SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
FILE: erad_ex3_stackoverflow.c
This example shows the basic setup of CAN in order to transmit and receive messages on the CAN bus. The CAN peripheral is configured to transmit messages with a specific CAN ID. A message is then transmitted once per second, using a simple delay loop for timing. The message that is sent is a 2 byte message that contains an incrementing pattern.
This example sets up the CAN controller in External Loopback test mode. Data transmitted is visible on the CANTXA pin and is received internally back to the CAN Core.
A buffer is created to store message history up to 50 messages for the duration of the program. A logic error is intentionally made to allow the buffer to overflow, eventually causing a stack overflow. The included JavaScript file, stack_overflow.js, programs ERAD registers in order to detect the stack overflow and halt the CPU once the illegal write is made. The illegal write is made after 507 messages are received.
To properly use the provided ERAD script, the following variables must be set in the scripting environment prior to launching the ERAD script:
The included JavaScript file, erad_ex3_stack_overflow.js, uses Debug Server Scripting (DSS) features. For information on using the DSS, please visit: http://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/users_guide/sdto_dss_handbook.html
This example uses 1 HW watchpoint :
External Connections
Watch Variables
Profiling Script Output