SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
The Read Byte and Read Word messages (Figure 27-6) consist of a target address, a command word, received data bytes from a target, and an optional PEC byte. Address and command acknowledgment is configured through the PMBTCR register. In automatic mode, the PMBus module provides a data ready and data request interrupt following receipt of a repeated start and target address. The received command byte is found in bits 7-0 of the PMBRXBUF register. The firmware responds to the data request by programming the data bytes into the PMBTXBUF register and the TX Byte Count bits in the PMBTCR register. If PEC processing is enabled, the Transmit PEC bit must also be asserted. An EOM interrupt indicates completion of the message to the Controller.
When the repeated start (Sr) signal is received, the Data Ready bit is asserted with a RD_BYTE_COUNT of 1. At this point, the operation cannot be distinguished from a group command Send Byte message. When the same device address is sent out with a read, the Data Request bit is asserted. If data has already been written to the PMTXBUF register before the Device Address is received, the Data Request bit is not asserted. So if group commands are also expected, read the Data Ready with a RD_BYTE_COUNT of 1, and then wait and see whether the next event is an EOM or a Data Request. If the event is an EOM, the command must be processed as a group send byte. If the event is a Data Request, the command must be processed as a read. Depending on the command, the event can be a read byte, word, or block. If the PMBus module is polled, both the Data Ready and the Data Request bits can possibly be set between polling intervals. This must be considered in the design of the firmware.
Once the read command is recognized, you must respond by writing data to the PMBTXBUF register. Make sure that the values in the PMBTCR register are correct. The transmit byte count and PEC bit must be set appropriately. For a read byte, the transmit byte count can be loaded with a 1. If the transmission of a PEC byte is desired, the TX_PEC bit must be set. After this, the data can be written to PMBTXBUF, which starts the transmission. All bytes must be written to PMBTXBUF at the same time. After the controller receives the message, the controller NACKs the last byte to indicate that the correct number of bytes have been received. This causes the EOM bit to be set in the PMBSTS register, indicating to the firmware that the Read Byte message is complete.