SPRUJ53B April 2024 – September 2024 TMS320F28P550SG , TMS320F28P550SJ , TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1
The process of converting an analog voltage to a digital value is broken down into an S+H phase and a conversion phase. The ADC sample and hold circuits (S+H) are clocked by SYSCLK while the ADC conversion process is clocked by ADCCLK. ADCCLK is generated by dividing down SYSCLK based on the PRESCALE field in the ADCCTL2 register.
The S+H duration is the value of the ACQPS field of the SOC being converted, plus one, times the SYSCLK period. The user must make sure that this duration exceeds both 1 ADCCLK period and the minimum S+H duration specified in the data sheet. The conversion time is approximately14 ADCCLK cycles (with sample cap reset inactive) or 15 ADCCLK cycles (with sample cap reset active). The exact conversion time is always a whole number of SYSCLK cycles. See the timing diagrams and tables in Section 15.12.1 for exact timings.