SPRUJB8 April 2024
This is the master type containing all possible returned status codes.
typedef enum {
Fapi_Status_Success=0, /* Function completed successfully */
Fapi_Status_FsmBusy, /* FSM is Busy */
Fapi_Status_FsmReady, /* FSM is Ready */
Fapi_Status_AsyncBusy, /* Async function operation is Busy */
Fapi_Status_AsyncComplete, /* Async function operation is Complete */
Fapi_Error_Fail=500, /* Generic Function Fail code */
Fapi_Error_StateMachineTimeout, /* State machine polling never returned ready and timed out */
Fapi_Error_OtpChecksumMismatch, /* Returned if OTP checksum does not match expected value */
Fapi_Error_InvalidDelayValue, /* Returned if the Calculated RWAIT value exceeds 15 - Legacy Error */
Fapi_Error_InvalidHclkValue, /* Returned if FClk is above max FClk value - FClk is a calculated from HClk and RWAIT/EWAIT */
Fapi_Error_InvalidCpu, /* Returned if the specified Cpu does not exist */
Fapi_Error_InvalidBank, /* Returned if the specified bank does not exist */
Fapi_Error_InvalidAddress, /* Returned if the specified Address does not exist in Flash or OTP */
Fapi_Error_InvalidReadMode, /* Returned if the specified read mode does not exist */
Fapi_Error_FeatureNotAvailable, /* FMC feature is not available on this device */
Fapi_Error_FlashRegsNotWritable, /* Returned if Flash registers are not writable due to security */
Fapi_Error_InvalidCPUID /* Returned if OTP has an invalid CPUID */