SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
At the end of each ADC sample conversion, the PPB updates the partial result registers ADCPPBxPSUM, ADCPPBxPMIN, and ADCPPBxPMAX with the newly processed conversion result from the ADCPPBxRESULT register, and the partial conversion count register (ADCPPBxPCOUNT) increments by 1. When the partial conversion count equals the limit defined in ADCPPBxLIMIT, or the PPB receives a hardware or software sync signal, the PPB takes the following actions:
The PPB can also be configured to generate an oversampling interrupt when there is a hardware or software sync event. To trigger an OSINTx pulse when a sync event occurs, write 1 to the OSINTSEL bit in the ADCPPBxCONFIG2 register.
The PPB can automatically compute the average of the accumulated samples if ADCPPBxLIMIT is set to a power of 2 (up to a maximum of 1024 samples). To perform automatic averaging over 2n samples, set the SHIFT field in the ADCPPBxCONFIG2 register to n. When this field is set, the PPB divides the value of ADCPPBxPSUM by 2n before loading into ADCPPBxSUM.
To compute an average from the accumulated sum when the number of samples is not a power of 2, divide the value of ADCPPBxSUM by the value of ADCPPBxCOUNT using the CPU.