SPRZ455D december 2020 – june 2023 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
MSMC: Cache Resize to 0 Refreshes Tags instead of Updating them
Data corruption (MSMC returning all 0's) occurs upon changing MSMC L3$ Size from non-zero to zero and back to non-zero for lines that previously had cached dirty data in MSMC's L3$ (DDR). A 0->N configuration directly after release of MSMC reset is not impacted by this issue.
MSMC internal cache resize transactions are always marked as non-allocating misses. Tags are only updated with new values on allocating misses and hits. This results in cache resize operations leaving the tags unchanged, while zeroing out the underlying data.
Because all existing TAGs remain in MSMC when changing L3 Cache Size but data is zeroed, subsequent reads to these previously cached lines will see all 0's returned for data.
Reset MSMC after L3 Cache is resized from N to 0 and prior to resizing L3 from 0 to X. This workaround preserves data because the L3 Cache Size N -> 0 transition forces data into DDR allowing DDR (in self refresh) to contain valid data.