SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
For CAN FD operation mode, the MCAN core requires an external timestamp counter (see Figure 28-12). An externally generated 16-bit vector can substitute the integrated 16-bit CAN bit time counter (internal timestamp counter) for receive and transmit timestamp generation. An external 16-bit timestamp counter can be used by programming the MCAN_TSCC.TSS field.
The external timestamp counter uses the interface clock (MCANx_ICLK) as a reference clock. The MCAN core accepts a 16-bit timestamp. A 24-bit prescaler provides a programmable resolution for the timestamp (see MCANSS_EXT_TS_PRESCALER.PRESCALER bit field). The external timestamp counter can be enabled or disabled through the MCANSS_CTRL.EXT_TS_CNTR_EN bit. When disabled, the counter is reset back to zero. While enabled, the counter keeps incrementing. When the timestamp rolls over, the MCAN_IRQ_TS interrupt is generated.
When the timestamp rolls over, the MCANSS_IRS register is set. The MCANSS_IE register can be affected by writing to the MCANSS_IESS register to set or to the MCANSS_IECS register to clear. The MCANSS_IESS register is a shadow register mapped to the same address as the MCANSS_IE register. The level interrupt is a reflection of both MCANSS_IRS and MCANSS_IE being set. The MCANSS_IES register reflects the level interrupt. When a rollover event occurs, the interrupt counter is incremented. Writing to the MCANSS_ICS register to clear the MCANSS_IRS register also decrements the interrupt counter. Writing to the MCANSS_EOI register issues another pulse, if the interrupt counter is not zero.
The rollover event can be artificially simulated by software through writing to the Interrupt Set Shadow register (MCANSS_ISS). The MCANSS_ISS register is a shadow register mapped to the same address as the MCANSS_IRS register.