SPRUJB8 April   2024


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Reference Material
    2. 1.2 Function Listing Format
  5. 2TMS320F28P65x Flash API Overview
    1. 2.1 Introduction
    2. 2.2 API Overview
    3. 2.3 Using API
      1. 2.3.1 Initialization Flow
        1. After Device Power Up
        2. Flash Wrapper and Bank Setup
        3. On System Frequency Change
      2. 2.3.2 Building With the API
        1. Object Library Files
        2. Distribution Files
      3. 2.3.3 Key Facts for Flash API Usage
  6. 3API Functions
    1. 3.1 Initialization Functions
      1. 3.1.1 Fapi_initializeAPI()
    2. 3.2 Flash State Machine Functions
      1. 3.2.1  Fapi_setActiveFlashBank()
      2. 3.2.2  Fapi_setupBankSectorEnable()
      3. 3.2.3  Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress()
      4. 3.2.4  Fapi_issueBankEraseCommand()
      5. 3.2.5  Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand()
      6. 3.2.6  Fapi_issueProgrammingCommandForEccAddresses()
      7. 3.2.7  Fapi_issueAutoEcc512ProgrammingCommand()
      8. 3.2.8  Fapi_issueDataAndEcc512ProgrammingCommand()
      9. 3.2.9  Fapi_issueDataOnly512ProgrammingCommand()
      10. 3.2.10 Fapi_issueEccOnly64ProgrammingCommand()
      11. 3.2.11 Fapi_issueAsyncCommand()
      12. 3.2.12 Fapi_checkFsmForReady()
      13. 3.2.13 Fapi_getFsmStatus()
    3. 3.3 Read Functions
      1. 3.3.1 Fapi_doBlankCheck()
      2. 3.3.2 Fapi_doVerify()
    4. 3.4 Informational Functions
      1. 3.4.1 Fapi_getLibraryInfo()
    5. 3.5 Utility Functions
      1. 3.5.1 Fapi_flushPipeline()
      2. 3.5.2 Fapi_calculateEcc()
      3. 3.5.3 Fapi_isAddressEcc()
      4. 3.5.4 Fapi_remapEccAddress()
      5. 3.5.5 Fapi_calculateFletcherChecksum()
  7. 4Recommended FSM Flows
    1. 4.1 New Devices From Factory
    2. 4.2 Recommended Erase Flow
    3. 4.3 Recommended Bank Erase Flow
    4. 4.4 Recommended Program Flow
  8.   A Flash State Machine Commands
  9.   B Typedefs, Defines, Enumerations and Structure
    1.     B.1 Type Definitions
    2.     B.2 Defines
    3.     B.3 Enumerations
      1.      B.3.1 Fapi_FlashProgrammingCommandsType
      2.      B.3.2 Fapi_FlashBankType
      3.      B.3.3 Fapi_FlashStateCommandsType
      4.      B.3.4 Fapi_StatusType
      5.      B.3.5 Fapi_ApiProductionStatusType
    4.     B.4 Structures
      1.      B.4.1 Fapi_FlashStatusWordType
      2.      B.4.2 Fapi_LibraryInfoType
  10.   C Summary of Changes From v3.00.01 to v3.00.02


This lists the different production status values possible for the API.

typedef enum { 
Alpha_Internal,           /* For internal TI use only. Not intended to be used by customers */ 
Alpha,                    /* Early Engineering release. May not be functionally complete */ 
Beta_Internal,            /* For internal TI use only. Not intended to be used by customers */ 
Beta,                     /* Functionally complete, to be used for testing and validation */ 
Production                /* Fully validated, functionally complete, ready for production use */ 
} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED Fapi_ApiProductionStatusType;