SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
The data structures are listed in tables throughout this chapter. The Byte Index is the offset from the pointer to that structure. Multibyte fields are little endian, and 16-bit halfword or 32-bit word alignment as given by the field size is required. For bit numbering, 0 is the LSB. The R/W column is used as follows:
R: The system CPU can read a result back; the radio CPU does not read the field.
W: The system CPU writes a value, the radio CPU reads it and does not modify it.
R/W: The system CPU writes an initial value, the radio CPU may modify it.
For data structures that are a specialization of another data structure, the fields from the parent structure are not repeated, but the Byte Index column reflects their presence.
The only mandatory field for all commands is the command ID number, which is a 16-bit number sent as the first 2 bytes of the command structure.
Some immediate commands have additional fields, which are defined for each command. The radio operation commands have additional mandatory fields as defined in Table 26-9.
All command fields marked as Reserved should be written to 0.