is/are ready to get another character from a CPU write.
In SCI compatibility mode, writing data to SCITD automatically clears this bit. In LIN mode, this bit is cleared once byte 0 (TD0) is written to LINTD0. This bit is set after the data of the TX buffer are shifted into the SCITXSHF register. For devices with a DMA module, this event can trigger a transmit DMA event if the DMA enable bit is set. This bit is set to 1 by:
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- Setting the SWnRESET (SCIGCR1.7)
- System reset

Note: The TXRDY flag cannot be cleared by reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register.

Note: The transmit interrupt request can be eliminated until the next series of data is written into the transmit buffers LINTD0 and LINTD1, by disabling the corresponding interrupt via the SCICLEARINT register or by disabling the transmitter via the TXENA bit (SCIGCR1.25=0).

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Compatible mode: SCITD is full.
LIN mode: The multibuffers are full.

1h (R/W) = Compatible mode: SCITD is ready to receive the next character.
LIN mode: The multibuffers are ready to receive the next character(s).
7TOA3WUSR/W1C0hTimeout After 3 Wakeup Signals flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This flag is set if there is no Sync Break received after 3 wakeup signals and a period of 1.5 seconds have passed. Such expiration time is used before issuing another round of wakeup signals. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No timeout after 3 wakeup signals.
1h (R/W) = Timeout after 3 wakeup signals and 1.5s time.
6TOAWUSR/W1C0hTimeout After Wakeup Signal flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set if there is no Sync Break received after a wakeup signal has been sent. A minimum of 150 ms expiration time is used before issuing another wakeup signal. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No timeout after one wakeup signal (150 ms).
1h (R/W) = Timeout after one wakeup signal.
4TIMEOUTR/W1C0hLIN Bus IDLE timeout flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set if there is no LIN bus activity for at least 4 seconds. LIN bus activity being a transition from recessive to dominant. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No bus idle detected.
1h (R/W) = LIN bus idle detected.
3BUSYR0hBus BUSY flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode and SCI-compatible mode. This bit indicates whether the receiver is in the process of receiving a frame. As soon as the receiver detects the beginning of a start bit, the BUSY bit is set to 1. When the reception of a frame is complete, the BUSY bit is cleared. If SET WAKEUP INT is set and power down is requested while this bit is set, the SCI/LIN automatically prevents low-power mode from being entered and generates wakeup interrupt. The BUSY bit is controlled directly by the SCI receiver but can be cleared by:
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Receiver is not currently receiving a frame.
1h (R/W) = Receiver is currently receiving a frame.
2IDLER1hSCI receiver in idle state.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. While this bit is set, the SCI looks for an idle period to resynchronize itself with the bit stream. The receiver does not receive any data while the bit is set. The bus must be idle for 11 bit periods to clear this bit. The SCI enters this state:
- After a system reset
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- After coming out of power down

This bit is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Idle period detected, the SCI is ready to receive.
1h (R/W) = Idle period not detected, the SCI will not receive any data.
1WAKEUPR/W1C0hWake-up flag.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is set by the SCI/LIN when receiver or transmitter activity has taken the module out of power-down mode. An interrupt is generated if the SET WAKEUP INT bit (SCISETINT.1) is set. This bit is cleared by:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register.
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- Writing a 1 to this bit.

This field is writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Do not wake up from power-down mode.
1h (R/W) = Wake up from power-down mode.
0BRKDTR/W1C0hSCI break-detect flag.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. This bit is set when the SCI detects a break condition on the LINRX pin. A break condition occurs when the LINRX pin remains continuously low for at least 10 bits after a missing first stop bit, that is, after a framing error. Detection of a break condition causes the SCI to generate an error interrupt if the BRKDT INT ENA bit is set. The BRKDT bit is cleared by the following:
- Reading the corresponding interrupt offset in the SCIINTVECT0/1 register.
- Setting the SWnRESET bit (SCIGCR1.7)
- RESET bit (SCIGCR0.0)
- System reset
- By writing a 1 to this bit.

This bit is writable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No break condition detected.
1h (R/W) = Break condition detected. SCIINTVECT0 Register (Offset = 20h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIINTVECT0 is shown in Figure 29-35 and described in Table 29-23.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIINTVECT0 register indicates the offset for the INT0 interrupt line.

Figure 29-35 SCIINTVECT0 Register
Table 29-23 SCIINTVECT0 Register Field Descriptions
4-0INTVECT0R0hInterrupt vector offset for INT0.
This register indicates the offset for interrupt line INT0. A read to this register updates its value to the next highest priority pending interrupt in SCIFLR and clears the flag corresponding to the offset that was read.

Note: The flags for the receive (SCIFLR.9) and the transmit (SCIFLR.8) interrupts cannot be cleared by reading the corresponding offset vector in this register (see detailed description in SCIFLR register).

Reset type: SYSRSn SCIINTVECT1 Register (Offset = 24h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIINTVECT1 is shown in Figure 29-36 and described in Table 29-24.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIINTVECT1 register indicates the offset for the INT1 interrupt line.

Figure 29-36 SCIINTVECT1 Register
Table 29-24 SCIINTVECT1 Register Field Descriptions
4-0INTVECT1R0hInterrupt vector offset for INT1.
This register indicates the offset for interrupt line INT1. A read to this register updates its value to the next highest priority pending interrupt in SCIFLR and clears the flag corresponding to the offset that was read.

Note: The flags for the receive (SCIFLR.9) and the transmit (SCIFLR.8) interrupts cannot be cleared by reading the corresponding offset vector in this register (see detailed description in SCIFLR register).

Reset type: SYSRSn SCIFORMAT Register (Offset = 28h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIFORMAT is shown in Figure 29-37 and described in Table 29-25.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIFORMAT register is used to set up the character and frame lengths.

Figure 29-37 SCIFORMAT Register
Table 29-25 SCIFORMAT Register Field Descriptions
18-16LENGTHR/W0hFrame length control bits.
In LIN mode, these bits indicate the number of bytes in the response field from 1 to 8 bytes. In buffered SCI mode, these bits indicate the number of characters. When these bits are used to indicate LIN response length (SCIGCR1[0] = 1), then when there is an ID RX match, this value should be updated with the expected length of the response. In buffered SCI mode, these bits indicate the number of characters with SCIFORMAT[2:0] bits per character. i.e. these bits indicate the transmitter/receiver format for the number of characters: 1 to 8. There can be up to eight characters with eight bits each.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = The response field has 1 bytes/characters.
1h (R/W) = The response field has 2 bytes/characters.
2h (R/W) = The response field has 3 bytes/characters.
3h (R/W) = The response field has 4 bytes/characters.
4h (R/W) = The response field has 5 bytes/characters.
5h (R/W) = The response field has 6 bytes/characters.
6h (R/W) = The response field has 7 bytes/characters.
7h (R/W) = The response field has 8 bytes/characters.
2-0CHARR/W0hCharacter length control bits.
These bits are effective in SCI compatible mode only. These bits set the SCI character length from 1 to 8 bits.

Note: In compatibility mode or buffered SCI mode, when data of fewer than eight bits in length is received, it is left justified in SCIRD/RDy and padded with trailing zeros. Data read from the SCIRD should be shifted by software to make the received data right justified.

Note: Data written to the SCITD should be right justified but does not need to be padded with leading zeros.

These bits are witable in SCI mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = The character is 1 bits long.
1h (R/W) = The character is 2 bits long.
2h (R/W) = The character is 3 bits long.
3h (R/W) = The character is 4 bits long.
4h (R/W) = The character is 5 bits long.
5h (R/W) = The character is 6 bits long.
6h (R/W) = The character is 7 bits long.
7h (R/W) = The character is 8 bits long. BRSR Register (Offset = 2Ch) [Reset = 00000000h]

BRSR is shown in Figure 29-38 and described in Table 29-26.

Return to the Summary Table.

The BRSR register is used to configure the baud rate of the LIN module.

Figure 29-38 BRSR Register
Table 29-26 BRSR Register Field Descriptions
30-28UR/W0hSuperfractional Divider Selection. (U)
These bits are an additional fractional part for the baudrate specification. These bits allow a super fine tuning of the fractional baudrate with 7 more intermediate values for each of the M fractional divider values. See the Superfractional Divider section for more details.

Reset type: SYSRSn

27-24MR/W0hSCI/LIN 4-bit Fractional Divider Selection. (M)
These bits are effective in LIN or SCI asynchronous mode. These bits are used to select a baud rate for the SCI/LIN module, and they are a fractional part for the baud rate specification. The M divider allows fine-tuning of the baud rate over the P prescaler with 15 additional intermediate values for each of the P integer values.

Reset type: SYSRSn

SCI/LIN 24-bit Integer Prescaler Selection.
These bits are used to select a baudrate for the SCI/LIN module. These bits are effective in LIN mode and SCI compatible mode. The SCI/LIN has an internally generated serial clock determined by the LIN module input clock and the prescalers P and M in this register. The SCI/LIN uses the 24-bit integer prescaler P value to select 1 of over 16,700,000 available baud rates. The additional 4-bit fractional prescaler M refines the baudate selection.

Reset type: SYSRSn

SCI/LIN 24-bit Integer Prescaler Selection.
These bits are used to select a baudrate for the SCI/LIN module. These bits are effective in LIN mode and SCI compatible mode. The SCI/LIN has an internally generated serial clock determined by the LIN module input clock and the prescalers P and M in this register. The SCI/LIN uses the 24-bit integer prescaler P value to select 1 of over 16,700,000 available baud rates. The additional 4-bit fractional prescaler M refines the baudate selection.

Reset type: SYSRSn SCIED Register (Offset = 30h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIED is shown in Figure 29-39 and described in Table 29-27.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIED register is a duplicate copy of SCIRD register that has no affect on the RXRDY flag for use with an emulator.

Figure 29-39 SCIED Register
Table 29-27 SCIED Register Field Descriptions
7-0EDR0hReceiver Emulation Data.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. Reading SCIED(7-0) does not clear the RXRDY flag. This register should be used only by an emulator that must continually read the data buffer without affecting the RXRDY flag.

Reset type: SYSRSn SCIRD Register (Offset = 34h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIRD is shown in Figure 29-40 and described in Table 29-28.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIRD register is where received data is stored and can be read from.

Figure 29-40 SCIRD Register
Table 29-28 SCIRD Register Field Descriptions
7-0RDR0hReceived Data.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. When a frame has been completely received, the data in the frame is transferred from the receiver shift register SCIRXSHF to this register. As this transfer occurs, the RXRDY flag is set and a receive interrupt is generated if RX INT ENA (SCISETINT0.9) is set. When the data is read from SCIRD, the RXRDY flag is automatically cleared.

When the SCI receives data that is fewer than eight bits in length, it loads the data into this register in a left justified format padded with trailing zeros. Therefore, your software should perform a logical shift on the data by the correct number of positions to make it right justified.

Reset type: SYSRSn SCITD Register (Offset = 38h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCITD is shown in Figure 29-41 and described in Table 29-29.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCITD register is where data to be transmitted is written to by application software.

Figure 29-41 SCITD Register
Table 29-29 SCITD Register Field Descriptions
7-0TDR/W0hTransmit data
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. Data to be transmitted is written to this register. The transfer of data from this register to the transmit shift register SCITXSHF sets the TXRDY flag (SCIFLR.8), which indicates that SCITD is ready to be loaded with another byte of data. Note: If TX INT ENA (SCISETINT.8) is set, this data transfer also causes an interrupt.

Note: Data written to the SCIRD register that is fewer than eight bits long must be right justified, but it does not need to be padded with leading zeros.

Reset type: SYSRSn SCIPIO0 Register (Offset = 3Ch) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIPIO0 is shown in Figure 29-42 and described in Table 29-30.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIPIO0 register is used to enable the LINTX and LINRX pins.

Figure 29-42 SCIPIO0 Register
Table 29-30 SCIPIO0 Register Field Descriptions
2TXFUNCR/W0hTransmit pin function.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI mode. This bit defines the function of LINTX pin.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = LINTX pin is disabled.
1h (R/W) = LINTX pin is enabled.
1RXFUNCR/W0hReceive pin function.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI mode. This bit defines the function of the LINRX pin.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = LINRX pin is disabled.
1h (R/W) = LINRX pin is enabled.
0RESERVEDR0hReserved SCIPIO2 Register (Offset = 44h) [Reset = 00000000h]

SCIPIO2 is shown in Figure 29-43 and described in Table 29-31.

Return to the Summary Table.

The SCIPIO2 register indicates the current status of the LINTX and LINRX pins.

Figure 29-43 SCIPIO2 Register
Table 29-31 SCIPIO2 Register Field Descriptions
2TXINR0hTransmit data in.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. This bit contains the current value on the LINTX pin.

Reset type: SYSRSn

1RXINR0hReceive data in.
This bit is effective in LIN or SCI-compatible mode. This bit contains the current value on the LINRX pin.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0RESERVEDR0hReserved LINCOMP Register (Offset = 60h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LINCOMP is shown in Figure 29-44 and described in Table 29-32.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LINCOMPARE register is used to configure the sync delimeter and sync break extension.

Figure 29-44 LINCOMP Register
Table 29-32 LINCOMP Register Field Descriptions
9-8SDELR/W0h2-bit Sync Delimiter compare.
These bits are effective in LIN mode only. These bits are used to configure the number of Tbit for the sync delimiter in the sync field.
The time delay calculation for the synchronization delimiter is:
TSDEL = (SDEL + 1)Tbit

These bits are writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = The sync delimiter has 1 Tbit.
1h (R/W) = The sync delimiter has 2 Tbit.
2h (R/W) = The sync delimiter has 3 Tbit.
3h (R/W) = The sync delimiter has 4 Tbit.
2-0SBREAKR/W0h3-bit Sync Break extend.
LIN mode only. These bits are used to configure the number of Tbits for the sync break to extend the minimum 13 Tbit in the Sync Field to a maximum of 20 Tbit.
The time delay calculation for the sync break is:
TSYNBRK = 13Tbit + SBREAK x Tbit

These bits are writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = The sync break has no additional Tbit.
1h (R/W) = The sync break has 1 additional Tbit.
2h (R/W) = The sync break has 2 additional Tbit.
3h (R/W) = The sync break has 3 additional Tbit.
4h (R/W) = The sync break has 4 additional Tbit.
5h (R/W) = The sync break has 5 additional Tbit.
6h (R/W) = The sync break has 6 additional Tbit.
7h (R/W) = The sync break has 7 additional Tbit. LINRD0 Register (Offset = 64h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LINRD0 is shown in Figure 29-45 and described in Table 29-33.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LINRD0 register contains the lower 4 bytes of the received LIN frame data.

Figure 29-45 LINRD0 Register
Table 29-33 LINRD0 Register Field Descriptions
31-24RD0R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 0
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.
A read of this byte clears the RXDY byte.
Note: RD<x-1> is equivalent to Data byte <x> of the LIN frame.

Reset type: SYSRSn

23-16RD1R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 1.
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.

Reset type: SYSRSn

15-8RD2R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 2.
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.

Reset type: SYSRSn

7-0RD3R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 3.
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.

Reset type: SYSRSn LINRD1 Register (Offset = 68h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LINRD1 is shown in Figure 29-46 and described in Table 29-34.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LINRD1 regsiter contains the upper 4 bytes of the received LIN frame data.

Figure 29-46 LINRD1 Register
Table 29-34 LINRD1 Register Field Descriptions
31-24RD4R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 4
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.

Reset type: SYSRSn

23-16RD5R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 5.
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.

Reset type: SYSRSn

15-8RD6R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 6.
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.

Reset type: SYSRSn

7-0RD7R0h8-bit Receive Buffer 7.
Each response data-byte that is received in the SCIRXSHFT register is transferred to the corresponding RDy register according to the number of bytes received.

Reset type: SYSRSn LINMASK Register (Offset = 6Ch) [Reset = 00000000h]

LINMASK is shown in Figure 29-47 and described in Table 29-35.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LINMASK register is used to configure the masks used for filtering incoming ID messages for receive and transmit frames.

Figure 29-47 LINMASK Register
Table 29-35 LINMASK Register Field Descriptions
23-16RXIDMASKR/W0hReceive ID mask.
This field is effective in LIN mode only.This 8-bit mask is used for filtering an incoming ID message and compare it to the ID-byte. A compare match of the received ID with the RX ID mask will set the ID RX flag and trigger and ID interrupt if enabled. A 0 bit in the mask indicates that bit is compared to the ID-byte. A 1 bit in the mask indicates that that bit is filtered and therefore not used in the compare.

When HGENCTRL is set to 1, this field must be set to 0xFF if the complete ID must be compared.

Reset type: SYSRSn

7-0TXIDMASKR/W0hTransmit ID mask.
This field is effective in LIN mode only. This 8-bit mask is used for filtering an incoming ID message and comparing it to the ID-byte. A compare match of the received ID with the TX ID Mask will set the ID TX flag and trigger an ID interrupt if enabled. A 0 bit in the mask indicates that bit is compared to the ID-byte. A 1 bit in the mask indicates that bit is filtered and therefore not used for the compare.

When HGENCTRL is set to 1, this field must be set to 0xFF if the complete ID must be compared.

Reset type: SYSRSn LINID Register (Offset = 70h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LINID is shown in Figure 29-48 and described in Table 29-36.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LINID register contains the identification fields for LIN communication.
NOTE: For software compatibility with future LIN modules, the HGEN CTRL bit must be set to 1, the RX ID MASK field must be set to FFh, and the TX ID MASK field must be set to FFh.

Figure 29-48 LINID Register
Table 29-36 LINID Register Field Descriptions
23-16RECEIVEDIDR0hReceived ID.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This byte contains the current message identifier. During header reception the received ID is copied from the SCIRXSHF register to this byte if there is no ID-parity error and there has been an RX/TX match.
Note: If a framing error (FE) is detected during ID reception, the received ID will also not be copied to the LINID register.

Reset type: SYSRSn

15-8IDRESPONDERTASKBYTER/W0hID Responder Task byte.
This field is effective in LIN mode only. This byte contains the identifier to which the received ID of an incoming header will be compared in order to decide whether a RX response, a TX response, or no action needs to be done by the LIN node.

These bits are writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

7-0IDBYTER/W0hID byte.
This field is effective in LIN mode only. This byte is the LIN mode message ID. On a Commander node, a write to this register by the CPU initiates a header transmission. For a Responder task, this byte is used for message filtering when HGENCTRL (SCIGCR1.12) is '0'.

These bits are writable in LIN mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn LINTD0 Register (Offset = 74h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LINTD0 is shown in Figure 29-49 and described in Table 29-37.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LINTD0 register contains the lower 4 bytes of the data to be transmitted.
NOTE: TD<x-1> is equivalent to Data byte <x> of the LIN frame.

Figure 29-49 LINTD0 Register
Table 29-37 LINTD0 Register Field Descriptions
31-24TD0R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 0.
Byte 0 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission. Once byte 0 is written in TDO buffer, transmission will be initiated.

Reset type: SYSRSn

23-16TD1R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 1.
Byte 1 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission.

Reset type: SYSRSn

15-8TD2R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 2.
Byte 2 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission.

Reset type: SYSRSn

7-0TD3R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 3.
Byte 3 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission.

Reset type: SYSRSn LINTD1 Register (Offset = 78h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LINTD1 is shown in Figure 29-50 and described in Table 29-38.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LINTD1 register contains the upper 4 bytes of the data to be transmitted.
NOTE: TD<x-1> is equivalent to Data byte <x> of the LIN frame.

Figure 29-50 LINTD1 Register
Table 29-38 LINTD1 Register Field Descriptions
31-24TD4R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 4.
Byte4 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission.

Reset type: SYSRSn

23-16TD5R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 5.
Byte 5 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission.

Reset type: SYSRSn

15-8TD6R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 6.
Byte 6 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission.

Reset type: SYSRSn

7-0TD7R/W0h8-bit Transmit Buffer 7.
Byte 7 to be transmitted is written into this register and then copied to SCITXSHF for transmission.

Reset type: SYSRSn MBRSR Register (Offset = 7Ch) [Reset = 00000DACh]

MBRSR is shown in Figure 29-51 and described in Table 29-39.

Return to the Summary Table.

The MBRSR register is used to configure the expected maximum baud rate of the LIN network.

Figure 29-51 MBRSR Register
Table 29-39 MBRSR Register Field Descriptions
12-0MBRR/WDAChMaximum Baud Rate Prescaler.
This field is effective in LIN mode only. This 13-bit prescaler is used during the synchronization phase (see the 'Header Reception and Adaptive Baudrate' section) of a responder module if the ADAPT bit is set. In this way, a SCI/LIN responder using automatic or select bit rate modes detects any LIN bus legal rate automatically if the measured baud rate is within ±10% of the programmed baud rate.

The MBR value should be programmed to allow a maximum baud rate that is not more than 10% above the expected operating baud rate in the LIN network. Otherwise a s 0x00 data byte could mistakenly be detected as sync break.
The default value is for a 70MHz VCLK and ~18kbps expected baud rate. (0xDAC).
This MBR prescaler is used by the wake-up and idle time counters for a constant expiration time relative to a 20kHz rate.

MBR = VCLK Frequency / (1.1*Expected Baud Rate Frequency)
Note: The MBR field must be written with a 13-bit value. If the calculated MBR exceeds 213 = 8192, either the baud rate or the VCLK frequency must be adjusted for valid operation.

Reset type: SYSRSn IODFTCTRL Register (Offset = 90h) [Reset = 00000500h]

IODFTCTRL is shown in Figure 29-52 and described in Table 29-40.

Return to the Summary Table.

The IODFTCTRL register is used to emulate various error and test conditions.

Figure 29-52 IODFTCTRL Register
Table 29-40 IODFTCTRL Register Field Descriptions
31BERRENAR/W0hBit Errror Enable bit.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is used to create a Bit error. When this bit is set, the bit received is ORed with 1 and passed to the Bit monitor circuitry.

Reset type: SYSRSn

30PBERRENAR/W0hPhysical Bus Error Enable bit.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is used to create a Physical Bus Error. When this bit is set, the bit received during Sync Break field transmission is ORed with 1 and passed to the Bit monitor circuitry

Reset type: SYSRSn

29CERRENAR/W0hChecksum Error Enable bit.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is used to create a checksum error. When this bit is set, the polarity of the CTYPE (checksum type) in the receive checksum calculator is changed so that a checksum error is generated.

Reset type: SYSRSn

28ISFERRENAR/W0hInconsistent Sync Field Error Enable bit.
This bit is effective in LIN mode only. This bit is used to create an ISF error. When this bit is set, the bit widths in the sync field are varied so that the ISF check fails and the error flag is set.

Reset type: SYSRSn

26FERRENAR/W0hThis bit is used to create a Frame Error.
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. When this bit is set, the stop bit received is ANDed with '0' and passed to the stop bit check circuitry.

Reset type: SYSRSn

25PERRENAR/W0hCompatible Mode only
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. This bit is used to create a Parity Error. When this bit is set, in compatible mode, the parity bit received is toggled so that a parity error occurs.

Reset type: SYSRSn

24BRKDTERRENAR/W0hCompatible Mode only
This bit is effective in SCI-compatible mode only. This bit is used to create BRKDT error (SCI mode only). When this bit is set, the stop bit of the frame is ANDed with '0' and passed to the RSM so that a frame error occurs. Then the RX Pin is forced to continuous low for 10 Tbits so that a BRKDT error occurs.

Reset type: SYSRSn

20-19PINSAMPLEMASKR/W0hPin sample mask.
These bits define the sample number at which the TX Pin value that is being transmitted will be inverted to verify the receive pin samples correctly with the majority detection circuitry.
Note: During IODFT mode testing for the pin sample mask, the prescalar P must be programmed to be greater than 2.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No Mask
1h (R/W) = Invert the TX Pin value at TBIT_CENTER
2h (R/W) = Invert the TX Pin value at TBIT_CENTER + SCLK
3h (R/W) = Invert the TX Pin value at TBIT_CENTER + 2 SCLK
18-16TXSHIFTR/W0hTransmit shift.
These bits define the delay by which the value on LINTX is delayed so that the value on LINRX is asynchronous. (Not applicable to Start Bit)

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No Delay
1h (R/W) = Delay by 1 SCLK
2h (R/W) = Delay by 2 SCLK
3h (R/W) = Delay by 3 SCLK
4h (R/W) = Delay by 4 SCLK
5h (R/W) = Delay by 5 SCLK
6h (R/W) = Delay by 6 SCLK
7h (R/W) = Delay by 7 SCLK
11-8IODFTENAR/W5hIO DFT Enable Key
This field is used to enable the IODFT mode of the SCI/LIN module for testing.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
1h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
2h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
3h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
4h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
5h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
6h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
7h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
8h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
9h (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
Ah (R/W) = IODFT is enabled
Bh (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
Ch (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
Dh (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
Eh (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
Fh (R/W) = IODFT is disabled
1LPBENAR/W0hModule loopback enable.
In analog loopback mode the complete communication path through the I/Os can be tested, whereas in digital loopback mode the I/O buffers are excluded from this path.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Digital loopback is enabled.
1h (R/W) = Analog loopback is enabled in module I/O DFT mode (when IODFTENA = 1010)
0RXPENAR/W0hModule Analog loopback through receive pin enable.
This bit defines whether the I/O buffers for the transmit or the receive pin are included in the communication path in analog loopback mode only.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = Analog loopback through the transmit pin is enabled.
1h (R/W) = Analog loopback through the receive pin is enabled. LIN_GLB_INT_EN Register (Offset = E0h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LIN_GLB_INT_EN is shown in Figure 29-53 and described in Table 29-41.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LIN_GLB_INT_EN register is used to enable the INT0 and INT1 interrupt lines to propagate to the PIE block.

Figure 29-53 LIN_GLB_INT_EN Register
Table 29-41 LIN_GLB_INT_EN Register Field Descriptions
1GLBINT1_ENR/W0hGlobal Interrupt Enable for LIN INT1.
This bit determines whether the INT1 interrupt line generates an interrupt to the PIE or not

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = LIN INT1 line does not generate an interrupt to the PIE.
1h (R/W) = LIN INT1 line generates an interrupt to the PIE if an enabled interrupt condition occurs.
0GLBINT0_ENR/W0hGlobal Interrupt Enable for LIN INT0.
This bit determines whether the INT0 interrupt line generates an interrupt to the PIE or not.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = LIN INT0 line does not generate an interrupt to the PIE.
1h (R/W) = LIN INT0 line generates an interrupt to the PIE if an enabled interrupt condition occurs. LIN_GLB_INT_FLG Register (Offset = E4h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LIN_GLB_INT_FLG is shown in Figure 29-54 and described in Table 29-42.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LIN_GLB_INT_FLG register contains the current status of the INT0 and INT1 flags.

Figure 29-54 LIN_GLB_INT_FLG Register
Table 29-42 LIN_GLB_INT_FLG Register Field Descriptions
1INT1_FLGR0hGlobal Interrupt Flag for LIN INT1.
This bit indicates if an interrupt was generated to the PIE due to an enabled interrupt on the INT1 interrupt line. Refer to the LIN Interrupt Status Register for the condition that generated the interrupt.
This bit can be cleared by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the LIN_GLB_INT_CLR register.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No interrupt is active on the INT1 line.
1h (R/W) = An interrupt was generated due to an enabled interrupt on the INT1 interrupt line.
0INT0_FLGR0hGlobal Interrupt Flag for LIN INT0.
This bit indicates if an interrupt was generated to the PIE due to an enabled interrupt on the INT0 interrupt line. Refer to the LIN Interrupt Status Register for the condition that generated the interrupt.
This bit can be cleared by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the LIN_GLB_INT_CLR register.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0h (R/W) = No interrupt is active on the INT0 line.
1h (R/W) = An interrupt was generated due to an enabled interrupt on the INT0 interrupt line. LIN_GLB_INT_CLR Register (Offset = E8h) [Reset = 00000000h]

LIN_GLB_INT_CLR is shown in Figure 29-55 and described in Table 29-43.

Return to the Summary Table.

The LIN_GLB_INT_CLR register is used to clear the interrupt flags in LIN_GLB_INT_FLG register.

Figure 29-55 LIN_GLB_INT_CLR Register
Table 29-43 LIN_GLB_INT_CLR Register Field Descriptions
1INT1_FLG_CLRR/W1C0hGlobal Interrupt flag clear for LIN INT1.
This bit is used to clear the corresponding bit in the LIN_GLB_INT_FLG register. Write 1 to clear the INT1_FLG bit. Writing 0 has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn

0INT0_FLG_CLRR/W1C0hGlobal Interrupt flag clear for LIN INT0.
This bit is used to clear the corresponding bit in the LIN_GLB_INT_FLG register. Write 1 to clear the INT0_FLG bit. Writing 0 has no effect.

Reset type: SYSRSn