SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
When transmitter delay compensation is enabled (by programming MCAN_DBTP.TDC = 1), the measurement is started within each transmitted CAN FD frame at the falling edge of FDF bit to bit r0. The measurement is stopped when this edge is seen at the receive input RX pin of the transmitter. The resolution of this measurement is one mtq (see Figure 28-7). The mtq (minimum time quantum) dimension is equal to the CAN clock period (MCAN_FCLK).
The use of a transmitter delay compensation filter window can be enabled by programming the MCAN_TDCR.TDCF field. This filter feature defines a minimum value for the SSP position to avoid the case in which a dominant glitch inside the received FDF bit ends the delay compensation measurement before the falling edge of the received res bit, resulting in an early taken SSP position. Dominant edges on the RX pin that result in an earlier SSP position are ignored for transmitter delay measurement. The measurement is stopped when the SSP position is at least MCAN_TDCR.TDCF field and the RX pin is low.
The following boundary conditions must be considered: