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The TDA4AP-Q1/TDA4VP-Q1/TDA4AH-Q1/TDA4VH-Q1 EVM is a standalone test, development, and evaluation module which gives developers the basic resources to develop software and evaluate performance of the Jacinto7 processor. The J784S4 is a super-set processor/device available in different configurations targeted for different markets and applications (TDA4AP-Q1, TDA4VP-Q1, TDA4AH-Q1, TDA4VH-Q1). This user’s guide describes the hardware, settings, and interfaces of the EVM.
The TDA4AP-Q1/TDA4VP-Q1/TDA4AH-Q1/TDA4VH-Q1 EVM kit includes:
An EVM power supply is NOT included. For more information on the types of supplies recommended with the EVM, see Section 2.1.
The EVM's orderable part number is: J784S4XG01EVM.
Below are the EVM’s key features:
There is elevated heat on the processor/heatsink, use caution particularly at elevated ambient temperatures! Although the processor/heatsink is not a burn hazard, caution should be used when handling the EVM due to increased heat in the area of the heatsink.